How to get in touch with mentors after being (unjustly) blocked?

+21 votes


I have been blocked and I have been so far unable to find out why exactly and what to do about it to resolve it amicably. I am a veteran Wikitreer with hundreds of profiles including pre-1700s created without a single complaint or issue in the last 6 years. Yesterday I created a batch of profiles for the same family and the same sources. Before I could finish the batch, I was already blocked and I am unable to finish the edits. My guess is that I was blocked because the dozen or so profiles which I was editing did not yet have sources at the time I was blocked. Normally my procedure is to set up the profiles first, then upload the sources (normally PDF documents), then link the profiles with the uploaded sources. The entire process normally takes me around 8 hours to complete. The problem is that I got blocked before I could complete the profiles. I emailed "". Someone did come back and said a mentor would be in contact. However that did not happen  as of yet. So I had no choice but to open a second account, just so that I can ask this question on the forum.

In case you are interested in further details, my blocked user ID is Dressel-197. The profiles I was adding when I was blocked were upstream from Luder-57. The profiles are sourced from respected academic sources and from church records. All of the profiles are related to my own family, i.e. direct ancestors and their close family. I did not edit pre-existing profiles. I did base the bulk of the profiles on the following source:

This book is published by the German Lutheriden Society, which is a century-old society whose sole aim is to research the genealogy surrounding Dr. Martin Luther. I think that this book is highly reliable as a basis for putting up related profiles on Wikitree. If a mentor were to disagree I would be very happy to take any constructive criticism on board.

However I obviously can only interact with mentors and the Wikitree community if I am not blocked.

I would like to make the suggestion that in similar cases as mine, a member should never be blocked altogether from Wikitree. Maybe their ability to edit profiles could be temporarily suspended, but their ability to post simple questions in order to resolve a misunderstanding, such as this one, should never be taken away from them.

Can someone please also help me to get my account, plus my pre-1700s badge reinstated please.

If anyone were to look at any of the hundreds of profiles which I have created over the last 6 years, then surely there cannot be any question that all my work is properly sourced. Not only do it use the proper citations. Normally I also make PDF documents with the original sources available. I also normally go to the effort of transcribing all of the Latin text which is inevitable in pre-1700s sources and translate it to English. So please see any of the profiles which I created prior to 8/16/2023 to see the sourcing standard of my work. As I have said that after 8/16/2023 the block unfortunately has prevented me from completing the profiles with uploaded original sources (as PDF or JPG).

I would be very grateful for your kind assistance!

Best regards,


WikiTree profile: M. Ralph NN
in The Tree House by Maximilian von Liechtenstein G2G Crew (760 points)
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1 Answer

+23 votes
Hi Maximilian, sorry to hear that, A mediator or mentor will be in touch with you soon,
by Richard Devlin G2G6 Pilot (511k points)

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