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Marc Wilson

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 10 Jun 2020 | 453 contributions | 16 thank-yous | 879 connections
Marc D. Wilson
Born 1970s.
Ancestors ancestors
Son of [private father (1940s - unknown)] and [private mother (1940s - unknown)]
Brother of [private brother (1970s - unknown)]
[children unknown]
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Profile last modified | Created 10 Jun 2020
This page has been accessed 188 times.


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Comments: 12

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Please review the requirements for sources for Pre-1700 profiles. Any Pre-1700 profile requires reliable sources. You might also find France Project Reliable Sources helpful.

An online family tree is not a reliable Pre-1700 source.

posted by Kay (Sands) Knight
Hi Kay

Which profile did this relate to?

When I work through my history, I check actual source documents (birth certificates, etc) via Familysearch or other sources.

posted by Marc Wilson
If you are checking those sources, they should be included on the profile. An online tree is not reliable for Pre1700 profiles.




posted by Kay (Sands) Knight
Hi Marc

Thanks for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz. As Pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants, working within a project is essential

Please ensure locations are entered on all profiles and data matches dates of profile. Avoid abbreviations, add sources with citations & links for sources to support the data. From wiki ID go to Research to find sources.  Sources & England Reliable Sources and [please review this page  Reliable Pre-1700 sources} 

The England Project may be of interest. Adding the tag  ENGLAND will provide updates about the project.  Follow this link for your Tags:   your tags  Also explore  Also explore  County Teams other pages to explore are the  England Pages England Pages Explore Pre-1700 Projects list to find one to fits your research focus, look at SOUTH_AFRICA

Questions ask Here To contact me, be sure to use the "reply" link for this comment so that I will be notified. You can also click my name to send a private message, or post a comment, on my profile page.   

Janet ~ Pre-1700 Greeter

PS Links not working, click them in your comment box 

Hi Marc, I see that you've already been busy editing project profiles. All South African profiles pre-1806 fall into the Dutch Cape Colony project. There are certain protocols we use. Please take note of them (see here). The most important to remember is that we collate data, we do not merely narrate. When we collate, we sign our edits with our WikiTree names and the dates that we edit, as well as the sources that we use. I see that you've edited Bester-886 and Cloete-66 for example. The latter has two spouses with exactly the same name, though they both have different parents and dates of baptism & birth [etc.]. Yet you added a child to one of them without providing an explanation or source. Could you go back to the edits and provide one please?
posted by Philip van der Walt
Hi Philip

Thanks for the comment. My profiles were based on an import of years of work using the primary sources (birth records, etc) provided by Familysearch, MyHeritage, Ancestry, visits to the archives. etc.

Most of the sources are included via the Gedcom import.

I will look a the issue above - I remember some anomalies on the import and comparison on those profiles. I'll seek to resolve them, merge if required and add my sources as reference.

Thanks for the help.

posted by Marc Wilson
During my load last night, I contacted the maintainer for Kilian-146 to add as a child and provided the baptism certificate link with the parent's names:

This was in my Gedcom sources via a Myheritage link.

posted by Marc Wilson
edited by Marc Wilson
Hi Philip

I've done some research and there seems to be some confusion (mine, I'm sure) regarding Christiaan Bester born 1784.

My ancestor, Louisa Migilena Petronella Bester has parents Christiaan Bester and Helena Christina Kilian:

Baptism record -

I think I confused this Christiaan Bester (As far as I know - still researching - Christiaan Johannes Justus Bester - born 7 November 1784 in Swellendam) with Bester-886 and then was unable to disconnect Helena Christina Kilian as spouse as I don't have privileges.

Could you disconnect the profile? I will create another profile for Christiaan Bester based on Louisa Migilena Petronella Bester's baptism records.

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the help.

posted by Marc Wilson
See the profiles for the comments and the changes I made. I'm never comfortable just disconnecting (or connecting for that matter) unless there is tangible primary proof. Now the children are all motherless. Also, see - which Bester did she marry?
posted by Philip van der Walt
Hi Marc, a warm welcome to WikiTree! Many / most of the South African genealogical lines and profiles of the eigtheenth and seventeenth periods (and earlier) have already been made. Many have also been validated with primary sources. Duplicates (such as this one that you created - Killian-1037), which is problematic because it causes a lot of unnecessary work for all inlvolved, should be avoided at all cost. When you create profiles, the system won't show duplicates already existing when the LNAB's (LastNameAtBaptism/Birth) are spelled in different ways. You need to search manually first, sort by date, and then find the already existing profiles. A few handy links to get you started:
  1. Getting Started
  2. Adding to WikiTree.
  3. Pre-1700 Quiz (self-certifying in order to understand better how to do pre-1700 genealogical work on WikiTree)
  4. What are duplicates? Why should and how can they be avoided?
  5. G2G Help - for any questions you may have ....

Perhaps you would like to join the South African Roots Project ? Besides links to sources, there are help pages that might also be useful.

South Africa as such and the provinces did not exist until the 20th century - please ‘’hide’’ the automatic place names suggestions for pre-1900 South African profiles!

(In Afrikaans) - in Suid-Afrika, Nederland en elders word die tussenvoegsel in vanne met klein letters gespel, tensy dit anders op die primêre rekords gespel word, byvoorbeeld van der Merwe, van der Walt, van den Berg, du Preez, de Villiers ens. Die vanne wat aangemaak word met tussenvoegsels in hoofletters (dit gebeur automaties in WikiTree) , kan jy regmaak deur dit in “edit” mode te verander in 'n van met klein tussenvoegsels (met as rede aangee dat dit die konvensie is vir Afrikaanse vanne), en dan weer te “save”.

posted by Philip van der Walt
edited by Philip van der Walt
Hi Marc,

One of our mentors created a tutorial for the GEDCOMpare process that I found very helpful. I hope that you will too.

If you have any questions about how WikiTree works, let us know by using the "reply" link under our comments or by clicking our names to visit our profiles. From there you can leave a comment or send a private message.

Debi ~ WikiTree Greeter

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Congrats on being a Family Member of WikiTree!

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Welcome to the community!

Lothar ~ WikiTree Greeter

P.S. Sometimes links don't work in emails. If that's happened to you, check the public comments on your profile as the links will work from there.

posted by Lothar Wolf

This week's featured connections are Baseball Legends: Marc is 38 degrees from Willie Mays, 31 degrees from Ernest Banks, 23 degrees from Ty Cobb, 28 degrees from Bob Feller, 29 degrees from Lou Gehrig, 39 degrees from Josh Gibson, 24 degrees from Joseph Jackson, 30 degrees from Ferguson Jenkins, 29 degrees from Mamie Livingston, 24 degrees from Mickey Mantle, 26 degrees from Tris Speaker and 19 degrees from Helen St. Albin on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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