Is there a way i can get the CC7 change tracker to tell me who ISN'T connected anymore?

+9 votes
My CC7 count just dropped by 17.  I can see from the chart that in comparison to last week, i have 9 fewer connections at 6 degrees (now down to 733) and 8 fewer connections at 7 degrees (now down to 1,271).  

I think it is unlikely that i could identify the missing connections just by perusing the list of the 733 and the 1,271 remaining connections.  Is there a way i can see the changes that AREN'T additions?

in WikiTree Tech by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (291k points)
Shirlea, I have also wondered if this is possible as a way to check for errors being introduced into the tree. Hopefully the tech people will answer this.

1 Answer

+5 votes

You could try the CC7 Changes feature of WBE.  I'd love to say that it will do exactly what you're asking for, but I know some people have had some issues with it... You can try it, anyway.  Unfortunately, it won't help you in this case.  It starts keeping a track of your CC7 and changes to it after you enable it, so it won't be able to tell you what happened last week.  

by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (322k points)
I use WBE all the time since it became available (THANK YOU IAN!), and I check the WBE CC7 tracker every time i see my CC7 number move.  It is wonderful at showing me additions to my connections list.  It doesn't seem to show deletions, at least not with my current limited knowledge of how to use it.

I wonder if there is a way it or something similar to it could show deletions?  as T Stanton commented above, it could help monitor for errors.

In that vein, i will mention that some time back i noticed that an active WT member who is my 12th cousin suddenly wasn't related to me anymore.  By trying to figure out what happened, we indeed saw an error that had been introduced into the tree.

Thus I would like to check into these 17 profiles that aren't on my connection list anymore.  It could be a valid correction of inaccurate data (YAY!), or it could be a merge of duplicates who were already connected via a different path (double YAY!) or it could be a brand new accidental error.  I was hoping there was a way 'in' to figure out which these 17 profiles are.  I'm going to guess that just one change detached all 17 of them, but until we can see them, who knows?

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