Birth Place, Death Place prompts

+9 votes

I feel this may have been asked before but I cannot find the reference.

Is it possible to edit the prompts/popups? Some are incorrect because of incorrect transcriptions, but get propagated because of the prompt. 

Menai Bridge, Caernarfonshire, Wales - Wrong

Menai Bridge, Caernarfonshire, Wales, United Kingdom - Wrong

Menai Bridge, Gwynedd, Wales, United Kingdom - Wrong, we us the historic Counties

It is extremely frustrating to have a monthly to-do list to correct Wikitree generated errors.

in Policy and Style by Steve Bartlett G2G6 Mach 7 (79.4k points)
Whenever I'm not sure about places in Wales, I ask my cousin, first language Welsh and very knowledgeable about the history of the country.
You could try asking people in the Wales Project?

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
Do you mean the dropdown menu instead of the popup prompts (which I cannot recall seeing).  This list is provided by FamilySearch and can only be corrected if you contact them.  WT cannot do this.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
selected by Steve Bartlett
Do you happen to know why is the FamilySearch list used?
No idea.  It was a decision taken by the Team.
Location place names have a long history of multiple G2G discussions.  Search G2G and you will find a lot of discussion for reading.   In an effort to finally come to a decision, Family Search locations were deemed the best viable approach and compromise to resolving the issue.

They only serve as recommendations and as you have discovered, often need correcting.
And if you want more reading, check out the Related Questions just below these G2G discussions.
Thanks Ros, no wonder it is iffy when it comes from that source!!!
+3 votes
The first two presumably refer to the small settlement around Menai Bridge station, which was on the southern bank of the Menai. The third would of course be correct for any event after 1972 since the old 13 county system had been replaced for administrative purposes by the 8-county system.

So in that sense none of them are incorrect: geography can be a messy thing, and Wikitree has always had a philosophy of having a balance between ease-of-use and fine-grained accuracy.
by Anonymous Jones G2G6 Mach 1 (17.0k points)
Sorry to point out out that your point about the third is incorrect. We use Historic or Traditional Counties in the Wales project.
Thank you for pointing out the 5 houses that are on the Caernarfonshire side, you simply distract from the point I was making. I could have chosen a host of others but made the mistake of choosing an example where there might be some debate.

It might be more useful to contact me directly if you have such points to make. They only distract from the jist of the question.

Excellent score on local knowledge, though. My gt-aunt lived with her grandmother who ran the coalyard at Menai Bridge, so I have some too.
+6 votes
As Ros pointed out, they come from FamilySearch.  They are incorrect for my part of the world also, I simply turn the automatic place name suggestions off.  You might want to suggest that to those working in your area.
by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (682k points)

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