2023 Mighty Maple Leaves Source-A-Thon Chat

+9 votes

Welcome everyone to the Mighty Maple Leaves team chat for the 2023 Source-A-Thon!

You must register by answering this G2G post.

The marathon starts Friday, September 29 at 8AM EDT (Noon UTC) and runs until Monday, October 2 at 8AM EDT (Noon UTC).

Check out the Source-A-Thon Help page to see how it all works.

You can post your questions here or let us know what or where you will be working... there are lots of unsourced profiles to go around! 

We also have a channel for joining the Live chat on Discord! Find us under TEAMS, #team-canada.

Most of all, have fun as we work together to make the one tree better smiley

WikiTree profile: Space:Mighty_Maple_Leaves
in The Tree House by Christine Daniels G2G6 Pilot (173k points)

Hey Team!! A couple of notes in preparation for the Source-A-Thon!!

From the Source-A-Thon Help page:

How to Participate 

Participating means removing profiles from the Unsourced Profiles category. They cannot be new profiles that you create.

Select an Open (white) profile from anywhere in the category or one of its subcategories and search for sources to back up the facts of the person's life.

Valid sources include census records, BMD records/index references, military documents, land documents, wills, etc. A source cannot be another user-generated family tree, such as Geni or an Ancestry Member Tree.

When you find a source:

  1. Edit the profile to add the source, according to our Sources guide.
  2. Remove the {{Unsourced}} Research Note Box tag.
  3. Save the profile and click the Challenge Tracker button.
  4. On the Challenge Tracker, select the Source-a-Thon checkbox.

If you don't find a source after searching, considering adding Research Notes saying where you looked. For example: "Looked for John in the US Census records for 1900-1940 and couldn't find him on FamilySearch or Ancestry." This way the next researcher knows where to start.

If you are looking for Unsourced Profiles and you like to work geographically, there are several Canadian options.

The Canada, Unsourced Profiles category has subcategories for:

  • Acadian (38 profiles)
  • Alberta (62)
  • British Columbia (77)
  • First Peoples (4)
  • Manitoba (22)
  • New Brunswick (432)
  • Newfoundland (635)
  • Nova Scotia (807)
  • Ontario (1623)
  • Prince Edward Island (22)
  • Québec (2219)
  • Saskatchewan (19)
  • Canada, Ayer Name Study (5)
  • Yukon (3)
I'm going to be really slow this afternoon, I just discovered an entire duplicated family!

I'm going to be proposing many merges

Most of the duplicates are unsourced, and its a bonus as they would likely not have been discovered as they are all Smiths from Caledon, Ontario.
Great work as always!!

9 Answers

+6 votes
Well come on September 29.  Let's make some "unsourced" categories disappear this year.
by Matthew Evans G2G6 Mach 7 (75.2k points)
+7 votes
Quick question - I found a family of unsourced people with no direct link to Canada that I can see - can I save them for this event or should we stick to Canadian profiles?
by Donna Henley G2G6 Mach 2 (27.8k points)
Donna, you can work on unsourced profiles from anywhere in the world.
I believe you can work on any profiles, credit for sourcing them goes to the team you are on regardless of where the family is located.
+5 votes
Hello there fellow MM Leaves! I will be working, as usual, on unsourced profiles from Quebec, in the 1800-1899 time period mostly. There are around 5000 profiles currently in 4 unsourced categories that show up in WT+ just for that time period so I will be as busy as I want to be.

Good luck and happy sourcing everyone!
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (404k points)
+5 votes
I'll be continuing with my wanderings through the early settlers of the following Ontario counties Niagara, Halton, Peel, Dufferin and Wellington, Leeds and Grenville, and Simcoe County locations.

Many early families are completely unsourced.
by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (760k points)
+4 votes

Hello team! This is my first source-a-thon so I'm not quite sure what I'm doing. I think I'll try to focus on the Eastern Townships of Quebec in the mid-late 1800s, How would I go about easily identifying unsourced profiles in that area? Dumb question #2...in the unsourced profiles navigation box for Quebec (or any region for that matter) what is the difference between the top 2 rows? One says, "Category:Québec, Unsourced Profiles" and the other says, "Location: Québec, Category:Unsourced Profiles.  Thanks!  

by Nancy Harris G2G6 Mach 1 (12.8k points)
Hi Nancy!!

The first row is for profiles that have been placed in the Quebec, Unsourced Profiles category.

The second row is for profiles which are unsourced AND have a location (birth, marriage, death) as Quebec.

Does that make sense?
So the first row is for those that are 'presumed' to be Quebec related, but don't have any key specifics? Do I have that right?

Usually those profiles have some connection to Quebec, if it isn't obvious look at the parents, siblings, etc.

If you find info to the contrary, you can always change the category.

Here is the link to the Canada, Maintenance Categories

OK. Thanks!
+4 votes
I am a bit unsure how to add my bib to my profile, thanks. Can't seem to find a thread on it, New at this
by Ruth Cook G2G4 (4.6k points)

Hi Ruth!

This is a like the blind leading the blind because I am new at this too, but here is a link that might work: 


Somehow I managed to muddle my way through so hopefully you can too.

+4 votes
I registered and I managed to follow the instructions and tweak the code to get the bib on my profile page but am not showing up on the list of team members.

by Jane Embleton G2G6 (8.7k points)
I'm sorry no one has responded to you yet Jane! Are you on Discord? Perhaps you could ask on there?  Or send a PM to the team captain, Christine Daniels?
I sent her a PM yesterday. I am not very fond of Discord. I will try.
Discord is dreadful on my pc. I did a trial run a week ago and had to uninstall it. Today is not a lot better even from within my browser. I had to create a new account. Now it wants to verify my account by phone. I am not providing my phone number I logged out and when I tried to login again it wanted my phone number. So much for Discord. It certainly is.
That's unfortunate! I did post earlier on the team discord thread that you had asked a question on this page and you were concerned that you weren't showing up on the team list. One person responded that they would look into it if the team captain didn't get to it first (although it sounds like she is still at work).
Good news Jane....someone on the Discord channel checked and you are confirmed as being registed and on the Canadian team. Your bib is #697. So you're all set to go.
I am also blocked by discord this morning
+5 votes
Hello Team,

Because of my personal connections, I'll be most interested in Unsourced profiles in Wentworth, Brant and Norfolk Counties in the 1800's. I'll have limited time to work on this due to work and family commitments, but I'll do what I can!
by Jason Wallace G2G6 Mach 1 (17.7k points)
+3 votes
sorry. help. I found a source for a profile and removed the unsourced tag and clicked the challenge tracker button but where can I see if this has all been logged?
by Jane Embleton G2G6 (8.7k points)

Hi Jane!!!

First go to the Challenge tracker.

Scroll down to our team and find yourself in the list. Beside your name are two links, History and Tracking.

History takes you to your contribution list.

Tracking shows what you have tracked for the Source-a-Thon.

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