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Kings of Brega

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The Kings of Brega

Kings of Cnogba/Knowth

List incomplete: see Mac Shamhráin, 2004. The Uí Chonaing had earlier been settled around Tailtiu and Ráith Airthir in the valley of the Blackwater; that district was left to another branch of Síl nÁeda Sláne, Síl nDlúthaig upon the conquest of the Ciannachta Breg during the reign of Cináed mac Írgalaig. The title King of Ciannachta is first used by this dynasty in the Annals of Ulster in the year 742 and the use of the title King of Cnogba in 818; prior to this, it was a title used by the Ciannachta themselves. Earlier kings can be considered chiefs of the Uí Chonaing.

  • Congal mac Áed Sláine (-abt.0634)
  • Conaing Cuirre mac Congaile (a quo Uí Chonaing), (died 662)
  • Congalach mac Conaing Cuirre, (died 696)
  • Irgalach mac Conaing Cuirre (died 702)
  • Amalgaid mac Congalaig (died 718)
  • Cináed (died 728) son of Irgalach
  • Conaing mac Amalgado, (died 742) (rí Ciannachta)
  • Indrechtach mac Dungalaig, (died 748) (rí Ciannachta)
  • Dúngal mac Amalgado (died 759)
  • Congalach mac Conaing, died 778 (rí Ciannachta)
  • Diarmait mac Conaing (died 786)
  • Flann mac Congalaig (died 812) (rí Ciannachta)
  • Cernach mac Congalaig (died 818) (rí Cnodba)
  • Cummascach mac Congalaig (died 839) (rí Ciannachta)
  • Conaing mac Flainn (died 849) (rí Brega)
  • Cináed mac Conaing, died 851 (rí Ciannachta)
  • Flann mac Conaing (died 868) (rí Brega)
  • Flannacán mac Cellach (abt.0810-0896) Flannacan mac Cellach (descendant of Congalach), died 896 (rí Brega)
  • Máel Finnia mac Flannacán, died 903 (rí Brega)
  • Máel Mithig mac Flannacán, died 919 (rí Cnogba)
  • Congalach Cnoghba mac Máel Mithig (abt.0895-0956) Congalach mac Mael Mithig (rí Cnogba), died 956

Kings of Lagore/Deiscert Breg (South Brega)

List incomplete: see Mac Shamhráin, 2004. The title King of Southern Brega does not appear in the Annals of Tigernach until 729 and in the Annals of Ulster until 751. Earlier rulers can be considered rulers of the Uí Chernaig sept of Síl nÁedo Sláine.


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