I got an invitation to edit another member's profile. How do I remove myself from their trusted list?

+7 votes
So this morning I got an invitation from another member regarding a profile I'm the manager of that they are closely related to.  They wanted to add their own knowledge to it.  The profile in question was open, so none of that was necessary, but I clicked on the link to the invitation nonetheless.  The system automatically did its thing, and now I'm stuck in a situation I didn't want to be in.  We now were given the ability to edit EACH OTHER'S member profiles!

I believe the member just wanted to adopt the person's profile they mentioned in the invitation, so I removed myself as PM for that profile and messaged the member about that.

I also removed that member from the trusted list for MY profile, because the invitation gave us access to edit each other's biographies, which I am not comfortable with.

The problem is, I can't remove myself from THEIR trusted list!  I can edit the other member's profile any way I wish!  I can change their biography to tell complete lies if I wanted to!  That's surely not what they intended, right?

So I'm looking at the settings menu, trying to remove myself from the trusted list for the member's profile, like I did to remove myself as PM for the other profile I mentioned earlier.  I can select which profiles I want to remove myself from the trusted list for, of course. However, for that member's profile, the check box is greyed out!  I can't select it no matter how badly I want to!  How do I fix this mess?  

I don't want the member to be able to edit my profile, and I believe I successfully removed them, but I don't want to be able to edit their profile either!  I need help.
in WikiTree Help by Living Botkin G2G6 Mach 4 (40.1k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Have you tried asking the other person to remove you?

1 Answer

+8 votes
Best answer
Being on the Trusted List of any profile does little more than add it to your Watchlist.

If the profile is "open privacy", you can edit it whether or not you are on its Trusted List. Being on the Trusted List allows to be able to edit if it on a more restricted privacy level, and it allows you to be able to change the Last Name at Birth.

To remove yourself from any profile's Trusted List, go to the Privacy tab of that profile, and click the "Remove Yourself" button.
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (580k points)
selected by Jim Parish
I know.  I explained that I know how it works in my question.  I made this question because I cannot remove the other member's profile from my watchlist even though I can remove anything else.  That's the only reason I'm having issues.
if you can provide more specific information, then perhaps we can assist further.

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