New to Project Mayflower - John Alden's children

+2 votes

Being newly assigned to the project. Is there any reason to not link John Alden's children in the bio similar to have his son David's children are?

Just a personal preference maybe, I prefer to have the links in the bio when the children listed as they are so that if the reader/researcher wants to jump right then, they don't need to scroll back up to the top of the profile.

I think Mike is the passenger lead for at least one of the passengers I am working on. I will probably ask before I dive in for the first several times. Hope that's not an issues. I've just found the dip my toes in first approach on this site has been the best.


in Requests for Project Volunteers by Joshua Carnahan G2G6 (7.9k points)
edited by Joshua Carnahan

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I personally don't have a problem with taking children's names in the bio and just turning them into links, although I am sure there are some people who don't like the distracting colors of hyperlinks. It is probably no different to some visually than going in and adding a bunch of boldfaces to names. I know I don't like the style that a lot of people use with the boldfaced names. (But at least hyperlinks *do* something in addition.)

Some people also change the formatting of how stuff is listed while adding links, and that could definitely be stepping on people's toes. It is generally considered bad form to make signicant stylistic changes without at least consulting the PM. I don't remember any projects having stylistic policies in place for the profiles they manage, but maybe there are -- I'm sure someone will chime in here if there are.
by Barry Smith G2G6 Pilot (303k points)
selected by David Dodd
Thanks Barry. That is why I checked the decendants. David's children are linked, but then Ruth's are not. I checked a handful of other's and they are not. So I wondered if David was an anomaly and just something we "don't" do in protected profiles, or if it was ok, then I would go though and start linking the children. I just like being able to click through the profiles without having to go back to the top and look through a horizontal list.. LOL. Eh... but again, didn't want to go in and change something because I like it and get slapped on my first day. Oops

I agree. Adding the hyperlinks is useful, and well-formatted profiles use links throughout, in parents and spouses. In fact, Help: Biographies states: 

  • Help the reader navigate WikiTree by linking to profiles of other individuals you reference in the narrative, such as parents, siblings, spouses and children.

This particular profile for John Alden, does not have profile managers other than the two projects that manage it, so it is really up to the projects involved whether or not a change should be made. Mayflower project says - yes. 

Sounds good. I guess that's where I will start.

Bobbie, How did you link the profile like you did above? I tried the way we do it in the bio and that didn't work. LOL. Please don't tell me its as simple as the link button Josh Carnahan ... Doh!

On G2G, when you’re typing a comment, you can highlight text and there’s a “link” icon above where you are typing that you can use to hyperlink the highlighted text.

In a WikiTree profile, it’s different. Put [[Silberman-20 | Gene Wilder]] to link to a person’s profile. Or similar to link to a “space page”. Or use single brackets to link to an external site, like [ Google it]
Barry, Thanks! I realized halfway through writing the message... So I linked my profile trying it out... I just decided to continue with the post to laugh at myself and let other laugh at me as well. However, thanks for responding because I didn't know about the single brackets. ~Josh

Thanks Barry! Yes, Josh, G2G is different than profiles, so you end up learning 2 different ways to do things. Stretches the brain laugh As long as you don't mind us pointing out where you need some help, we don't mind giving it. We've all been in the same spot, and we're all still learning lots of little intricacies. The hardest, for me anyway, is to add an image in a G2G post. But we'll leave that for another day.

I'm pretty simple stupid. I went back and fixed my "elementary" links with the correct ones. I open to anything and don't typically get butthurt unless I get spoken to like I'm an idiot and even then, it's usually in good fun. LOL

Bobbie, I went through and any of John Alden's children and their subsequent children that did not have linked names should all be linked now in the bios.

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