Civil War Confederate Soldier, HELP needed locating his complete military record

+5 votes

Pvt. Gabriel Cannon, a Confederate soldier, died in 1865 as a POW at Alton Military Prison, Illinois.     I'm relatively certain he is the brother of my 4 great grandfather but I've been unable to locate his enlistment record to verify where he enlisted.  I've searched  the National Parks site and  Gerdes' Civil War Homepage  (focuses on Arkansas Civil War) but can't locate the enlistment record.  I've also looked in FOLD3,  but am not particularly skilled using this site.

His FOLD3 record contains only Alton MP data and it's implied he was a Private in "Company C, Hugh's Battery" (State in the FOLD3 record is hard to determine), CSA, and "see Hill's Regiment" is crossed out... Was unable to locate his enlistment records in an Arkansas Regiment, however, there is a unit called "Hugh's Battery" in Arkansas that's also called the 8th Field Battery.

The Alton Military Prison memorial plaque (photo posted to his profile) clearly identifies Gabriel Cannon's regiment as "Hill's Ark."

Any help locating Gabriel's enlistment record will be greatly appreciated!

WikiTree profile: Gabriel Cannon
in Genealogy Help by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (474k points)
That would be the 7th Arkansas Cavalry, commanded bu Colonel John Fry Hill

Have you seen the  record below on Ancestry?  Might be another clue.  All but one of the records I've found says Hills, maybe Hugh's Battery was part of that regiment?  Ancestry also has a one-page document titled "Provost Marshall's file" that says "Cannon Gabriel Pvt.  Hill's Reg. 32629" 

Gabriel Cannon
Arrival Date: 23 Nov 1864
Imprisonment Date: 24 Oct 1865
Imprisonment Place: Mound City, Kansas
Side of War: Confederate
Regiment: Hill 
Death Date: 24 Jan 1865
The 7th seems most likely, it was known as "Hills Cavalry Battalion" and "Hills Arkansas Cavalry Regiment."  It included the 10th regiment at some point, and that unit included men from Yell County where Gabriel lived in 1860.
Clue ? Samuel and Thomas Cannon lived in North Carolina in 1810. In 1820, they're in Tennessee and 1830 in Arkansas.

I didn't check for wills to see if any children were named

There was a third - Dennis Cannon in 1810 NC and 1820 TN and a D. Cannon in Arkansas 1830
There was a John Cannon imprisoned at the same place as Gabriel who died a few days earlier.
Thanks Eddie!    This makes sense for Company D.... there are 2 other soldiers in Co D  captured in Mound City, KS at the same time as Gabriel.    For some reason,  he's just not showing up on the Company Records.  (Won't be the first time this has happened!)   However,   the unit is definitely formed in the area my relative lived before the war.
Thanks Kathie!  

I'm aware of the John W. Cannon that died of smallpox in Alton on March 16, 1864...... mainly because most internet trees and Find A Grave say this John W. Cannon is my 4 great grandfather, who is Gabriel's brother.   HOWEVER,  the John W Cannon who died in Alton's small pox island is NOT from Yell County  .... he's another man from Augusta County, Arkansas.    I'm in the middle of trying to get this changed in Find AGrave and Family Search ONE TREE....... So I'm being extra cautious about not falsely claiming Gabriel Cannon died in Alton MP.

I appreciate the extra eyes.

A new WikiTree member, Rich Cannon, is who realized the  Alton POW record was attached to the wrong John W. Cannon.
There were both a John Cannon and a Jno W Cannon on the list.  “John” did not die of smallpox and he died  seven days before Gabriel.
Thanks Eddie,

You're following the right trail..... this Cannon family line moved from NC circa 1815  to Tennessee then into Arkansas circa 1840...   I like clues.   There are some  "extra"  Cannon families in Yell County during the Civil War (beyond Gabriel and John W. Cannon's)  I probably need to track down soon.

Thanks for your time!
Hi Kathie,  (I meant to hit reply.)

One thing I've discovered this past week,  there seem to be as many John Cannons as John Does.   I was starting to go cross eyed.   It was a John Cannon from Alabama that was included on the Alton memorial plaque with Gabriel and a John W Cannon.   But this reminds me,  I should sort out the records for another  John A. Cannon in Yell County, Arkansas.   (LOL, I was serious about cross eyed.)

Thanks for you time!
From working 4 years with Donnie Blackstone on his South Carolina lines, I think it looks like a North Carolina father and 2 sons moving. In the early 1800s, as land west came under control, many Revolutionary War vets were granted land in Tennessee as a recompense for war service. One particular well-known family were the Cravens of North Carolina. My advice, as Donnie and I did, find the oldest North Carolina Cannon and follow the wills. Even those who died intestate. The intestate estates were usually administered by brothers and sons. You might be able to build a pattern. Also, these old families, as you know, re-used first names through the generations. If you find a GABRIEL in a 1870s generation, he would likely be named for one of his father's brothers or cousins. This occurs even in the female line. A female Cannon naming a son Gabriel
Great approach.    Pretty certain  "my"  John W. Cannon had two brothers move to Arkansas  with him... named Bryant and Gabriel.  (Just grateful they're not James and Thomas.)    I'll let you know when we crack this,  but it might be a while!
1830 census Hardeman County Tenn. only 3 Cannon

James Cannon lists 2 sons under 5 years old - James age marked 30-39. In 1840 still in Hardeman with 3 sons, his age marked 30-39, which implies he would be born about 1800. In 1840, only Cannon in Hardeman.

Your Gabriel named his first-born son James, named other sons John and Robert

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