Help Connect US Black Heritage Project Notables August 2023!

+11 votes

All of these U.S. Black Heritage Project Notables, born in the month of August, need to be connected to the Global Family Tree.  Can you help by adding profiles of family members until a connection to the Global Tree is made?

The current tree size and CC7* as of 23 July are shown for each profile.  During the month of August we will update the tree sizes weekly for those still unconnected so we can all see any progress made.   Even if a connection is not made, adding even a single profile to a family is helpful and appreciated!

The ten notables selected for this month, in order of their birthdays, are: (tree updates as of 6 Aug2023)

  • 5 Aug: Ja’Net Dubois, sitcom “Good Times” actress and singer, CC7:  19, tree: 2  8

  • 9 Aug:  Annie Malone, businesswoman, inventor, CC7: 29   34,   tree: 30

  • 14 Aug:  Magic Johnson, basketball superstar, CC7: 100,  tree:  2  15

  • 14 Aug: Ethel Payne, “First Lady of the Black Press”, CC7: 2  49, tree: 3  19

  • 15 Aug: Biddie Mason, nurse, philanthropist, church founder, CC7: 1  25, tree: 2  11

  • 21 Aug:  Count Basie, bandleader, composer, CC7: 46  57 , tree: 47 48

  • 29 Aug:  Otis Boykin, electronics inventor, CC7: 14  46, tree: 13 45

If you want to add family to a living Notable, please create the family profile first and send me a request to link the two profiles.

As always, please add the {{African-American Sticker}} to any profiles of African-American people, and if you add photographs, make sure they're in the public domain.

For more unconnected USBH Notables profiles, and up-to-date links to this post and the current USBH Connection Challenge, check out the US Black Heritage Connectors Page.

*Tree sizes do not include private profiles or profiles connected thru the private profile.  CC7 does include private profiles, but may not include all profiles in large or extended trees.


in The Tree House by Katie Bryant G2G6 Mach 6 (63.4k points)
edited by Katie Bryant
Thanks everyone for your work so far this month, I've updated the numbers and we've expanded almost all of the trees and connected one already.

2 Answers

+9 votes
I'll work on Coy Bacon.
by Amy Johnson G2G6 Mach 6 (63.0k points)
Thanks Amy, good luck!!
Coy Bacon is now connected! (I lucked into only needing to create profiles for his mother and step-father.) Happy dance!
Love it when that happens!  Its great to start off the month with a connection already, thank you and congrats!!
+9 votes
I'll work on Magic Johnson
by Stacey Martin G2G6 (6.7k points)
Thanks Stacey!  It's not an easy one but you may be able to connect some dots and have a breakthrough.  Good luck!!
Well his tree is larger and we added his wife's tree as well (which is in Alabama and much easier to research) but no connection :(  I now remember why i hate researching my own Mississippi few online records.
Wow, Stacey, you really helped knock his CC7 up there to 100!

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