Losing improvements in profile.

+5 votes
I am losing improvements/changes I am making to my profiles. I had the problem a few days ago. I stopped using "save draft," and only use "Full save" to avoid problems.

I looked "Changes." There are only two changes listed, but I worked on this all morning, making many additions to sources and content.

Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?
WikiTree profile: John McAlister
in WikiTree Tech by Donna Hughes G2G6 Mach 1 (10.6k points)
It looks ok. Your change history shows a couple of </ref>  </ref> at the beginning of the bio.

I don't see that now but I don't see the <ref> ...</ref> at the beginning either. I am not great with the coding but wonder if it can cause an issue. I myself would be interested to know.

If you go to edit mode it looks like the data doctors flagged the issue but it doesn't really explain the save problem. I would like to know as well.

1 Answer

+7 votes
Best answer

Hi Donna. Sorry to hear that you have lost work.

When you do a full save, the result should be the profile as edited, with a prominent banner at the top, like this:

Changes Saved banner screenshot

Do you remember whether you saw this? If you did, but the changes you made are not visible on the profile, there could be a system bug, or perhaps more likely, an error in formatting the biography text (like mismatched ref tags) has hidden the changes you made.

If the banner pictured above was not present, then for some reason the full save has not actually been done, or has not worked.

In any case, I would suggest that for a little while each time you do a full save you check that the banner is present. It might also be a good idea to look immediately at the Changes for the profile after each full save, to confirm that the edit you have just done is listed there.

by Jim Richardson G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Great suggestions.  I would also copy and paste all the changes made into a separate note, document or maybe take a screenshot if there are many changes to the profile.
A save may be stopped from completing if your internet is disconnected while editing or if there is some sort of error in the text, but there should be a warning message if that happens.

Did you see any sort of warning or banner when you saved?
Thanks, but I'm referring to a general situation, not to one specific issue.

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