Program not recognizing sex at birth gender hence cannot add children

+8 votes
The program is not recognizing the answer to the “sex at birth” question and because of that I cannot add my children to my profile
in The Tree House by Pheobe Hoskins G2G Crew (370 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Welcome to G2G, Pheobe. As is usual for living people we cannot see details of your profile. However, it is possible to see that there are already two private living children attached to it, a son and a daughter. Could you please explain the problem further (without details of the living people)?
Pheobe, can you tell us what is happening when you try to complete the "sex at birth" field?  Are you just selecting one of the multiple choice answers, or are you entering something else?  Getting any sort of message or diagnostic?
I am having the problem adding a dead girl to dead parents. There is no choice to click as there was, in adding her sister a half hour earlier.  The item is highlighted green I click the arrow, nothing! I click the space, nothing! I click the green title SEX AT BIRTH. It is blank.

 Return the traditional program PLEASE & require biological sex at birth, or UNKNOWN, and do not add the silly incorrect pronouns.  I had to create a new version of the profile page to replace “they” with SHE.

She is one person. They would be two or more!  Also the two sex profile pink and blue head is unacceptable!

How do I get the Sex space to show me Male/Female ?!?   Maybe it is broken!

This is taking so long!
It sounds like a technical problem, not related to gender politics. But since that has been raised: people have the right to choose their own identity and their own pronouns, and when they do they deserve respect. It is good that WikiTree has moved towards allowing for this.

1 Answer

+4 votes
Please advise which beginner tutorial I should return to. I tried to enter my children to my profile and message says cannot add due to gender unknown on a parent.

I started ignorantly entering data instead of searching for profiles. Do I need to start over? And how?

I entered (probably doubled) in-laws trying to build data for my kids when their father is estranged but living.

I also started creating profiles on my ancestors and I know a second cousin has done extensive work-not know if on here.

Now I’m realizing the connection base of this site, so need help cleaning it up.
by VaLera Washburn G2G Crew (320 points)

Hi VaLera. The beginner tutorials are listed here:

If they do not help, I suggest you ask a brand new G2G question, instead of answering an old one as you have done here. To ask a new question, go to this link:

VaLera - it is YOUR sex at birth that is missing.  If you set that to either male or female until after you add your children, you can revert it to neither afterwards.

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