Cannot find a way to add this person onto my trusted list

+3 votes

Heather (Price) Billings - want to add her to my trusted list and received an inactive:

Heather Billings would like you to add them to Heather Price's Trusted List.

To grant them this permission, follow this link:


WikiTree profile: E. Lauraine Syrnick
in WikiTree Tech by E. Lauraine Syrnick G2G6 Pilot (123k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

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According to the profile for Billings-1938, she is still a guest member who has not volunteered nor confirmed her e-mail address.  I think that's most likely the problem.  Once she becomes a full member, you should be able to add her to trusted lists.  The two profiles should also be merged at that point though.
by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (567k points)
selected by Debbie Parsons
Lauraine, I had not seen your earlier post on this subject when I responded to this, but I don't think there's any technical problem -- it's supposed to work this way, since guest members don't have editing capability.
I have emailed her requesting her to take over her profile plus enter her email address.  Not sure why this has been so awkward but perhaps because I am a bit inept and she didn't realize this was required.  

Thank you.

Hi Lauraine, 

Guest Members   guest.gif

Anyone can register as a Guest.

Guest Members can participate in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum and edit their own profile. They cannot create or edit other profiles but they can add comments to profiles. They can upload GEDCOMs to take advantage of GEDCOMpare as a search tool but cannot create or edit profiles with it.

A Guest Member can become a Wiki Genealogist if they volunteer to help grow The Free Family Tree and a current Wiki Genealogist (usually a Greeter) confirms them. This gives them a Family Member account which is then converted to a Wiki Genealogist account as soon as they sign the Honor Code.

Guests may just be exploring WikiTree. There is no commitment. They can choose to delete their account at any time.

Click here for all the info on member types.

Thank you.  Usually have no problems adding people onto my trusted list.  Am trying to get this person to join as she is familiar with her own tree and the Smith family a bit.  Her mother was Elizabeth Smith.  I am hoping to have her on my survivor list.

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