What do columns mean in New Mexico 1841 census? (Mexican record)

+4 votes

I'm trying to figure out what the column headings are. I'm hoping they could provide some useful info.

Here is a link to the Ancestry image (for those who have a subscription).

Here is a free to view version of that page.

The column headings look like:

Nombres (names), ? (age), Sefir? (sex), Cir. (Marital status?), Ofo. ?, fur. ?

The last two columns are the ones I'm most curious about. They seem like they could have abbreviations for occupations.

WikiTree profile: Jose Lopez
in Genealogy Help by Rob Pavey G2G6 Pilot (218k points)

If you look at image 16 it has more detailed column names:

Anos, Sexos, Estados, Oficios, Totales

So I'm trying to figure out what the abbreviations on my page in the Oficias column mean

After names …

Edad -> age

Sehos -> gender [the “h” is in place of “x”]

(Abbreviation?) -> marital status, c, Casado=married, s, soltero/a =single, v or Vdo/a=widower, widow

Ofa -> occupation; L = Labrador (laborer), cos = costurena, seamtress, use a translator for the other words (look at other pages with the terms spelled out)
Thanks George, that is very helpful.

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