Origins of Lars Pehrsson, born 1754 or 1757 in Möklinta, Västmanland

+6 votes

Actually I think I've found his origins, but there are some inconsistencies and I have a gap between when the Lars that's connected to his parents in Möklinta vanishes after 1784 and the Lars that's connected to his wife in By appears in 1791.  There are no moving records in either parish that cover that time period.  On top of that, the later Lars first appears with a birth year of 1757 instead of 1754, though that gets changed to 1754 after a few moves.  Finally, Lars' birth record says his mother was Anna Olsdotter, but his death record says it was Anna Ersdotter.  

I think Ersdotter was probably an error, but I really want to close that 7 year gap to be sure it's all the same person.  

I flipped through every page of the Möklinta HHE book for 1785-1794 and did not find him, so I think he may have moved to By in 1784.  Before I search every page of the By 1786-1795 HHE books (443 pages in 2 volumes!) does anyone know if ArkivDigital indexes go back that far?  If so could someone with a subscription do a search for me?  

I've written up everything that I've found in his profile, between the biography and the research notes.  

Tusen tack!

WikiTree profile: Lars Pehrsson
in Genealogy Help by Ben Griffith G2G6 Mach 1 (17.4k points)

I found him arriving in Åsen in 1788, and his birth year is correctly listed as 1754.  That helps, but I really wanted to see the communion records stop in one location and pick right up in the other.  Now the gap is only his last 3-4 years in Möklinta.

Given the searching that I've done without finding any indication that there was more than one Lars Pehrsson/Persson born in Möklinta in 1754 (and none in 1757), I'm convinced that I'm looking at just one person.  His mother's last name must have been recorded incorrectly when he died.  

I updated his bio with the new sources.  I'll incorporate all the earlier ones from the research notes soon, as well as fix his parents' profiles (including correcting his mother's name).  

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
No, the ArkivDigital index for the household records still only covers 1800-1947. In the early part of the range you may be lucky if the book that includes 1800 starts a lot earlier. In the later part there may be not-yet-indexed records (recently scanned, I presume).

The clerical errors in the data for Lars Persson are fairly typical for the time and area: birth years in household records are often unreliable and patronymics of parents in death records are often wrong - for mothers in particular. But it happens with fathers as well, when someone mistakenly assumes a regular shift and makes the father of Lars Persson into Per Larsson - which happens to be true in this case, but could just as well have been Per Persson or Per Andersson.

I think you have done a good job of piecing him together.
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (583k points)
selected by Ben Griffith
Thank you Eva.  I have seen errors like that before but the combination of the wrong name for his mother and the wrong birth date made me question this one more.  Then for a long time I couldn't find anything in Möklinta beyond his birth record and first HHE entry.  

Well now I'll be able to solidify his parents' profiles and go at least one more generation back since he lived with both sets of grandparents.

Gott nytt år till dig!
+6 votes

Not really an answer, but I noted that in the profile you have this text:
" in the village of Cappelansgården"

I would not call that a village, since Cappelansgården means something like "the Chaplain's homestead".

by Per Larsson G2G1 (1.2k points)
Thanks Per.  I should have known that.  I was rushing so I could go to sleep because it was late and I had just searched through pages 258-443 of the HHE and of course found what I was looking for on pages 426 and 430 instead of maybe 150 pages earlier!

Gott nytt år till dig!
And if you had started from the back, what you sought would probably have been near the front ;-)

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