Is it possible to merge 2 profiles without being on the trusted list?

+6 votes
The manager has one of the profiles locked, and I asked to join the Trusted list of the profile but the manager never respond. Is there a way around this? Can I complete the merge with out  being on the trusted list? Also, I am related to the profiles I'm trying to merge.  


in WikiTree Tech by Jaaven Yahavah G2G2 (2.8k points)

1 Answer

+10 votes
Best answer

You have to be on the Trusted List to complete the merge unless the profile is Open.  If the manager does not respond to Trusted List requests, consider the Unresponsive Manager process:

Edit to add:  The other profile manager last made a contribution nine months ago, with only 14 total contributions.  That's a strong indicator that she left WikiTree.  I recommend proceeding with the Unresponsive Manager process.  Waiting for responses will only waste time.

by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (770k points)
selected by Pip Sheppard
Okay thank you I will try that. The manager is a family member of mine so I didn't want to seem annoying. I sent the profile manager several messages about it but they were unresponsive. They are still active though so I was just hoping to go around them and complete the merge.
You are on the right track.  Unresponsive Manager is the official WikiTree 'go around.'  You have already made some of the required contact attempts.  Most likely, your relative has blocked e-mails from WikiTree or sends them to her spam file.  She probably never sees them, as opposed to actively ignoring them. If you can contact her directly, that would be best.  Otherwise, follow the Unresponsive Manager steps, and you will get where you need to go.  If she has actually tuned out WikiTree, you won't be annoying her.  Good luck!
Thank you again!

Thanks for the star, Pip!  smiley

Thank you for all the help, the merge is complete!

Wow, that was quick!  Well done!  yes

She responded and completed the mergesmiley! Thanks again Herbert!

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