Is anyone here interested in the Registro Central de Esclavos of ... Puerto Rico?

+7 votes

I am reading the Fold3 ( pages with scanned but un-indexed records of slaves in Puerto Rico, wondering if there is sufficient interest in these records to spend more time on them here on WikiTree.

Some work has been done to list the names (back in 2003 roll #6 of 8 was listed: but most of  the  information remains on Fold3 pretty much unsearchable.

It seems unlikely to me that they have not yet been translated into English, or at least listed out somewhere in a DB I have not yet found (and I am still on a borrowed computer with anti-Google out the wazoo, inhibiting the G.api/srch...):

First, there are the registers themselves: Registro Central de Esclavos of The National Archives, NARA T1121. Slave schedules from among the Records of the Spanish Governors of Puerto Rico, 1872


Then there is an interesting article (Abstract in English is at the end of the article):  appears to be a summary of the book from 1953 by Soler: "Historia de la Esclavitud Negra en Puerto Rico. :


If anyone has already put time into this, or wants to, please let me know and I will continue on it, particularly if we can work together.



in The Tree House by ShiraDestinie Jones G2G6 Mach 2 (27.2k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
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5 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

I created a free space to explore this topic further. If there is enough interest, participation, and resources we can move forward with a sub project

by Rebecca Campbell G2G2 (2.3k points)
selected by ShiraDestinie Jones
+4 votes


This information is also included in 'Records of the Spanish Governors of Puerto Rico, 1767 - 1880'. OPA - Online Public Access. National Archives, which I have posted as a resource to the new Latin American Roots project that I'm in the process of creating.

It certainly would be useful in translation and maybe one of our members might take it on as a future project. I can´t personally spare the time at present to work on it. Sorry!

by Patrick Barnum G2G6 Mach 5 (57.4k points)

Unless I am mistaken, it looks to be the same data set, just uploaded and listed by District  on Fold3 (the More Info. notes that it comes from Governors of PR upon record hand-over to USA from Spain...).

   -edit:  it is, in fact the NARA data:

Apart from roll 6 oll #6 of 8 was listed: 

it looks like most of the data has never been entered, but that was 2003.  Surely someone somewhere has entered this data.

I do not have time at the moment, but if no one else steps forward in the near future, I will have another look and consider starting the translation for someone else to take over.  

Should any part of this question be translated and reposted in Spanish?

-edit: and is there a tag for your new Project btw?  This Undgd RR study may interest you: * 


Thanks for your detailed reponse! I still haven't begun to search for G2G posts that might benefit from translation into Spanish; I plan to do that later on, once the Latin American Roots project is fully completed and ready to accept membership requests. I'll also be announcing the project on other genealogy websites, both in English and Spanish.

I've not yet begun to advertise the availability of the project because I'm awaiting the completion of the Project Badge and continuing to do some editing of the translations. If you're interested in looking at the draft, though, you'll find it at I'll certainly appreciate any comments or suggestions you may want to offer.
Tempt me not, please!!  :-)

I am swamped already with unexpected profile work, so I cannot look at it now, but will try sometime in the coming weeks.

+3 votes
Hi Shira,

I would love to help in any way with this project.   I believe I have traced at least one relative to slavery in Puerto Rico so I have been hoping to learn more about it.   I am new to wikitree so I am still trying to learn to navigate around.

by Vanessa Roman G2G1 (1.1k points)
Thank you Vanessa!

Any and all help is most appreciated.  I've been mostly away from the project (please also check with Barnum-281 if you haven't already, to join this work with the Latin American Roots project, as your work is the perfect union of both projects.

My apologies for the delay in responding, as I am under the weather.


+2 votes
Yes I'm interested
Excellent!   Rebecca Campbell ( )

can help you get started on the Slavery project and where the Puerto Rican slavery documents are, and feel free to ask me as well.


+2 votes
I can help get the sub project going.  I don’t have much Puerto Rico experience but we can work through it together.
by Rebecca Campbell G2G2 (2.3k points)

No problem:  just let me know when have a question, and also I think I listed most of the sources I looked at in this thread, but there was also a thread maybe around 2015 for the Latin American Roots project where I listed all of the sources I'd seen to that point for the then LAR proj. coordinator, if he is still around, so collaborating with them would be good, also.

(Ah, and here it is: "


This information is also included in 'Records of the Spanish Governors of Puerto Rico, 1767 - 1880'. OPA - Online Public Access. National Archives, which I have posted as a resource to the new Latin American Roots project that I'm in the process of creating.

It certainly would be useful in translation and maybe one of our members might take it on as a future project. I can´t personally spare the time at present to work on it. Sorry!

answered Feb 20, 2015 by Patrick Barnum G2G6 Mach 4 (44,300 points) ")

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