New "dating" challenge for the rest of April! Do you want to join in the fun?

+18 votes

We had so much fun with our dating challenge two weeks ago, we've decided to continue the same kind of thing this week!

This time, we're going to look for profiles without dates that have one of the surnames in your family branches. For example, one of my favorite names to watch over is "Hauser," so I would enter the following in WikiTree+ under Search > Text Search: 

b0 d0 AllLastNames=Hauser orphan open 

(click here to see what that looks like on WikiTree+. This query will help you find all orphaned profiles with no dates and Open privacy for whatever name you enter)

Post an answer below telling us what surname you're working on and how many undated profiles you found with that name.

Then come join us on Zoom on Friday (19 Apr) at 4 pm EDT (2000 GMT), and we'll share our successes! 

You can also join other "daters" on the Friday Date Night Discord channel all week long to get or give help and celebrate those dating victories!

Friday Date Night Logo

<-- Click that button right there to visit the Friday Date Night free-space page to see what you should do when you find a living person or can't find a date. There's a bunch of other helpful info there, too. 

in The Tree House by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (492k points)

P.S. Share the spread the word!

15 Answers

+16 votes
I'm going to start out with "Coursen." There are 20 Open and orphaned profiles with that last name.
by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (492k points)

... the first Coursen was a dead end.

... the second Coursen ended up being a duplicate of her sibling! Woot!

I suspect most of these are going to be the result of the DeCoursey GEDCOM, so I will find a lot of satisfaction in improving these profiles.
+14 votes
I'm going to try Dodge. There are only 11, but it's a start.
by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Very doable! :-D
+14 votes

I will work on the Buch surname. None and done.

I will work on the Gray surname. 444 profiles.

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
Thanks, Tommy!
+13 votes
Will work on Jacksons. There are 377 so should be able to find dates for some of them.
by Patricia Roche G2G6 Pilot (848k points)
Fantastic!! And good luck -- those might be a little challenging
That they are.  just did a family group that was so confusing because each family group had the same names over and over.  Finally figured out which group they all where. and got them dated.
That's a gratifying feeling! Well done.
+11 votes
I'm going to try to date some of the 75 Wilkinson profiles.
by Eric Perkins G2G6 Mach 3 (31.4k points)
Thanks, Eric, and good luck!!
This one is tougher than I expected. Only got one so far....
+11 votes
I'm gonna work on McVey.  There are 14 of them.
by Judith Fry G2G6 Mach 8 (86.9k points)
Thanks, Judith, and good luck!

I got them all done but one.  Not sure what I can do with it.  It is Unknown McVey and their is no other information than the name and that it was created on 14 Sep 2010 by import of 124-DeCoursey.ged


Now, I will work on Ruble. There are 4 of them.

Okay, they're done.

I just merged that Unknown McVey with another orphaned male McVey that came in w/ the DeCoursey GEDCOM. yes

ETA: And now he has a family!

Still working on his wife -- I think I know who she is but need proof.

Thank you Julie!!
Next up---Eversole for 5


Next---Hooker at 9
+9 votes

(Evidently I still wasn't seeing right 3 hours later since I hit the wrong button to post! Re-Posted to here.)

Got up at 7pm after connecting 609 (is that a palladrome?) in the Thon as I wanted to see the news from the Thon. Saw this fun little challenge & thought "Why not?". I did a mass adoption of Brunson's a few months ago & thought that it would be quickly do-able if there were any Orphans & they could be quickly dispatched. WRONG!!! This is me we are talking about! LOL!

A search of "Brunson" gives me 2 Orphan profiles; a small quickly do-able number. Until I focused in on the profiles:

image H image imageimage imageimage
Eulalia Mae Brunson Female image Orphan Connected: PublicTree 124 views
image H image imageimage imageimage
UNKNOWN Brunson Male image Orphan Unconnected: 18 pr. tree40557 102 views

After a quick rip search, I found I will need to do a deeper dive for Eulalia Mae Brunson-12 but UNKNOWN Brunson-13 has netted me 3 hours of quick research & have gone from his profile showing nothing but a spouses name to his profile being completely filled out, sourced & as soon as I hit send, will be connected to the Tree. Working on parents unsourced profiles & lacking data now. Will update on the progress later. Unfortunately, so far the only things the 2 Orphans have in common, besides needing to be dated, are the LNAB Brunson & their consecutive early WTID numbers.

by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
As of 5am, Brunson-13 is no longer UNKNOWN Brunson-13 & not connected to the Tree. He is now Patie Morgan Brunson-13 and connected to the Tree. Worked on sourcing & dating parents & siblings, cleaned GEDCOM's as well as updated source information on FamilySearch for this family. Haven't looked at Eulalia yet; will do that once I go to bed & get up again.

I never made it to bed because I was just going to "do a quick check" on how detailed Eulalia was & decided she would be quick to finish: wrong, not quick! But she & her husband are now complete after having had GEDCOMs cleaned, sources attached, profiles dated & both sets of parents attached.

That's great, Pat!! laugh It's so hard to step away sometimes, isn't it?!

+9 votes

I'm going to work on Hayes -- 271 open (a gazillion not open). I'll see y'all in a couple of years...wink

by Kathy Zipperer G2G6 Pilot (481k points)
We'll miss you, Kathy! lol
+10 votes
I'm going to work on "Gould", but there are 77 without dates, hang on, this will take some time!
by Janine Barber G2G6 Pilot (236k points)
Good luck, Janine! Check in when you come up for air!
+8 votes

My 1st time trying this I worked on the Nance surname. There were 6 and are now done.

by Sonia Roberts G2G3 (3.7k points)
Thanks, Sonia!
+8 votes

There was a single Hautala profile that came up under that search - birth date added so far.

Moving to Rutherford - 7 profiles

by Susan Hautala G2G6 Mach 2 (21.2k points)
edited by Susan Hautala
That's great! Thanks, Susan.
+7 votes
I didn't have a lot of time tonight, so i added locations to my Taylor and Tucker surnames searches and added dates to 5 profiles.
by Donna Baumann G2G6 Mach 6 (61.3k points)
+7 votes
I am going to do Alford.  There are 33.
by Deena Cross G2G6 Mach 5 (51.5k points)
Good luck, Deena!
+7 votes
I checked Macklem and there were zero profiles. I then checked Bartley and found 6 profiles so I will try to work on them.
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (404k points)
That's great, Liza!! And good luck!
+6 votes
I can across something very interesting that I added to G2G. I went to "Arthur" as last name for our Friday date night. It has 9. Great. I check out [[Arthur-10|Ethel Arthur]]. I found her with [[Coldwell-368|Levi Coldwell Jr]] children. Why Arthur as last name? I went to Charles Coldwell profile to check out the families census to see if Ethel was on any of them. She is not.  More curious got to me.  As I was looking at his children,  Charles Coldwell didn't have dates. So, I went into his. Very strange about that one. This is why I went to G2G form. He has NO WikiTree ID. Only his name Nothing on his bio. Below his name reads Coldwell-370 created 28 Feb 2010. Private I check out Coldwell- 370 No dates plus no bio.  Very strange. Why? No Wikitree ID for Charles?  Down the rabbit hole I go.  I will tell you what happened tomorrow.
by Anne Fiordalisi G2G6 Mach 6 (69.5k points)
I think maybe somehow she should be with the "Arthur" family. Her "mother" is [[Arthur-5 Clara Blanche Arthur]]Coldwell.   I am checking out Clara's family to see if Ethel Arthur is somewhere in that family. down the rabbit hole I go. Plus some doesn't have dates so I will look into that also.  Lets see what happens

Hi, Anne -- 

I just visited that family, and I have to wonder if Ethel's last name should be "Coldwell." (I haven't looked for records yet, though)

My thoughts are that when the profile was created, it might have been added using the link to "add child" from the mother's profile, and it accidentally picked up the mother's maiden name instead of the father's surname.

Just a thought and a clue to look for records using "Ethel Coldwell." smiley

Good luck!

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