USBH Weekend Sprint--Help us create 1880 Census Nebraska Families!

+10 votes

Welcome to US Black Heritage Project's Weekend Sprint!

Who can pitch in? Everyone!

How much do you have to do? As little or as much as you can. It all adds up.

Friday, March 8 through Sunday, March 10

Goal: In collaboration with the Nebraska Days Challenge, to work together to create profiles for all the Black Americans enumerated on the 1880 US Census for Nebraska.


  • Post an answer below that you would like to join in the fun. 
  • Go to our midwestern Google Spreadsheet and read the directions on tab 1 on how to proceed. 
  • Find the two tabs for Nebraska.
  • Put your Wiki-ID in Column A next to the first person whose family you will be creating profiles for so others will know you are working on it. 
  • After you create the profile, add the new Wiki-ID in Column B. 
  • Please complete the entire family for each household, including unrelated people before moving to the next person. We want a profile for everyone. We are only specifically creating profiles for Black members of the household, but you are welcome to enumerate the entire household, regardless of race, as you wish. 
  • Please add  {{African-American Sticker}} to each profile of Black Americans.
  • When you create a profile for an unrelated person who has no family attached, please add the category [[Category: US Black Heritage Project, Family Tree Size One]]. We have regular sprints to connect people in this category to their family.
  • Please try to find at least one additional source to assure more accurate information, to confirm they should have the {{African-American Sticker}}, and to find last names at birth for the adult women. If you can't find any other sources, please go ahead and create the profile based on this census alone.
  • Add a location category based on the 1880 census. Some of the locations are tricky based on time period, so if the category doesn't exist, please ask in g2g for help. Sometimes you have to use the county level location category.
  • US Census records are wonderful because they almost always give approximate birth year and the state where they were born. Birth locations are very important to our work. 
  • You can orphan the profiles after you've finished if you wish.

If you'd like to sign up for the Nebraska Days Challenge, head over to their sign up

Before: 2,111 Profiles need to be created

After: 1749 Profiles need to be created

That's +362 profiles. Amazing work! We'll keep going in March until this state is finished. 

in The Tree House by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
edited by Emma MacBeath

8 Answers

+11 votes
I'd be happy to join!
by Kristen Stiefel G2G6 Mach 1 (10.4k points)
Thanks, Kristen!
+10 votes
Count me in for a few.
by Gina Jarvi G2G6 Pilot (148k points)
Thanks, Gina!
+10 votes
I'll jump in once New Hampshire is finished.
by Kate Schmidt G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
Just blazing through those states. Go, Kate!
+9 votes
A lot of my own family is from Nebraska, so I plan to work on this state throughout March.
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+8 votes
Ditto what my alter ego Kate S said...just a few more in New Hampshire then will head over to Nebraska (thankfully not in a covered wagon!)
by Katie Bryant G2G6 Mach 6 (63.4k points)

I think a luxury motor home sounds like a better idealaughThen we can all ride together. Thanks, Katie!

+8 votes
I'll help! It'll be good to have a change of scenery for a little bit :-)
by Amy Johnson G2G6 Mach 6 (63.0k points)
Thanks, Amy. Enjoy the view!
+8 votes
I'll help add a few cornhuskers!
by Naomi Van Tol G2G6 (9.0k points)
Thanks, Naomi!
+6 votes
I'll help out.
by Miyako Jones G2G6 Mach 4 (41.4k points)
Thanks, Miyako!

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