Do you have Pre-1500 certification?! Then please join the Medieval Project!

+21 votes

Those of us that are passionate about medieval genealogy want WikiTree to be a place where accurate information is available and discussed concerning those that lived during the medieval period.  The Medieval Project was formed three years ago to focus on pre-1500 profiles at WikiTree.  The project focuses on all pre-1500 profiles (not just royals and nobles) that aren’t already covered by other projects (such as Magna Carta and some country projects).

Due to the scope of the project, pre-1500 certification is required to be a project member. 

Availability of time ebbs and flows.  The Medieval Project doesn't require any certain level of participation to be a member.  If you have the skill set to research in the medieval period and are pre-1500 certified, then we welcome you as a member.  To join, reply with an answer (as opposed to a comment) to this post.

We have a few teams already in place, but we welcome and encourage other teams to research and manage medieval profiles.  Feel free to contact John, Michael, or me to discuss your ideas.

We have a Google group for the project.  Membership in it is optional.  If you'd like to join, send me a PM.

Darlene - Co-Leader, Medieval Project and European Aristocrats Project

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (551k points)

10 Answers

+15 votes
I think I might like to join, purely as some of my profile interests extend beyond 1500, I have several pre-1500 profiles that still need to be developed but time is always the constraint! Can you assist with providing 48 hours/day?
by Gill Whitehouse G2G6 Pilot (120k points)

Hi Gill!  Glad to have you.  I've awarded you the Medieval Project badge.  If you would like to be a part of our Google discussion group, send me a private message so that I have your email address to add to the group.

As for your request, I, unfortunately, haven't figured that one out.  I'm quite involved in genetic genealogy, though, so perhaps we'll figure out how we can clone ourselves to get more accomplished ...  wink

Darlene, I hope that, if you figure it out, you'll share with the rest of us!  laugh

+15 votes
I have just been awarded my pre-1500 certification and would like to join the Medieval Project. At this time, my primary focus will be to enter pre-1500 source information and create profiles related to the Gilbert One-Name-Study, but I also have a lot of source information and new profiles to enter for my pre-1500 Spanish ancestors.
by Maria Castro G2G6 (8.5k points)
Thanks, Maria, and congratulations on gaining the pre-1500 certification! I have made you a member of the Medieval Project. If you send me a private message, that will give me your email address and I can then add you as a member of the associated Google Group.
+11 votes
I would like to join the Germany Medieval project. I am currently mostly interested in a specific geographic region, but hope to learn more widely from the group as well. Sven
by Sven Elbert G2G6 Mach 7 (74.5k points)

Hi Sven, I have awarded you the Medieval Project badge.  If you would like to join our Google discussion group, send me a private message so I can add you.

How do I go about getting a pre-1500 certification? I looked at it at one point and it was confusing.

After you've done the pre-1700 self-certification quiz and gained some experience providing sources and editing early profiles on WikiTree you can request pre-1500 certification. You will be asked to:

I've been pre-1700 certified for a long time.

I'll read about the other things.

+11 votes
I'd like to join. So far I only have one pre-1500 profile, but expect to get more on my watchlist as I transcribe wills from the 16th century.
by Francesca Murphy G2G6 Mach 5 (59.8k points)
Thanks, Francesca. for your interest. I am giving you the Project badge. If you send me a private message, that will give me your email address so I can add you to the Project Google Group.
+12 votes
I would like to join the group.  My new project is to add the sources approved by Nathan Murphy (a Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists and the Genealogist General of the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States).  The gateway ancestor is Juan Montes Vigil (Montes_Vigil-33) born in Spain about 1585 and died in Zacatecas, Mexico, about 1656.  I plan to work on his ancestors in Spain back to about 1215, to the daughter of Alfonso Fernández de Léon, Aldonza Alonso Alfonso de Léon (Léon-518).

Currently, my only plan is to add the sources.  If you like, I can type up a list for the Project before I add them.
by Marcie Ruiz G2G6 Mach 6 (62.1k points)
Thanks, Marcie, for your interest. I have awarded you the Project membership badge. If you wish to join the Project's Google Group, please send me a private message: that will give me your email address so I can add you to the Group.

Thank you for wanting to work on a medieval Spanish line.
+11 votes
Hi Darlene,

I received your email and see you already have awarded me the badge. Thank you. I think I will also contact the Early Scandinavian Project as it seems both could be collaborating. Look forward to some new research.
by Mark Williams G2G6 Pilot (471k points)
+9 votes
I would like to join the medieval project! I just received my pre-1500 certification and have been looking through the linked pages. I've already figured out that I need to go and fix a few naming conventions on my older profiles... I'm also just really interested in the medieval period and would like to learn how to write good bios for this time frame.
by Katherine Bauer G2G6 Mach 1 (12.4k points)

Hi Katherine!  Congratulations on getting your pre-1500 certification!  I have awarded you the Medieval Project badge.  If you would like to join our Google group, you will need to send me a private message.

+8 votes
I would like to join the Medieval Project and its Ireland team.
by Feargal Hennigan G2G6 Mach 6 (62.4k points)

Hi Feargal, I have awarded you the Medieval Project badge.  If you would like to join the project's Google discussion group, you need to send me a private message so that I have your email address to add you to the group.

You will need to contact one of the leaders of the Irish team (Rich Devlin or Amelia Utting) to get them to add you to that team.  Please visit the team page here and click on one of the leader's names to send them a message and request to join.

Thank you for joining us.

+8 votes
I'd like to join the project, as I am a Data Doctor and often find that pre-1500 profiles are in need of sources or other amendments. I'd like to learn how to research them correctly. Deb
by Deb Gunther G2G6 Mach 2 (23.6k points)
Hi Deb, I have awarded you the badge.  Thanks for joining us.
+5 votes

My family tree as many noble descendants and links, but I am not able to edit or add ancestors and some data seems to be lost, so I request to join in the project. Could I be helpful to you and gain more piece of my puzzle at the same time?
by S. Croisetière G2G1 (2.0k points)

Thanks for your interest. As the opening question says, I am afraid you need to have pre-1500 certification to join the Medieval Project: see for more information about this.

If you want to contribute information to medieval profiles, you can post comments on them. Please make sure, if you do so, you use what WikiTree regards as reliable sources. It may be helpful to point you to and

I hope you enjoy being part of WikiTree.

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