Have you see the new dynamic, zoomable family tree view?

+41 votes

Hi WikiTreers,

We're adding another new way to view family trees and descendants. Check out http://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Adams-12/7 for an example.

You can replace Adams-12 in the example above with the WikiTree ID for yourself or anyone else with a public family tree.

Soon we'll officially release this by linking to it from everyone's Family Tree & Tools pages and pull-down menus. It won't replace other tree views. It's just another option for those who want to use it.

Post here if you have comments or suggestions for further improvement.

Onward and upward,


in The Tree House by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
I can't see my dynamic tree!  I am using Firefox, enabled with Flash and Java, on Windows 10 in China.  I have no trouble navigating all parts of WikiTree, but when I go to the Dynamic Tree page, I see only the text above the tree and then a blank page.
Hi K. It could be Windows 10, but it could also be related to privacy. All your close ancestors are private. Will this one work for you? http://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Clark-8062/7
K and Chris,

You can rule out it being Windows 10 because it works for me running Windows 10 with Firefox.
It can't be privacy, because I used the dynamic tree before I moved; I am on the trusted list for all my close family.  To check, I tried to view the Dynamic Tree for ancestor from the 1700s.  I failed.  It's possible that my inability to see it is because I'm in China, but I deem that unlikely because everything on the page loaded except the tree; were it a Firewall issue, I would have received an error message.  I wonder what platform they use to show it; I have Flash and Java, but I may need to download something additional.
Chris and to all other contributors,

I love the Dynamic Tree. I hope you continue to make upgrades. I have noticed this. As as you continue to click plus boxes (like a lot of them) out toward 300 or 400 A.D it often shows the same info (Names, Dates etc.) over again. Not sure why. Then when you pan down trying to find the repeat it is not there. The one that stands out is a branch on my tree with UNKNOWN METZ around 600 AD. I noticed it only because I saw it repeated about three or four times.

I know I am a little nuts on this but I'd like to see the entire expanded tree. So I've spent the last two hours trying to do that. Meaning every potential plus box having been clicked. I didn't make it. The tree began to fall apart with connections (lines back to my great great grandfather being broken).

It'd be nice to just use the mouse to pan out and in and to drag across without the plus boxes. If it helps I'm using a version of Google Chrome on a Windows 7 platform. Maybe its a browser anomaly ?

It would be incredible if I could expand (all check marks open) the entire field (it would probable measure (6ft by 6ft). But then subdivide the field into a series of printable 18 in by 10 in sections. Sort of like MS EXCEL's print ranges. This would allow for a visible printable version. Assembled like a puzzle.

Thanks again for this feature I've had a blast trying it out!!



Ben, what do you mean by "It'd be nice to just use the mouse to pan out and in and to drag across without the plus boxes."? The mouse already works for pan and zoom. Or do you want the tree to automatically expand as you pan and zoom such as BYU's virtual pedigree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-mujv1LEyU?

Ben, could you also give me an ID for the area of the tree that repeats? I think what you're seeing is caused by pedigree collapse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedigree_collapse
Yes the BYU model would be preferable Justin. The plus box expansion is cumbersome when trying to see large swaths of the tree.

In regard to pedigree collapse, it very well could be. It seemed like a graphics blip. It seemed to reappear within the tree as I drug the mouse around to see other portions of the tree. It did not seem to occur during an expansion of tree. If I could see a large section of the tree at one time I might be able to be more helpful. I'm viewing on a lap top and my view is constrained

3 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
Thank you Chris... I think its awesome!
by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (642k points)
selected by William Arbuthnot of Kittybrewster
+2 votes
Hello - I cannot see an y tree at all when I click on the URL in Chris' Question.  I am using the latest Internet Explorer software but I am in France on a French hotel server = could that be the issue??  If not, I don't know what is wrong.
by Chet Snow G2G6 Mach 7 (76.9k points)
When you enter your WikiTree ID be sure to add "/7" after your ID.
Thanks, Kay but I cannot see ANY TREE at all - and I have used /7 at the end.

Hi Chet. Are you still having trouble viewing it?


One potential issue is that your parents are completely private. They don't have public trees. But if you're logged-in to your own account you should be able to see them; it's just that others won't.

Internet Explorer does have some quirks. IE8 in particular. But a new version of IE should work fairly well.
Hi Chris

Thanks for asking; my issue was not with MY tree particularly because I could not see ANY tree at all.   But that seems to have been resolved because I COULD SEE my tree with the URL that you put into your comment/question.  So it does seem resolved.  Again, thanks for asking.  End of issue.
+4 votes
thank  you for this.

I think it would be better if children were in order of date of birth and if siblings were shown.

Also, perhaps if there was a possibility of turning it so parents were on the left and children on the right.

But what I really look forward to is Aleš and his data doctors correcting and including the CLNs which are so useful and so often excluded. That will be a great day and enable a mega fest of merging.
by William Arbuthnot of Kittybrewster G2G6 Pilot (185k points)
Current Last Name. And this question is ANCIENT!!!!!!!
Thanks for the suggestions for the dynamic tree, Sir William.

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