Does anyone own John Hutchinson's "No Ordinary Lives: A History of Richmond County N.C. 1750-1900"?

+2 votes
I am looking for a copy of John Hutchinson's "No Ordinary Lives: A History of Richmond County N.C. 1750-1900", I see it quoted in several places, including and, and at least one other Civil War novel in Google Books, but the book itself has eluded me.

If anyone has a copy or is aware of how to find one, please let me know. Thanks!

*edit: I did find it on WorldCat in several libraries, but all in physical format, and I'm not traveling to visit right now.

WikiTree profile: Alfred Dockery
in Genealogy Help by Jonathan Crawford G2G6 Pilot (286k points)
edited by Jonathan Crawford
Great history book - not full of family trees however. His sources and footnotes are well identified. Are you related to the early Anson/Richmond county Crawfords?
Hi Leake, I was looking it up on your recommendation.  :)

Wondering if there is a connection, but havent found it yet, since I dont know what it contains. My brother is in Houston so trying to convince him to go to the library there for me.

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
It's listed on Amazon in hard cover for $20.  This listing is by the Richmond County Historical Society, which published the book, and is for a brand new copy.

It's also listed on eBay by someone who describes it as "rare" and priced it at $75.

You can also find libraries where it is available at  Enter your own zipcode on that page to find the ones near you.

EDITED:  I found one more place:

It's $61 at Alibris:
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Jonathan Crawford
+2 votes

Here is the order form to order one directly from the Richmond County Historical Society:  rchs-order.pdf (


by Sydney Burnside G2G6 (6.9k points)

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