Are there digital versions of the Opgaaf Rollen for 1700, 1705, 1709 and 1712 available?

+7 votes
The mentioned rolls seem to be missing from the rolls via the links on the resources section of the South African Project page. My understanding is that there is a copy of the transcription of these rolls in the Cape Archive, but was wondering if there are digital versions available that someone can point me to. Thanks.
in Genealogy Help by JL Jooste G2G2 (2.1k points)

You can check here for what is available

Thanks. I did spend a good amount of time looking at the opgaafrolle section at the link but the years I am looking for, for Drakenstein are unfortunately missingsad

Drakenstein en Stellenbosch was saam. J182 is waar hulle begin as ek reg onthou. Hoop jy kom reg.

4 Answers

+4 votes

Thanks Shaun. This is very helpful, since 4047, 4048, 4050, 4052, 4055, 4058, 4060, 4062, 4066 are missing from the collection at:

+7 votes
I'm personally not familiar with the "Opgaaf Rollen", but I was wondering if your referring to the "Opgaafrollen" that Google had suggested that it might be spelled as.

Though I'm still unfamiliar (but curious) with it, I did locate the following link that I'm hoping that has what your looking for....

... that has images of the pages too.

~Brian Kerr
by Living Kerr G2G6 Pilot (334k points)
Thanks. Unfortunately the years for Drakenstein that I am looking for are missing from this set of FamilySearch records.

In terms of your curiosity, I disclaim that I am no expert in the "opgaafrolle", but from my understanding it was an annual recording and was a listing of all free burghers and an inventory of their possessions. My interest in the particular years is to research how the Jooste progenitor, Franz Joosten's possessions accumulated from when he become a free burgher in 1699 until he died in 1714. Prof Nigel Penn wrote an article in 2002 about this, and references the particular years' opgaafrolle, so I know they exist. It was just a question whether they are digitally available, which it seem they are not. There are various references to Dr Hans Heese who transcribed and compiled the opgaafrolle from records from The Hague, of which a copy is available at the Cape Archive. Looks like it is a trip to the Archives for me.
+5 votes
I'm not sure if that's the same as the muster rolls but I did look through some items I had from the TEPC CD and saw some of those years were missing from the muster rolls but they had got a copy of 1699/1700 from Amsterdam as it was missing in the local archive. I saw a number of people with surname Joosten across various documents 1700-1800 but not Frans from those early years. The only one that seemed to match what you were looking for was in the MOOC 8 series inventories was a Frans Joosten who purchased a number of items at estate auctions and then there is a record of his estate in the same series and possibly his wife as well on a separate inventory listing. These are on the TNAP VOC  MOOC website which you have probably already seen I would imagine. -> 1708-01-18 MOOC8/2.25 -> 1708-11-08 MOOC8/2.23 -> 1714-06-05 MOOC8/3.35 -> 1731-11-10 MOOC8/5.45
by Shaun Wallace G2G6 (6.8k points)
Although I am familiar with MOOC 8, especially Franz's MOOC8/3.35, the one of interest here is 2.25 of Coenraad Cijfer. The muster rolls show he farmed in partnership with Cijfer until 1706, when he married. But 2.25 provides evidence that their partnership continued until Cijfer's death and that Franz acquired various of his assets - thanks for this one!
+3 votes

I summarise the answer based on the various replies and comments posted. The muster rolls can be found here: (Thanks Philip). Some background about these rolls are provided, as well as links to the transcriptions of the rolls per year. Note however, that these transcriptions only contain the list of names in the muster rolls, and not the details of the households and possessions. The transcriptions are however useful in that it is easy to search for a person by using your browser's search functionality. The transcriptions further give page numbers and the relative position of the entry in the original muster rolls.

Once the person of interest is pinpointed, the original muster rolls can be found here: This page contains links to the digitalised versions of the original muster rolls per year, which contains all the details of the households and possessions.

by JL Jooste G2G2 (2.1k points)

Thanks JL, I added this link and your summary to the resources page of the Dutch Cape Colony Project.

I came across a related page below about the Cape Muster Rolls and Taxation Records, which should be useful to add to the Dutch Cape Colony Project resources:
Thanks JL, will do!

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