Jane Wilkinson is a Wonderful WikiTreer

+8 votes
Thank you, Jane, for your help in answering my question regarding how to delete a background image.


I think we both learned something from the exercise!
WikiTree profile: Jane Wilkinson
in Appreciation by Marion Ceruti G2G6 Pilot (367k points)
Congratulations Jane thank you for all your help for wikitree

Thank you Marion for sharing this

WOW!  You are very kind to say so, and you were very patient with my exploratory / wandering method of getting to the destination.  I feel a bit bad because two other people on the thread gave more direct and succinct instructions, but I enjoyed the process of learning together with you.

The end result is that I feel much more confident in dealing with Images on WikiTree.  And I gather you feel similarly, so time well spent!  Cheers

Cheers and thank you again.
Jane, you deserve credit for reaching out to help. I love the terms, "exploratory/wandering method" and "learning together." When we begin to solve a problem and explore the details that surrounds it, we wander through the space of concepts and ideas. In doing so, we learn more than the solution to the original problem, and we learn it together!

1 Answer

+5 votes
Best answer
Congratulations on your award Jane and thank you for helping Marion to solve the image problem.

Thank you, Marion, for recognizing Jane as a Wonderful WikiTreer.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
selected by Susan Laursen

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