Terry Weller
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Terry Weller

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 11 Jan 2018 | 203 contributions | 7 thank-yous | 106 connections
Terry Weller
Ancestors ancestors
[sibling(s) unknown]
[children unknown]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Terry Weller private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 11 Jan 2018
This page has been accessed 706 times.


I have a great deal of Mackinac area reference materials, Ste. Anne's RC church on Mackinac Island, some St. Ignace information, among others. I specialize in Metis families in the area and fur trade families around the Great Lakes.

We have a Facebook page where researchers share information. Its called Mackinac Area Genealogy and Family History, if you're interested! We will have a Spring genealogy gathering on April 21, 2018 in St. Ignace. All are welcome! [1]


  1. A source for this information is needed.

I live in St. Ignace, MI.

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For access to Terry Weller's full information you must be on Terry's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Terry:
  • 100.00% X DNA 100.00% Terry Weller: AncestryDNA, GEDmatch A793610 [compare] [compare x], Ancestry member trashound51
Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 22

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I’ve not heard back from you regarding the 1776 Project check-in so have gone ahead and removed you from the project for now.

If you’d like to rejoin at any stage you would be most welcome to do so by answering the G2G sign-up post here

Many thanks,

Betty -- 1776 Project Leader

posted by Betty (Skelton) Norman

I sent you a check-in message several days ago about the 1776 Project to ask you about your past and continued involvement but have not yet heard back from you. Do you still want to be in the project?

If I don’t hear from you in a week or so, I’ll assume that you’ve moved on to other things, but you’re most welcome to re-join the project at any time.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Best wishes,

Betty -- 1776 Project Leader

posted by Betty (Skelton) Norman
Greetings from the 1776 Project . . .

We're doing our semi-annual check-in to ask whether you have made contributions to the project in the last six months?

Please note that it is a requirement for membership in the 1776 Project that you respond to this check-in. Please post your response as a reply to this message on your page, for convenience of record keeping.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Betty -- 1776 Project Leader

posted by Betty (Skelton) Norman
Hello Terry,

During the winter, the Nordic Project performed check-ins, sent as a private message from your profile. You are one of those members who has not replied, and this is a last chance to get in touch and let me know if you like to continue as member in the Nordic Project.

Please answer this comment, and get in touch by sending me a private message. If we have not heard from you within a month you will be removed from the Nordic google group and your badge will be removed.

If you have not received any check-in emails, you might want to check that your email adress for WikiTree is one you actually still use.

Thank you!

Missy Berryann Co-Leader, Nordic Project

posted by Missy Berryann

I am checking in on behalf of the 1776 Project to announce the new project membership requirements and to verify that you are still interested in being a member of the project. All project members are being asked to join one of the project teams and also to make at least one project contribution every 6 months. We are also asking all project members to join the project's Google Group for project communications.

If you are interested in remaining with the Project, please reply to this comment or send me a message, request to join the Google Group, and let us know what team you would like to participate on.

We really appreciate your contributions on WikiTree, and thank you for all your hard work. If you have any questions, please ask. We would also love to hear any feedback you may have for the project.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

SJ - 1776 Project Leader

posted by SJ Baty
Hi Terry!

Are you still interested in helping out and work on Swedish profiles on WikiTree? Please let me know as we are forming a new Nordic Project and if you are still interested you will get a new badge.

Maggie Andersson Co-Leader Nordic Project

posted by Maggie Andersson
Hi Terry

It has been a couple of weeks since we contacted you about your participation in the Canada and as we haven't heard from you, we are following up to make sure you wish to remain a member.

We understand that interests shift as we grow our shared tree and that some members may have moved on to projects more pertinent to the branches they are currently building. If this is the case for you, please let us know.

If we do not hear back from you within the week, we will assume you have moved on to other things for the moment and remove you from the project. Please know that you will always be welcome to rejoin should your interests shift back in this direction.

Thank you so much for your participation; we genuinely appreciate it.

Janet~ Volunteer Coordinator

Hello Terry

On behalf of the Canada Project Leaders, we are doing a six-month check-in with members. Please let us know if you are still active in the Canada project. If you are active, please let us know in which ways you are currently contributing to the project.

All of us at WikiTree would like to thank you for your contributions and hope that you are enjoying exploring your roots.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Janet ~ Volunteer Coordinator


If you joined the project only to show your connection to an ancestor, please consider using a Canada Stickers on your profile instead of the project badge

Hi Terry,

I’ve not heard back from you so presume you don’t want to continue in the Canada Project at this time so have gone ahead and removed your badge. If that changes anytime you would be most welcome to re-join in the future.

Susie :-)

posted by Susie MacLeod
Source-a-Thon is a joint effort to reduce the amount of unsourced profiles on WikiTree.

The event will be held 8 AM (ET) September 28 - 8 AM (ET) October 1. (That would be 15.00 in Finland and 14.00 in the other Scandinavian countries.)

If you would like to help us, please answer this G2G thread Have you registered for the source-a-thon yet? indicating you would like to join Spic-n-Span Scandinavians. More information on Spic-n-Span Scandinavians - Source-a-Thon

posted by Maggie Andersson
Hi Terry,

I haven’t yet heard back from you to say whether or not you’d like to continue in the Canada Project. Please can you let me know if you’d like to stay, what team(s) you’d like to be in, and let me know your e-mail address so I can add you to the project Google Group? If I haven’t heard back from you by this time next week I’ll assume you no longer want to be in the project and go ahead and remove you. You would, of course, be most welcome to re-join at any time.

Many thanks,


posted by Susie MacLeod
Hi Terry,

Greg Lavoie, Dave Rutherford and I have put a lot of work into restructuring the Canada Project. Have a look at the new project page.

You'll see that we've changed the project name to the Canada Project and the badge will be changed shortly. We've done this in order to provide lots of ways for people to contribute to Canadian Profiles. We've also moved towards a team approach with top level teams being lead by Project Coordinators and sub-teams being lead by Team Leaders.

Would you like to continue in the Canada Project, and if so, which team(s) would you like to be on?

Let me know if you have any questions. Once I hear back from you I'll add you to the Google group and get you set up in your team(s).


posted by Susie MacLeod
Hi Terry, please see https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:Quebecois for how to handle names at birth in relation to dit names.
posted by Danielle Liard
Hi Terry,

Please be careful about duplicates. Had to propose many merges for "Lefebvre_dit_Boulanger" profiles you created. Please do not use "dit" names in "Current Last Name(s)", no matter of some people suggesting you otherwise. Be very sure to properly search for existing profiles before you create them. Thanks.

S. L.

posted by Serge Langlois
You are most welcome! I forwarded the Canadian Category request to Keith MacDonald. The badge for your ancestry is explained on the project page. I will see if I can find your profile and add it for you so you can just copy it.
posted by Paula J
Welcome to the 1776 Project!!
posted by Paula J

This week's featured connections are French Notables: Terry is 19 degrees from Napoléon I Bonaparte, 22 degrees from Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, 26 degrees from Sarah Bernhardt, 37 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian, 27 degrees from Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, 24 degrees from Pierre Curie, 23 degrees from Simone de Beauvoir, 21 degrees from Philippe Denis de Keredern de Trobriand, 22 degrees from Camille de Polignac, 15 degrees from Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, 23 degrees from Claude Monet and 25 degrees from Aurore Dupin de Francueil on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

W  >  Weller  >  Terry Weller

Categories: Mackinac Area Research Assistant