Help us build links back to WikiTree! Link Builders Challenge (Apr 2024) [closed]

+15 votes

Hi, WikiTreers!

WikiTree has pledged to stay 100% free forever. This means we have to keep costs ultra-low, and can't spend money on advertising. Link building is a way to spread the word about WikiTree and bring in new members. It's also great "cousin bait." 

We do link building, for example, by adding the WikiTree profile id for an ancestor to Wikidata or by adding a profile url to an IMDb page. There are more ideas on the Link Builders Challenge space page, including some WikiTree+ example searches

Answer this post to let us know you'd like to participate. 

  1. Pick an ancestor to focus on
  2. Add a link back to WikiTree on external websites (these are just a few ideas):
    1. Wikidata
    2. FindAGrave (not the URL, but the profile id can be left in a comment on a "flower")
    3. FamilySearch
    4. Ancestry (leave a comment on a BMD source record)
    5. Industry sites:
      1. IMDb
      2. Discogs
    6. Fandom sites:
      1. Wookieepedia
      2. Tardis Wiki
    7. Trove (leave a comment on a highlighted article)
    8. (leave a comment on an older obit)
  3. Edit the ancestor profile, add a link to Wikidata/Wikipedia if it doesn't already exist, for example. (use template: {{Wikidata|Q123|enwiki}} this will link to Wikidata and the Wikipedia article. Or, add a source if one is needed.
    1. Use the challenge tracker! Aleš so kindly added an option for us to add multiple words to the comment section after you select "Link Builders"!

  1. Please select as many words on the list as needed, we can then do stats based on those specific words: 

There is a how-to video for adding links for some websites here: How you can link to WikiTree Play the How you can link to WikiTree.

Score sheet

Discord channel:

Cubicle Party! 

Each month join us for a Cubicle Party on Zoom where we'll work together, share tips, tricks, and stories. 

If there is interest in another time, drop me an email and if there are others interested I'll get something setup 

Link to playlist of the cubicle party recordings on YouTube!                                                                                                                                                                                                              

~ Amy, Azure, Eowyn, and Sandy

WikiTree profile: Space:Link_Builders_Challenge
in The Tree House by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (574k points)
closed by Azure Robinson

Wikidata 41
FindAGrave 721
FamilySearch 1316
IMDb 14
Ancestry 47
Fandom 1
Other 5
Trove 25

12 Answers

+13 votes
I’ll be in for April.
by Eric Perkins G2G6 Mach 3 (31.4k points)
Great to have you join in again, Eric!
+13 votes
Yes, I’m in! I’m already on FamilySearch a lot, why not add the link while I’m there :-)
by Elaine Martzen G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
That's great Elaine, thanks so much!!
+11 votes
Count me in!
by M Gillies G2G6 Mach 5 (59.0k points)
Awesome, thanks for joining in, M!
+11 votes
I'm in for April.

by Stephanie Hill G2G6 Mach 4 (48.7k points)
Great to have you join in again, Stephanie!
+10 votes
I'm in again for April.  


by Staci Golladay G2G6 Mach 6 (64.6k points)
Sweet, thanks, Staci!
+10 votes
Yes, I’ll do some
by Charlene Mulligan G2G6 Mach 2 (20.6k points)
Wonderful, thanks for joining again, Charlene!
+10 votes
I’m in for April!
by Jenn Lorence G2G6 Mach 1 (16.5k points)
Yay! Thanks for coming back for April, Jenn!
+9 votes
Count me in for April!!
by Bob Land G2G6 Mach 2 (20.7k points)
Thanks for joining in again, Bob!
+8 votes
I'd like to have a go.

Just spent over an hour but managed to put flowers on two different FindAGrave profiles as per instructions. Hope I can remember how to repeat the process tomorrow. :-)
by Sandra Williamson G2G6 Mach 3 (31.8k points)
That's wonderful, thanks for joining in, Sandra!
+8 votes
I will not have time to join the challenge this month but I have recently added back links from Wikipedia to a One-Place Study and individual profiles on WikiTree
by Steve Serowka G2G6 (6.5k points)
That's awesome, thanks Steve!
+7 votes
For the links we track, For the links we share, Go forth and share Wikitree with one and all.
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (460k points)
+3 votes
Only a week left, but I'll do some!
by Laura Ward G2G6 Mach 4 (47.7k points)
Thanks for joining in again, Laura!

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