Suggestions News and Updates (July 16th 2023) [closed]

+15 votes


  • Continued rescan of the external links, that were ok in initiall scan.
  • No Challenge due to the Thon.
  • To find profiles added during the connectathon use use profile search and search for ProfileList="ConnectAThon\202303" or click here . And on results, you can click Suggestions. There is a data only for 2/3 of the profiles. The rest will be checked next week. It seems we made cca 9000 suggestions. To check only the profiles you created add Creator_Trtnik-2 to the search query and look for suggestions from those profiles.

Previous News

  • Refined locations for Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. See:
  • Added operator relation=... to the search. This is kind of an operator that performs relation on the profiles on the left side of the operator. Magic Words: father, mother, parents, spouses, children, siblings, nuclear replace the result with the relatives. If you want to retain the starting profiles in the results, you can use the same relations with the add prefix (addfather, addmother, addparents, addspouses, addchildren, addsiblings, addnuclear). The relation is limited to 100000 profiles. That means that the query on the left side must have less than 100K profiles. Examples:

    Tudor-18 relation=children

    Tudor-18 relation=parents relation=parents

    Trtnik-4 relation=nuclear relation=nuclear relation=nuclear

    Trtnik-4 relation=addnuclear relation=addnuclear relation=addnuclear

    Puritan_Great_Migration relation=children Country="United States" Not Puritan_Great_Migration Not birthCountry="United States"

    unconnected england 17cen male relation=spouses france female

    b1730 england relation=spouses france

  • Wrote some more help on search execution order. See Help:WikiTree_Plus#Search_priority
  • Added SearchLog: at the bottom of the search results, where you can see some numbers in complex queries.
  • Changed external link manipulation to exactly match the WikiTree. This will resolve the full URLs (https://...) within the link. There are also some minor changes in links content resulting in many links marked as new. But overall number of link suggestions dropped.
  • I added new suggestion 971 Missing image indicating a use of an image in the biography, that doesn't exist.
  • Added a link on WT+ on Category items (search and navigate pages) to category history report. It is a link on letter T next to the location pin after the category name.
  • Added gender to WT+ search index. You can now search for MaleFemale and NoGender
  • Added magic word ApprovedMerge that returns profiles where the merge was approved and can be completed. PendingMerge now returns only profiles, that are waiting for the approval.


No challenge due to connect-a-thon.

closed with the note: Outdated
in The Tree House by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (818k points)
closed by Aleš Trtnik

1 Answer

+6 votes
Fantastic links Aleš! Thanks so much. While adding Creator_Noland-165 only came up with 18 of the profiles that I created during the thon - maybe missing the ones from the wee hours of Sunday night/Monday morning? - using just Creator_Noland-165 & clicking Suggestions pulled up a bunch of errors that I had managed to miss before orphaning profiles created in earlier thons.

I know what I'm doing this week LOL.
by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (643k points)

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