Meet our Members: Eileen Robinson

+44 votes

Hi everyone!

Meet_our_Members_Photos-21.pngIt's time to meet another one of our wonderful WikiTreers! This week's member is Eileen Robinson.

Eileen became a Wiki Genealogist in March of this year. She is active in our US Black Heritage Project and leads the Bellamy Name Study.

What are some of the surnames you are researching?

Bellamy, Bloom, Adams, Bell

What are some of the locations you are researching?

South and North Carolina, Georgia and Texas

When and how did you get interested in genealogy and family history?

My father’s maternal side had hosted family reunions in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina when I was younger. It became more meaningful when I took a DNA test through Ancestry in 2016. I was able to create my family tree to the best of my ability. 

Who's your favorite ancestor and why?

My great-grandmother, Edith Bloom, was amazing; she was raised by a single mother (2nd great grandmother, Harriett Bellamy) and was heavily involved in the Baptist Church. She sang in the choir, taught Sunday school and managed the church’s finances. I’ve met her a few times and she was very wise. One thing I noticed was her mixed heritage background. She didn’t mention a lot about her father. 

Tell us about a brick wall you were able to break down or one you hope to bust through.

As mentioned during the Source-a-thon Live Cast, I did find another ancestor through Family Search: my 2nd great grandmother, Isabel Bloom. I found a death certificate of my great grandfather, Willie Bloom with his mother’s name listed.  I want to find Edith Bloom’s father and that would hopefully give me more connections! 

If you could pick one person in history to be related to, who would it be and why?

My father mentioned to me (when I was a teenager) that we are distantly related to Walt Bellamy (1939-2013). Whether this is true or not, it would be nice to be related to an NBA legend. It might explain why everyone on my father’s side is tall!

What are some of your interests outside of genealogy? 

I am a nursing assistant studying to be a registered nurse; healthcare is a great interest to me especially during the pandemic. I enjoy learning about the sciences and bioethics. I’m also involved in my Catholic parish and like my great-grandmother…I sing in the choir. I love to travel to faraway places, cooking and baking. I also like to hang out with my in-laws especially with my nieces and nephews. I’m a history buff so I love reading biographies and watching documentaries.

(interview continues in comments)

WikiTree profile: Eileen Robinson
in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)

How long have you been on WikiTree and what do you spend the most time doing?

I started the journey back in March. I’ve been involved in a few of the WikiTree challenges, and I’ve started a Bellamy name study. I enjoy being a part of the United States Black Heritage project. My goals: to add the USBH stickers on those profile with Black heritage and connect profiles (with Black heritage) to the main tree. I recently connected Colin Powell to the big tree!

What brought you to WikiTree?

My father-in-law is on WikiTree; we were discussing about our family trees, and I found his tree here. I decided to sign up. 

What is your favorite thing about WikiTree?

The Cousins app is amazing! 

If you could improve one thing about WikiTree, what would it be?

The website is always improving and creating new projects and applications. I’m impressed by the recent improvements since March; I’ll let you know if I think of anything. 

What is an example of how you’ve helped genealogy with WikiTree?

I recently got a message from one of my cousins who is connected to my great-grandmother, Edith. I helped him get connected to our ancestors. 

Any tips for someone just starting out on WikiTree?

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Always ask questions. You will enjoy this community of genealogists which will become your online family whether you are related by marriage or not.

Hi Eileen! Congratulations! It is so good to meet another USBH project member. Though I am not related to any Bellamy's, I live in Saint Paul, MN where the Penumbra Theatre is located and is run by noted African American director Lou Bellamy. It would be great to add him to your name study!

Really???? You're a Minnesotan!

I already knew about Lou. smiley It would be interesting to see his family tree!!!

A profile must be created.

9 Answers

+21 votes
Congratulations on being nominated as Wonderful WikiTreer of the week.

It is nice to hear a little bit more about you.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
Thanks for your contribution to the WikiTree Challenges!
+18 votes

Wonderful interview! Great answers. I also appreciate the cousins app! It’s really amazing how the world family is connected! 

Thank you for all your collaboration in our shared family tree. Good luck in your journey!  laugh

Best regards

by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (704k points)
The app is a Godsend.
+18 votes
Your interview was a joy to read, particularly your words about your great, grandmother and your great, grandmother, which were very touching. They sound truly wonderful.


P.S.  We should all have family reunions in Mrytle Beach.
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Yes. Once COVID cases are lowered, I'll head to the Carolinas.
+18 votes

Congrats! I hope you find that connection to Walt Bellamy!!!

by L Browne G2G2 (2.8k points)
That would be awesome. I'm working on it with the USBH project.
+16 votes
What an awesome interview.  It was great to get to know you better, Eileen.  I also find the Cousin App fascinating!  Best of luck with your brick walls Eileen.  Have fun~
by Brad Cunningham G2G6 Pilot (193k points)
edited by Brad Cunningham
Breaking down walls one day at a time.
+15 votes
Thank you for doing the interview. It has renewed my interest in connecting my Bellamy's to yours. Maybe the connection is through a different name, but mine are from Myrtle Beach also!
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (849k points)
We definitely need to have a get together (safely) in Myrtle Beach!
+12 votes
Excellent interview Eileen! Love the fact that you're helping others in such a short period of time!  Outstanding to have your generosity in the community.   Hope we get to collaborate on a project in the future.
by Gene Ellison G2G6 Mach 3 (30.4k points)
What's up Gene!

We might do something together within the USBH project.
+11 votes
Congratulations, Eileen, on your award, and thank you for all you do for our tree.  Thank you, too, for your work as a nursing assistant.  As an older American, I find myself immensely grateful for the kindness I receive from healthcare providers of all sorts.  Receptionists, nurses, technicians, therapists, their assistants, as well as doctors, all have made my frequent interaction with the healthcare system a source of comfort.
by Mark Weinheimer G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
My pleasure. It's a labor of love and I never get bored.
+6 votes
Thank you for sharing your story and I wish you well as you continue your quest to be a nurse.  We certainly need more nurses.
by Robert Clark G2G6 Pilot (963k points)
Thank you!

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