Couples that actually married twice to the same person, how do I add them?

+9 votes
I have several marriages in my tree where the couple married, later divorced, then even later remarried.  I need to know how to get those marriages to come up on the profile.  I tried ending one and then entering the same person id as a spouse so I could enter the second marriage date and place which was different from the first but it would not let me do that.  Then the next one she did not marry. And the next after him she is still married to.  These are private but I want to get the info down now while I am still here to do it.  Everyone that matters knows about this so it is no secret.
in WikiTree Help by Paula Franklin G2G6 Pilot (110k points)
I have this same problem. I would suggest to tech, maybe they can help??? Deb

3 Answers

+5 votes
Hi Paula, if it were me, I would add them in the Bio, not the profile, as it could get confusing.

I've always found that the Bio is prefect for explanations and the documentation to go with it.

I hope this helps, Paula.
by Brad Cunningham G2G6 Pilot (193k points)
I plan to put it all in the bio but I wanted them to show up on the main profile section too.  With a marriage, then a divorce, then another marriage and a divorce I think it should show up under spouses especially as it just shows 2 spouses as it is. Plus that first marriage was at 2 different places, two different counties. I would like for it to show that so that people that find one of them don't get confused and change it because they did not read the biography first.   I have more than one in my family like this but this one is the only one I am concerned about right now.
+6 votes
I just looked at Elizabeth Taylor since she famously married Richard Burton twice.  Only one marriage is there.  I tried adding the 1975-76 marriage myself and it wouldn't take.  It appears to be a feature of Wikitree that marrying twice isn't allowed.
by Stu Ward G2G6 Pilot (147k points)
It happens a lot more than people realize and I personally think there should be a way to add the same person spouses to the profile under spouse.
+4 votes
I'm so glad you asked this!  I keep forgetting to ask it.  I have one couple who were married, had children, divorced, married other people, divorced, then married each other again.  I had a feeling that it wouldn't be possible to show that in WT, but was curious.  So I'll just add it to the bio.  Hopefully people won't correct the marriage date without first reading the bio.
by Lynnette Hettrick G2G6 Mach 5 (57.7k points)
Yeah, someone changing the marriage data is one of the things I was worried about too.  I am bad about not reading the bio myself.  I try to remember but some of them are so complicated it is hard to read and understand them.

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