Cornbread Catchers Scan-a-Thon Chat! :)

+13 votes
This G2G is dedicated for the Scan-a-Thon for all the cornies to chat - if you aren't a cornie, still feel free to chat with us :)

If you haven't registered yet, this isn't the place to do it, go here: and say you want to be on the Cornbread Catchers!
WikiTree profile: Space:Cornbread_Catchers
in The Tree House by Sarah Callis G2G6 Pilot (124k points)
Thanks for starting the Chat thread, Sarah.

3 Answers

+11 votes
Yes, sign me up! While I am here, anyone have any advice on the best way to scan?
by Paula J G2G6 Pilot (284k points)
If you don't have an actual scanner, or it would be too difficult to scan items on it, might I recommend an app on your phone or tablet to scan. There are a lot of free ones and I have used them for books (as it is hard to get them on the scanner and it can harm an older book).
Thanks Sarah! That’s a great idea! I should have thought of it.  I have to admit that being somewhere for all that time with no WiFi - even on the iPhone - sort of set my thinking back to the 1970s
+10 votes
Already signed up, looking forward to Scan-a-Thon 2020
by Dean Anderson G2G6 Pilot (796k points)
Glad to have you Dean :)
+8 votes
I'm looking forward to the Scan-a-Thon!  I'm getting free space profiles ready and papers/photos organized.  :)
by TC Duran G2G4 (4.4k points)
Yay! :)

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