Can you help connect a [fill in your state here] governor?

+21 votes

Starting about two years ago, there were a few challenges to connect former governors of Delaware, Texas, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Wyoming. Those challenges got a huge number of isolated profiles connected to the main tree in a remarkably short space of time. Okay, the Rhode Island has stalled on the last few governors, but a whole bunch of people still got connected within a matter of days.

I was so inspired by how well those challenges went that I went off and ran challenges for a bunch of other countries. With the exception of the Netherlands challenges, which went extremely well, most of those challenges have proceeded at, shall we say, a more leisurely pace.

I didn't bother to do governor challenges for the other 45 states, the 5 U.S. territories, or the District of Columbia, because I assumed that other WikiTreers would launch their own challenges for their home states. (Or states that mattered to them for whatever reason.) But, after those first five challenges, those governor challenges just kind of... stopped.

But there are still plenty of governors to connect! In fact, there is a list of them on the "Unconnected United States of America Governors" page, and Jayme Arrington has been doing a great job of adding more governors. So, if you've been waiting for a challenge to connect governors from where you live, here it is. Just look through the table for governors from where you live (unless you live in ConnecticutDelawareTexas, or Wyoming, since all those governors are already connected), pick a governor, and start connecting. Jayme is adding governors all the time, so as you connect governors, she will be adding more.

(Or, if you want to launch a challenge for governors from your own state, territory, or D.C., go for it! People have been so enthusiastic in these challenges in the past, you may find that all your governors get connected up in just a few days. It would be interesting to see if any place can beat Texas in terms of how fast a connection is completed.)

in The Tree House by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (697k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
I recently connected a former Governor of Western Australia, added his parents, etc, and worked out a succession box based on ones LJ had previously created for me (one was for a Queensland Attorney General).  I have not checked on all of them, nor on the rest of the states.  Nor did I check for Governors-General.

(Attorneys-General would be another possible category to check, as my succession box guy's predecessor and successor (the same person) has no profile at all (that I could find).)

Thank you for doing that, Melanie. I do plan to get around to challenges for Governors, Lieutenant Governors, Premiers, and Governors-General. Eventually. (Do feel free to beat me to that. It's not like I lack work... wink)

Oh, boy, Premiers.  I didn't even think of THEM!

I've discovered I enjoy tracking down a connection.  I'd been working on a family, and was simply chasing descendants when I found this guy had a profile, but no parents.  (I've also small-c connected to the noted Bonham-Carter family, and to Florence Nightingale.) It actually had me looking for other Governors (of Western Australia), just for the succession box.  I'd have liked to see succession boxes on them, too, to make the tracking easier.

Melanie, are you using a free-space profile to track those unconnected governors, et al? If so, I should probably link to it from the Connectors Chat page, just like the U.S. State Governors page.

No.  In a word document, or in my head.  I could maybe start one if the Aus Project doesn't already have one.  (I used to have a list of folk needing profiles made, too, but ditched it a while ago as just looking at it depressed me due to the impossibility of me creating them all.)
Please add more Minnesota Governors when possible.  Thank you!
I've added more for you. :) Thank you for all the connections you've made!
I try to work on Illinois Governors when I come across them, that being my project. I’ll take a look.

29 Answers

+10 votes

If I'm constantly busy adding new governors because older ones were already connected, I'll be thrilled! :D I've taken a page from your book and created a post for Massachusetts governors. There are only a few unconnected ones left for Massachusetts, but I'm stuck on some of the governors with Irish-American heritage.

by Jayme Arrington G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
3 out of the 6 remaining Massachusetts governors have been connected thanks to several people pitching in. :)

Only one of those Massachusetts governors remains to be connected now. smiley

+8 votes
Nevada governor, Frank Jardine Bell (Bell-13170) is connected to the global tree through his spouse.
by Jo Gill G2G6 Pilot (171k points)

That's great! :) I've updated the Unconnected United States of America State Governors page with the connection.

+7 votes
I have found a connection to Washington Territorial Governor Miles Conway Moore through his wife's parents.  I added some biography to his profile and am working through the sources.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
Awesome! I've updated the table to show he's connected.
+7 votes

Connected Benjamin B. Odell (Odell-980), governor of New York to his father (Odell-2971).

by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
Thank you Lucy! I've updated him in the US Governors table.
+7 votes
Gov Charles Clark Stevenson connected to global tree through his spouse, Mary Frame.

by Jo Gill G2G6 Pilot (171k points)
Running through those Nevada governors. :) Thank you Jo! I've updated the US Governors table now.
the 3rd gov is in a secret witness program.  No find after 4 hours.
Haha, I know that feeling too well :)
+7 votes
Norris-3700, gov. of Montana connected to the global tree through his spouse, a descendant of a Revo War captain.
by Jo Gill G2G6 Pilot (171k points)
+7 votes
Dixon-5820 connected to our global tree through his father.
by Jo Gill G2G6 Pilot (171k points)
Great! I have Norris and Dixon updated on the table and I'll add more Montana governors to the table later today. :)
+7 votes

Hiya! Some time ago I added a bunch of family members to Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan and I think he's not far from a connection, but it needs someone better versed in pre-1850 US sources to help. Is someone interested?

by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (579k points)

Never mind - just connected him laugh

+6 votes

I encourage anybody in this thread to contribute to connecting this WV governor, whose profile I adopted some time ago but have not been able to connect:

Arthur Inghram Boreman (1823-1896)

by E. Compton G2G6 Pilot (196k points)
I've got him connected but the earlier generations are only through Find A Grave profiles. I'll keep looking.
I got him connected another way through his brother's wife, with better sources.
+7 votes
I have been working on Charles Henry Sheldon, b. VT in 1840, who became the second governor of South Dakota.  I was able to add his parents and one of his children.  However, I have gotten lost in Quebec for his father.  I had thought he was from a Sheldon family in nearby St Albans VT or Sheldon VT, but I cannot find that connection.  The mother is from Maine.  Hopefully others will have better luck with this.
by Carolyn Adams G2G6 Mach 9 (94.1k points)
+6 votes

Maryland governor Francis Thomas is now connected.

by C Handy G2G6 Pilot (214k points)
+6 votes
Seth Phelps - District Columbia connected
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (255k points)

charles page bryan DC connected

Thank you! I've updated the table for Phelps.
the governor listing has charles bryan’s father thomas as the governor but i think it was charles bryan that was the governor , either way, they are both connected
+8 votes

William S. Taylor 33rd Governor of Kentucky is connected via his daughter's husband. 

by Kristin Anderson G2G6 Mach 5 (50.1k points)
+6 votes

I connected Louie Broady Nunn of Kentucky through his father.

by Kerry Larson G2G6 Pilot (238k points)
+8 votes
I'm working on Minnesota's 4th governor Stephen Miller. While there are some documents, I'm not very successful beyond finding children who died childless. I am surprised he became governor without much printed history that is helpful. Some members on Ancestry have more family added but after reviewing many documents I believe there were two Miller families with similar family first names.  He was born in Pennsylvania and I wonder if their archives hold more clues?
by Phillip Jares G2G6 Mach 3 (37.0k points)
+8 votes
I will research Minnesota's 5th governor William Rainey Marshall.  COMPLETED... he is linked!
by Phillip Jares G2G6 Mach 3 (37.0k points)
edited by Phillip Jares
+6 votes
Nevada Governor John Henry Kinkead (Kinkead-88) is connected to the global tree through his spouse (Fall-532), her mother (Lobinger-4) her sister's marriage to Markle-333.

and it only took 2 days!
by Jo Gill G2G6 Pilot (171k points)
+7 votes
I'll do a few, I'll work on Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee.
by Pam Fraley G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
+7 votes

I'm working on Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee. 

I Just connected James Dixon Black to his connected Grandmother through his Father.

by Pam Fraley G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
edited by Pam Fraley
+5 votes
I have been connecting New Mexico governors and state senators.


John Simms

Edwin Mechem

David Cargo

Bruce King

Follow the succession box and there are many more unconnected.
by Mark Burch G2G6 Pilot (223k points)

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