How to find out how many Unconnected in a Cluster?

+6 votes
So I'm going along building large blocks of unconnected profiles in a huge cluster of people and it makes me wonder - is there a way to see how many are in the whole cluster? I'm guessing there has to be, otherwise we couldn't celebrate when we connect one of these clusters - plus, I've seen posts like "5th largest cluster of unconnected profiles", etc.

So is there a magic WikiTree+ query to run against a profile in the cluster to find out the total size? I've got a number that get to the 100+ in the list and it would be nice to know how big they really are.

If someone wants to run it against a real profile, try these two:
in The Tree House by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
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Searching for Hattie McDaniel in WikiTree+ found me this in among the info in the last column:

288 profiles.
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (583k points)
selected by Scott Fulkerson
Thanks! That sounds about right. Can I ask where the "tree85" came from?
It's a clickable link (tree85) in the rightmost column when you do an ordinary WikiTree+ search for Hattie. Aleš has taught his Bot to number the different unconnected clusters this way.
Found it - if you do an initial search in WikiTree+ for her profile, it shows up in the last column. Got it.

Tried it for Meadowlark Lemon - tree453 - 123 profiles. PERFECT! Thank you!!
Hope it helps you in your good work with these people :-)
Note that the tree number changes every week (or at least can change). I have also been working on the Hattie McDaniel group (that is, my group connected to your group) and it seemed that the bigger the cluster became, the lower the tree number became. You can also add notables to the search with the tree number to see how many are in that cluster.
That's interesting, W. I haven't noticed that, because I'm not using the function to keep track of an unconnected cluster I'm working on - just to explore clusters i might put some connection work into. It makes sense, though, that the clusters are numbered in order of size.
I guess that now makes sense when I hear that someone has connected the 5th largest cluster of unconnected profiles - I'd presume that would show up as t5 somewhere.

If I were so inclined (perhaps one day), I might wander over to the t1-5 clusters and just see what that looks like. But for now, I'm busy enough addressing clusters I've already created or worked on.
I only noticed the number shifting because of the Hattie McDaniel/Lulu Merle Johnson/Duke Slater etc. cluster. I was checking how big it had gotten as I worked on it. I think there were 7 notables in this cluster, when I last checked. I think some of the Connectors work on the biggest clusters, so as we keep adding to this one, others may notice it and work on it too.
I think yhis is what I want to know about a 100+ branch I connected today (isn't registered yet but will be in next several/many hours). How many exactly am I connecting with this profile:  Speicher-971

I think it is currently tree611 with 108 profiles. I did a search in wikitree to find the profile (unconnected Speicher) and found the profile, looked in the far right column to see the tree number, and then click on the link to the tree to see the total count.

Thank you very much for the answer and how-to explanation. I was hoping it was much more. The one time I ask this and it is just 8 profiles over 100 wink

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