Follow Tags and Badges

0 votes
If I may, I would just like to comment on the recent changes to the Following Tags and Badges display positions on profiles.  Aesthetically, it’s not too good to look at, with respect to the person laying it out.  Might I suggest that you have one on top of the other, page centered, with badges on top.   Limit badges to an odd number, say maximum of 7 or 9 displayed.   Similarly stretch those Following Tags across the page in two center aligned lines underneath the badges.   Perhaps have a line of most active underneath these tags.

I'll leave this here.
in Policy and Style by Andrew Field G2G6 Mach 3 (37.2k points)

3 Answers

+6 votes

On the MyWikiTree drop down menu there a click for "Settings" and at the bottom of THIS page in "Settings" for the Genealogist Section of the Profile and the third option allows one to blot out any display of badges 

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (665k points)
Hi Susan... yes, I am aware I can adjust these setting on my own profile.  But I cannot for all profiles.  I do not have a problem with displaying these items, but the way they are displayed.

I understood that, Andrew, but IF -- and I don't KNOW the answer -- but IF the resultant display is due to how the individual PM dealt with question #5, what do you propose to do about it? 

Identification of a problem (the appearance), outlining its parameters (what causes such disparity), is then positioned for a solution  

Truly the solution is without doubt beyond your means, but ... there is the Tech people 

+8 votes
Hi Andrew,

Are you a designer, or do you have access to image editing software? It would be super helpful if you want to go so far as to visually demonstrate what you would suggest. Ideally, you'd show it on a conventional widescreen view and a narrow mobile view. And, if I'm speaking of ideals ... you'd then post it as a new proposal and get feedback. I know all this is a lot to ask, and probably beyond your interest level. Still, I wanted to throw that out there in case you or someone else wants to propose design changes.

Thanks again,

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Good idea, Chris. Picture worth and 1,000 words
Hi Chris, in my spare time I dabble a little in website design and maintenance, but I am not a designer by profession.  I am a photographer, some of the time, and used to often judge photographic work, so am familiar with aesthetics.   I can certainly have a look at a mock-up of what I mean in my comments above.  Its all a matter of presentation.   May I ask if there was a G2G discussion before implementing this change?   I should like to read up on it if there was.  

I am sure this would be all a matter of adjusting CSS sheets and not a major change.   All I am suggesting is lets make the change made a little more pleasing to the eye.

One of the other problems with the existing profile design is the amount of white space, during editing, between the data section and the edit box, when the profile has a huge family (this as you know is listed down the right column).  That may not be possible to fix, and could be disruptive if you try.  My suggestion seems very easily fixable.

Andrew: I think Chris is asking for a picture (or set of pictures) showing what you would like the page to look like, not for the code to implement your ideas. If you show your vision, someone else could do the coding. smiley

Hi Ellen, I know that...  I will look at a mock up of my idea... but at the weekend.
+1 vote

This is a quick mock up of what I mean...  its a matter of having badges and tags one on top of the other and centre aligned.  Just looks better in my humble opinion.

Proposed redesign of the Badges / Tags Section on Profiles

by Andrew Field G2G6 Mach 3 (37.2k points)
Personally speaking, I especially dislike seeing the badges placed so high on profiles. And I'd prefer to see the entire section moved lower on profiles - at least below the shaded section, but preferably somewhere below the biography edit box. Alternately, use hide/show links for each subsection so we can look only at the subsections in which we are interested.

As for your layout versus the current layout, it's a toss-up for me. However, I would definitely prefer to see the badges limited to 1 row and placed below the tags and surnames on your version.

...just my opinions...

Thank you for your opinions, Lindy...  I concur with your comment on the placement of badges.   Its a question of utility: what serves the greater purpose, the badges or the biography?  Categories were moved to the bottom of the page, yet they had greater utility than badges. If I had a preference, I would place badges below the 'Sources' section of the Biography.  Again, tags, they have, in my opinion greater utility than badges, other persons visiting the profile can also see the family and geographic interest of the profilee.  Perhaps tags retention at the top is not a bad thing.  Anyway, food for thought, but which ever way these sections are placed, their placement in context with the whole page must be pleasing to the eye

The problem is "pleasing to the eye" varies from person to person, so we can't find necessarily a "happy medium" that will please even a bare majority of members.

For me, "pleasing to the eye" would require moving this section/these elements "out of sight." And we could easily do just that, as we did with the categories, by using the navigation links that are below the tabs.

Utility also varies from person to person. Personally, I have little use for the badges, the tags, and the surnames. Other members may find the badges more useful; while still others fine the tags and/or surnames more useful.

Easy accessibility via navigation links for those who want to access these elements while hiding them from immediate view - that is my ideal for balance and aesthetics.

...not really disagreeing, just expanding on your concept...

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