Need category for the “Battle of Fairmont” U.S. Civil War

+7 votes

Hi Wikitreers and Civil War Project members,

Maybe it exists but unlikely as I’ve checked thoroughly but a small request. Is it possible to create a category for this battle? 

The following is quoted from Col. Fox's account of the regiment: "Companies D and F were captured, April 29, 1863, at Fairmount, W. Va., where they defended a railroad bridge for several hours against a large force of Confederates. The captured men were immediately released on parole. 

Thank you

Note: many battle categories exist but this pertains directly with the 106th New York Regt. 

See Category: United States Civil War Conflicts

in The Tree House by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (706k points)
retagged by Andrew Simpier

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Is this engagement officially considered to be a battle or a raid?
by Alan Galusha G2G5 (5.8k points)
selected by Andrew Simpier

Per the West Virginia Archives and History link provided 

“The Battle Of Fairmont

Three Hours Desperate Fighting!

300 Unionists Against 6,000 Rebels.

Fairmont, Va., May 4, 1863.”

It was a rebel raid but seems consensus is a short battle? The battle flag of the 106th Also has Fairmont on it but it looks like alt. spelling

Good answer because the word Rebel Raid is used in conjunction with battle for this event 

Edit: fixed typos

Companies D and F captured on April 29th not May 4th however


Also the category is for conflicts ?

Category: United States Civil War Conflicts

The free space page doesn’t even mention it how odd

I think "engagements" (i.e., instances of active hostilities) would be a better term than "conflicts" when referring to military confrontations.

The Fairmont engagement is also not listed in the:

1) List of American Civil War Battles classified by the CWSAC. Or,

2) Troop Engagements of the American Civil War, 1863 collated and compiled from War Department Records.

Civil War engagements consisting of Confederate Cavalry operations are typically referred to as raids, cf. Chambersburg Raid, Stoneman's Raid, Wilson-Kautz Raid, Beefsteak Raid.

So the Fairmont engagement should probably be called the Fairmont Raid, because it was an operation of Confederate General William E. Jones's 7th Virginia Cavalry Regiment.

That's the following categories added:

1) "Jones' Raid in West Virginia" subcategory of "United States Civil War Conflicts",

2) "Fairmont Engagement" subcategory of "Jones' Raid in West Virginia", and,

3) "106th Regiment, New York Infantry, United States Civil War" subcategory of "Fairmont Engagement".

Thank you very much appreciated
Adding the veterans who were taken prisoner of war at the Fairmont Engagement. Maybe more information and sources can be added to the Fairmont Engagement category. I’ve added those who have sources showing Captured at Fairmont in Company D. Still adding vets
+4 votes

Category: Fairmont Engagement added to the following pages:

1) 106th New York Infantry Regiment Company D

2) 106th New York Infantry Regiment Company F

Also, I think it would be useful to add a subcategory to Category: 106th Regiment, New York Infantry, United States Civil War for each of its Companies.

by Alan Galusha G2G5 (5.8k points)
edited by Alan Galusha

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