Where did the sources go?

+7 votes
I don't understand why the sources I put in the Biography section aren't showing up in the public or private view, or the preview. I can only see them in private view edit mode.
WikiTree profile: Donna Nicklaus
in Genealogy Help by Carolyn Martin G2G6 Pilot (288k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
Nevermind!  I see it's a privacy issue.  Is it a good idea to keep people who have died in the past 50 years or so unlocked, or keep them on a privacy level? I don't see why the sources wouldn't show up when the biography does.
I don't see any reason to hide the biographies of deceased persons.  It makes me think that people are ashamed to have relatives that have died.  I like to think that by showing the information about a deceased person it is a way to honor them and not let them be forgotten.  This isn't to say I immediately open the privacy on a person when I read their obituary in the newspaper but after a year or so they are now a part of our history and should be celebrated.

3 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer

The </ref> at the end of "First-hand information as remembered by Carolyn Atkinson, Thursday, February 26, 2015." was missing. This made everything following disappear.

by Helmut Jungschaffer G2G6 Pilot (611k points)
selected by Carolyn Martin
Thank you! So glad someone figured it out. Yay!
Ok, that was short-lived excitement!  That may have fixed my mother's, but her sister had the </ref> in hers and her sources don't show up either. Please take a look at hers:  http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Stewart-13594
Nevermind! Found my mistake- just had <ref> not the correct code, </ref>.

Thanks again.
The sources are visible when I open the profile.
+3 votes
You might be missing the code that lets them display. Try typing <references/> below the Sources heading and see if they show up.
by S Willson G2G6 Pilot (225k points)
I tried that. It didn't make a difference.
Sometimes I know if I've mis-typed or left off the </ref> at the end it can affect the rest of the biography or sources?
Thanks. I thought about that too, but then I checked some of my other profiles that were showing the sources. and discovered I had removed the references code (don't know why) but the sources were still showing up.  Other profiles had the references code and the sources showed up.  So whether the references code was there or not, didn't seem to be connected as to why the sources were not showing up on some of my profiles.  It has to be because of the privacy issue.

I had the privacy issue set to show the biography, which it did, but again it did not show the sources even to me in private mode. They only showed up when I was in edit mode.  Just bewildering!

With the privacy setting that you have on that profile everyone should be able to see sources.  Check my profile and if you can see the sources on there then it has to be a problem with the format of the biography or Sources section. With the privacy setting that you have on the profile we are very limited with what we can do to help but for an example of one that works check out Chapman-673, it is open so you can see the way the biography section should be formatted by clicking the edit tab and mabye find where you went wrong.
A trick that I use to make sure that my typing for the sources is not too far off is before I save my work I click on the preview tam at the bottom of the biography section while still in edit and if it does not display the way it should then I try and find my error.
Thanks, Dale. That's how I discovered the problem - the sources were not showing up in the preview.  I have checked several of my files in the edit mode. Like i said earlier, it didn't matter whether or not the reference code was there, sometimes the sources showed up and sometimes they didn't.  

I'll go check them out again and see if i can figure it out.
+3 votes
Unless you are editing the profiles or there is a concern about possible identy theft I think that they should be at the very worst set to the Green setting.  If they are set to the unlocked "Open" setting then the rest of us could look at the edit screen and try to figure out why this problem is happening because with the setting that you are using the sources should display for everyone.  I have some profiles set with a higher privacy setting because other family members would prefer it that way.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
OK, I unlocked this one on my mother - http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Stewart-13566.  Please take a look and see what I did wrong.  You can only see the sources in the edit mode. Thanks for your help.

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