Data Doctors Project 2020 Poll Update

+6 votes

Hi, All,

Responses are flowing in.  There are a few issues to address.

Missing Page 8

Have you heard of question branching?  It is much more developed in other survey sites [paid].  It allows options based on a chosen answer.  If you answer a "yes" you go to the next question, and if you choose a "no" answer that will go to another section and skip questions.

In Google Forms question branching requires setting up an entire section in order to branch.

So for the ones answering "yes" to continue working in the project they continue to the next section [and then all sections in order].  Those answering "no" go to a separate section - Section 8 - which is set for departing members' comments.  In the form, each section shows as a page, so it will appear to those members that Page 8 is missing.

It would be better if Google Forms allowed question skipping, but that isn't in it now.

Nothing is missing or hidden; the form is working as it should.

I don't get it:

Some members say they didn't get the cover email for the poll.  I am investigating these and resending them as needed.  One was missed but the others appear in the sent tracker.  I am resending in this case as well.

If you didn't get the email, please email me directly rather than posting in G2G.

178 polls have been answered so far.

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Stay safe.

in The Tree House by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (212k points)

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