Who was the real father of this Gent?

+3 votes
My question is to ask who was the real father of this Gent?

 With due respect for Margaret Bluet of Cairns Australia, I have read conflicting accounts of who this could be. While Liz Shifflet has worked through the generations to suggest that his true father was Ralph Bluet of Raglan, son of Thomas Bluet & Edith nee Wood (not Ralph IV - father of Ralph V, who according to Pratt and Repka in their study of Lackham Manor, say was killed with his brother William fighting for de Monfort in the Battle of Evesham) but an 8th generation of Bluets - a Ralph with no roman numerals attached.

 Charles Scott-Fox who wrote the history of Holcombe Rogus writes in Appendix V that Walter could not have been an MP for Somerset in 1311 if he was born later; as early as 1313 when his supposed mother Hawise de Monthermer (born Monmouthshire) of 1st Baron Monthermer's unsanctioned marriage to Joan of Acre (dau of 'Longshanks') as Hawise was only about 15 years old. He suggests that the real father of this Walter was one named Walter Hughenden (actually a Bluet descended from one Simon Bluet), who was MP for Somerset at that time and could be the Walter referred to. (If I understand it correctly...)  My interest is sincere, being related to a gentleman whose DNA is connected with this esteemed Walter of Greenham since the connected gentleman is apparently my 4th Cousin.  Please help me to solve this puzzle.
WikiTree profile: Walter Bluett
in Genealogy Help by Rhoda Yates G2G Crew (870 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

actually, what I worked out was that the Ralph Bluet of Ragland who married Amicia Pichard was not also the husband of Hawise de Monthermer. See https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Blewett-12#Detached_Profiles

for the generations... see the table on Space: Ralph Blewetts:


Note that Michael K. Blewett and Pratt & Repko give different Ralphs the designation "Ralph V" - the former assigns it to the Ralph who married Amicia & the latter show Ralph V as the son of Ralph IV & Eve who died at the Battle of Evesham in 1265.

Support for Ralph m de Monthermer as the son of Thomas & Edith (Wood) Blewett (Ward in WikiTree) is found in the Visitations of Cornwall & Devon:

Visitations of Cornwall, Comprising the Heralds' Visitations of 1530, 1573, & 1620, with additions by J. L. Vivan, 1887, William Pollard & Co., Page: 35, Text: Sir Ralph Blewett, Kt, Lord of Ragland. (WikiTree image. Google Books.)

The Visitation of the County of Devon in the Year 1564 by William Harvey, page 22 (Google Books.)

edited when first posted to add links/Devon Visitation; edited most recently to fix a typo

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