how to search for african americans only

+8 votes
in The Tree House by Lisa McKeown G2G Crew (550 points)

1 Answer

+11 votes
Hi Lisa! One way is to go to:

Scroll about half-way down on the left, click "Search," replace "Ljubljana Trtnik" with "African-American" or "African American Weatherall" (or whatever name you want), and click "Get Profiles."
by Elaine Martzen G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
Keep in mind that most profiles on the WikiTree do not identify a race. The search results will a very small portion of the real number of individuals on the WikiTree.

Kitty is correct. However, African-Americans are a special case on WT because we have the US Black Heritage Project (and other WTers) working to add new profiles and identify previously-made profiles in order to honor heritage and create family connections. The WT Plus search above will show profiles with the {{African-American Sticker}}. We have nearly 110,000 of those, and if I had to guess, maybe 30,000 African-Americans don’t have the sticker yet. This is a very rough estimate.

Hi Elaine,  I used the search engine you suggested and the result for "African-American" was 

Query African-American: 966 suggestions.

One thousand suggestions is a lot smaller than 110,000.  Is there a better search?  
Sure, you have to scroll a little further down the screen when you first open WT Plus. There's a separate button, not under the Suggestions header, called "Search". Click that, and it unfolds a new spot to enter text.
I'm going to add this search technique on our welcome page Lisa mentioned above. A lot of people have started asking how they can search just for their Black family by last name. This is the only way I know how to do it since we don't have a race field on WikiTree.

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