Were you born on 29 April? Happy Shōwa Day!

+4 votes

When researching military history many decades ago now, I came across a brief throw-away statement that on April 29, 1944 (my birthday), Japanese forces conducted intense attacks throughout the Pacific. At the time, the Japanese were on the offensive in North East India, the US was in the Marshall Islands and with Australians in New Guinea,  the Second Sino-Japanese War was in full swing, etc.  Why Banzai attacks on that day? To honor the birthday of Emperor Hirohito (1901-1989).

Today in Japan April 29 is a national holiday called Shōwa (shining peace) Day that commemorates the birthday of Emperor Hirohito. It marks the start of Golden Week which consists of four national holidays. It is a national day of reflection on the past and the present.  It's also a time to eat uangi (eel) which was Emperor Hito's favorite food.

So if you were born on April 29, happy Shōwa Day!  Enjoy your eel in peace. 

in The Tree House by Ray Sarlin G2G6 Pilot (112k points)

1 Answer

+6 votes

Shortly after 2 AM on 29 April 1944, my mother gave birth in a blacked-out Davidson-Hay Hospital in Port Angeles, Washington, on the waters of the Strait of Juan de Fuca separating the USA from Vancouver Island, Canada.  The black-out was due to fear of attack by a Japanese submarine allegedly sighted the previous day.

One of my father's favorite (and unappreciated) jokes was that I had been born in a barn (get it, "Hay Hospital", ouch).  Anyway, he had missed the event, being on a horse patrol as a National Park Ranger in the Olympic National Park.

My mother had been brought by packhorse from their log cabin high up the mountain (food was stored in a lean-to outside the cabin due to grizzly bears) down to the nearest road and then driven to the hospital.

Dad would largely be out of touch when on patrol for a week or two at a time.

by Ray Sarlin G2G6 Pilot (112k points)

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