When connections plummet - how find the break? [closed]

+9 votes
oh woe is me....

I worked so hard to get my CC7/connections up to 1000 over the last year. Last week it was sitting at something like 1006. I just happened to glance at it this morning and it's down to 649 ! That's a significant drop, and I assume it's because someone chopped off a major branch of my tree.

How might I best go about finding which limb got severed?

Any ideas?

Many thanks.
closed with the note: Found it! *I* did it! (or rather my request of admin did it)
in WikiTree Help by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (923k points)
closed by Jillaine Smith
Wouldn't there be something in your Family Activity Feed that would tip you off to a severed limb?

If that's no help, the only other thing I can think of would be to open your Tree Apps tab to look at five generations back, and then go one by one through the Tree Apps of all those fifth-gen ancestors.  You would have to know what you should be expecting to see for those ancestors.
I just looked through months of family activity feed; nothing jumps out. But it occurs to me that might not show up on my family activity feed if I'm not on the Trusted List for profiles on the branch that was cut off.

2 Answers

+4 votes
Perhaps someone has a better suggestion, but I also find this tricky to sleuth out (although I haven't had a pruning like that before!)

Does your Connection Count History page confirm the drop was in the last week? https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:ConnectionCounts&action=history

My only other suggestion is to review your recent Family Activity Feed under connections:


But nothing is jumping out at me.
by Matthew Sullivan G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
Thanks, I took a look at both the connections feed and the family activity feed. Nothing.
P.S. Thanks for the link to the connections count history. It dropped between 29 August and 5 September.
+6 votes
The CC7 Views tree app has a 'Modified' column in the table.  You can click the header to sort the table by that column.  You can find which of the profiles were modified most recently.  'Modified' would include things like the profile having had family members detached from it.
by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (320k points)
Where can I access the "CC7 Views tree app" please?
found it.
To find what you're looking for, you'll want to load your whole CC7 into the table.
This helped nudge my memory. But it's interesting that it did not show up in my family activity feed.

*I* was the cause of the downfall. (Slap to forehead.)

After reading about a policy that did not exist at the time I created profiles for some close (and living) family members, I asked Admin to delete some profiles of living people from whom I did not have explicit permission (my siblings and their spouses; one niece).

This detached me from several branches-- for example, I'd worked my brother-in-law's LEWIN line back MANY generations, AND through my niece, I was connected to the famous Musk family. That profile deletion alone probably caused the massive drop.

So I'll have to figure out how to bring my CC7 back up without involving living people.

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