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Francis Carew's (Carew-172) will transcription workings

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Date: 1610 to 1611
Location: London, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Carew-172
Profile manager: Nick Kennedy private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 123 times.

Transcription of Francis Carew's Will. The original is in https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv=1&dbid=5111&h=953441&tid=&pid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=bcb73&_phstart=successSource

NOTES: 1. This transcription is more or less complete, but is still a work in progress. Readers are welcome to add improvements

2. The only punctuation I have amended is to add paragraph breaks in order to improve understanding the meaning

3. One glossary point. A "Bombe" is a decorated table with drawers or a chest of drawers often with a marble top.

The Text

In the Name of God, Amen

The Remembraunce of the shortnes and frayltie of man's lyfe and howe greate multitudes of people of all sorte of all ages and at all tymes both dailie and howrelye doe departe out of this transitorye worlde. And the consideration also of what troubles what suites and charges in lawe and what greate unkindnes dothe daylye happen even amongeste the neereste in bloode eyther as touchinge the not makinge or the meerteyne and insufficiente manner of makinge of mens willes or the disposinge of there estates and goodes after theire deathes,

Theise and some other thinges have speciallye mooved me Sir Frauncys Carew of Bedington in the Countye of Surrie knighte not onlye to praye unto Almightie god for the contynewaunce of his good graces and directions towardes mee, and thereby to give hym my most humble prayers and thankes for my creation redemption and preservation from the tyme of my byrthe hitherunto but also at this presente whilste I am in healthe and of perfecte remembrance (praysed be god for yt) advisedlye and consideratlye to dispose and sett in order those temporall blessinges and worldelye goodes whiche yt hathe pleased god farr above my desertes to bestowe uppon me muche comfortinge my selfe therein that when yt shalbe godes most holy will and pleasure eyther by age sycknes or otherwyse to call me out of this mortall lyfe to his greate mercy, my mynde and sences shall not as then bee any wayes trobled or drawne awaye wth the Cares or busynes of disposinge or ordringe the same.

And therefore in the name of god and by his holye assistaunce I doe make and ordeigne this my last will and testamente in manner and fourme followinge And firste and Cheifelye before all I recommende and bequeath my soule unto Allmighetie god my Creator and to his deere sonne Jesus Christ my redeemer moste humblye beseechinge him to take mercye of that wch that he wth his most preecyouse bloode hath so deerelye boughte and payde for and to the holye ghoste allso my comforter assuredlye comfortinge my selfe that upon my earneste and hartie repentaunce ment and onelye trustinge to be saved by the greate merittes mercyes and sweete promises of his deare sonne Christe towardes all those that doe trewlye and unfeygnedlye repente I shall be one of that happie nomber in the later daye to whome that blessed and sweete salutacyon of entraunce into the. kingdome of heaven shalbe so joyefullye pronounced wch Allmighetie god of his infinite and aboundaunte greate mercye hath given lyfe unto me.

And in the meane time, I leave my bodye to the earthe, and to be buryed in the usuall place or Chappell at Bedington where my graundefather was buryed and as neere unto the place as with conveniencye and fyttnes of the place maye best serve for that purpose. And I doe charge my Executor that there maye bee a Toombe erected and for the accomplishinge thereof my will and mynde ys that there shall be one hundrede poundes or more bestowed thereupon with such decente and conveniente expenses otherwyse for my buryall as to the discretion of my sayde Executor and overseers shalbe thoughte meete and necessarye

And because I have heretofor made choyse of my Nephewe Sir Nicholas Throckmorton and have adopted hym as my nexte heire into the name of Carew and beleevinge and comfortinge my selfe in him that he will contynewe the servaunte of god and the uphoulder of my name and livinge wch I have bestowed upon him wth my franke and kinde good will, for wch purpose I have longe synce made assuraunce unto my dearelye beloved freindes Sir George Moore knighte Sir Oliphe Leighe knighte Edmonde Kedermister esquier of all my landed tenementes and hereditamentes those onelye excepted wch I reserved power in the saide conveigheaunce to make Revocation in my lyfe tyme and to geve to some such of my kynrede as I shoulde be disposed to bestowe the same sythence[?] wch conveygheaunce made and by vertue of the power then reserved,

For that I have evermore founde greate good will and kindenes and most dutyfull and lovinge respectes showed toward, me by my Nephewe Sir Frauncys Darcye knighte in whose companye and conversacyon I have taken comforte and greate pleasure, In regarde whereof I have I saye confirmed and assured unto hym by a later conveygheaunce my Mannor at Walton with all singuler thappurtenaunces thereunto belonging under suche covenauntes articles and agreementes as in the same Deede yt dothe and maye more largelye appeare: And I doe remytte and and forgive all suche dettes as are dewe unto me by bond bill or otherwyse by my sayde Nephew Sir Frauncys Darcye before the date of this my laste will and testament. I doe require therefore and charge my sayde Nephewe Sir Nicholas Throckmorton that he will not any waye be discontented therewith but by all wayes and meanes ratifie and allowe this my guyste given to Sir Frauncys my Nephewe and his neere kynseman and the rather because I have most I kindelye and in bountyful manner bestowed the resydewe of my landes and beste parte of my goodes upon him,

And for the better confirmation of my love and kindness towardes my sayde Nephewe Sir Nicholas and for that he hath allwayes carryed himselfe dutyfull and respectivelye torwardes mee, hopinge and assuredlye beleevinge that he will not onlye serve and thanke god for this good blessinge, but will allso have aspecyall care and be trulye mindefull to see this my will in all thinges perfectelye perfourmed, I doe therefore ordeigne constitute and make him the saide Sir Nicholas Throckmorton my sole and only Executor, Revoakinge and disaunllinge any will by me heretofore made and I doe declare and anouche this to be my true and onelye last will and testament.

And I doe appointe and make my lovinge Freindes Sir George Moore and Sir Oliphe Leighe knightes and John Hawarde esquier to be the Supervysors of this my sayde last will and testamente desyring them most instantelye to be aydors and assistauntes and faithefullye to advise and counsell my sayde Executor by all wayes and meanes as maye stande with a good conseyence bothe for the true and perfrecte performaunce of this my last will and testamente, as allso for the better husbandinge and governinge of his estate, that there by he maye be the more able and readye to doe service and good to his cuntrye, and that by his good behavioure and course of lyfe yt mayethe better appeare to the worlde hereafter that I was not deceaved in my choyce by preferringe and advauncinge him to my landed and lvyinges before others of my kynrede, And I give to eyther of my sayde Supervysprs or Overseers for their paynes to be taken herein the some of Fiftene poundes a peece.

And because that some others wch are my heyres generall maye be charged after my deceasse with sums of lyverye paymente of primer seisin or other charges to the kinges ma[jes]tie and yet shall not have any of my sayde landes in respecte of my former conveigheaunce as aforesaide, Therefore I will and charge my Executor that he disburse and paye all manner of charges that my saide heires generall maye be bona fide charged withall. Soe that they be no wayes or meanes maye be encombred for the same.

And to the intente that the saide Sir Nicholas Throckmorton beynge my sayde adopted heire and my sole executor named as aforesayde maye be the better able to keepe and mainteigne hymselfe in my chiefe house at Bedington, I doe therefore geve and bequeathe unto hym all and singular my plate jewells householde stuffe and furniture of householde and all my stocke of cattell and horses whatsoever. Savinge allwayes and excepting all suche of the sayde plate jewelles householde stuffe cattells and other thinges which hereafter either by this my will or by any codecell or wrytinge to be added or annexed to the same I shall thereby or therein geve and bequeathe perticulerly to any other of my lovinge Freindes kinrede or servauntes.

Item I doe will and appoynte that Robert Rogers my auncyente servaunte and keeper shall contynue his place and keepershippe of Bedington parke duringe his naturall lyfe with all suche usuall Fees and profettes as he hathe had in my lyfetime.

And so leavinge and savinge to myselfe a full power and disposition to add suche other bequeastes and legacyes as I shall thinke fitte and to be inserted in a codecell or codecells to be added and made parcell of this my last will and testamente wch I meant and intende shalbe as perfectelye and absolutelye my last will and testament as this, and to be as trulye and carefullye performed accordingelye I doe hereunto and in wytnes hereof sett to and subscrybe my hande and seale this seconde daye of Auguste Anno Domini one thousande sixe hundrede and Tenne and in the yeares of the raigne of gracyouse soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god kinge of Englande and Scotlaund Fraunce and Irelaunde defendor of the faith etc That ys to saye of Englande Fraunce and Irelaunde the eighte and of Scotlaunde fowre and Fortythe. Hereby testifyinge and pronouncing this to stande and bee for my last will and testament as allso suche Codecells or scedules as hereafter I shalbe disposed to make and adde heretunto in the presence of such witnees as are endorsed one the backe side hereof after the same was by me sealed up Francys Carew Sealed and subscribed the daye and yeare wthin wrytten in the presence of John Hawarde, Frauncys Butler, Nicholas Hillar, John Boothe.

A Codecell or scedule made by me Sir Francis Carew of Bedington in the County of Surrey Knight I do ordeigne and make as parcell of my last will and testament accordinge to the power and clause wch I saved and reserved unto my self in my sayde last will and testament annexed hereunto. And I doe request and straightleye charge my executor named in my last will to cause the same to be formlye added and annexed to my saide last will and to be the same in all things trulye and carefully performed and discharged according to my Faythful truste reposed in him.

In primis I doe give and bequeath to the poorest in the parish of Bedington the some of one hundred pounds the same to be disposed and employed and the proffite thereof arising to be for their best behooffe and relliefe in suche sorte as by the discretion of my Executor and overseers shall be thoughte most meete and convenient .

Item I doe likewise give unto the poor of the parish of Croydon the some of twenty pounds.

Item I doe give to the poore of all the severall parishes of Walton super montem (Walton-on-the-Hill), Banstede, Eblisham, Sutton, Carsalton, and Mitcham the some of fyve poundes to every severall parish.

Item I doe give unto my Nephew Sir Nicholas Saunders Knight the some of three hundred poundes and I doe remitte forgeve and pardon hym all suche some and somes of monye wch he doth owe unto me bee yt by statute recognizance bonde bill or otherwise howsoever dewe before the date of my last will and testament to my self or to my Executor within named by force of any leasse heretofor made or otherwyse.

Item I doe give unto theldeste sonne of my Syster Elizabethe Hall that shall be lyvinge at the hour of my deathe one hundred poundes

Item I doe gyve to John Hall the youngeste sonne of my said sister Hall twentye poundes

Item I doe give to my Neice the Ladye Raleigh one French Bowle of Christal.

Item I doe gyve to my Nephew Arthur Darcye and to my Nephew Henrie Saunder to each of them twentye pounds

Item I doe gyve to my Nephew Whitneye (His sister Isabel's daughter Anne's husband) one Deep Frenche Bowle playne guylte on Cover

Item I do give to my good neighbour and Friend Sir Thomas Muschrampe Knight one deepe french bowle guylte with a cover fashioned with Dropps.

Item I do give to my lovinge neighboure Mr William Quarles my bigger cuppe of christall sett with stones and to his bedfellow my greate Salt sellar with christall pillers and my fowre (four) marble candlesticks.

Item I do give to Mrs Sutton a guylte French Bowle without a cover.

Item I give to Elizabeth Beeche the some of fyve poundes.

Item I Give to Mr Frauncys Butler a frenche boulle with a cover freezed and smooth in squares and Forty poundes in monye.

Item I give and bequeath to Thomazin Woorde Fiftye poundes in monye the same with the profitte arising of and for the same to be payde unto her when she shall accomplishe the age of one and twentye yeares or at the date of her marriage whch of them shall first happen.

Item I give to Frauncys Mershe and Nicholas Hiller iointelye (jointly) together all my Apparell furnyshed in all sortes as I wore it and to either of them tenne poundes a piece in monye besydes theyr wages wch shall be due at the hoore of my death

Item I give to John Bathe my servaunt tenne poundes besides his wages rightly due at the hour of my deathe Item I give to John Dorninge my cook besides his wages wch were rightly due at my death Fyve Poundes. And I do moreover give unto the saide John a lease and terme of one and twentye years in the house and lande wch he nowe holdethe of me by lease, the same years to begynne after the expiration of the lease wch he nowe enjoyes payinge the same Rente and not more than is nowe reserved and at the like fealties as the same ys nowe reserved and payeable upon his lease wch he nowe holdethe of me.

Item I give to the good D? Johnson my servaunt tenne poundes besides his wages wch shall be dewe at my decease

Item I gyve to my der servaunt Bridgette Webbe fyve poundes

Item I gyve to Richarde Owen, Bartholomewe Tegg, Thomas Webb, Robert Lycnest, William Grimsdicke, Danyell Badcocke, John Defoe, Richarde Lyenes, Thomas Evans, William Caroseen and Averye Lambert, my servaunts having longeste dwelte with mee (yf they shall be dwelling wth me at the hour of my deathe) to each of them Fyve poundes a piece in monye besides there wages wch shall dewe at my decease.

Item I give to the rest of my householde men servaunts who shall dwellinge wth mee at the hour of my death one whole yeare's wages besides there wages wch shal be due at the time of my death. Item I give to all my mayde servaunts wch shal be dwellinge wth mee at the hour of my death Forty shillings a piece besides there wages wch shal be due when I dye.

Item my will and mynde is, and I straightelye charge my Executor that he shall permytte and suffer all my sayde servauntes to remayne one whole monthe in my house at Bedington after my deceasse giving them meate drinke and lodginge that they maye in that meane season dispose of them selves as they shall thinke good.

Item I do give to mye loving good Friend Sir Edmund Bowyer Knight a Flatte guylte Bowle wth a cover and a Beare upon the toppe of the cover.

Provided alwayes and my intente and meaninge is that yf any of my Nephews or heires generall (other than the sayde Sir Nicholas Throckmorton and Sir Frauncis Bowyer) shall at any tyme hereafter clayme or challenge any of my landes or testamentes or attempte and goe about to alter or hinder any estate or states hereof or of any parte thereof by me heretofore made and established That then all such legacies and bequeastes as I gave by this my presente will or codecell thereunto annexed to them or any of them given or bequeathed clayminge Challenging attempting or going about as aforesaid shall utterly frustrate and void to all intente and purposes any thing therein Conteygned to the contrary thereof in any wyse not wth standinge

And further my will and meaninge ys touchinge twelve hundred poundes to be payde to mee my heires and assigns by John Huntleye the fyste daye of Maye wch shallbe in the year of O(ur) Lorde one thousande sixe hundrede and eighteene for redemption of Kinnersley, Wallington place and other landes that the same shall be to the onlye use and behoof of my sayde Nephew and Executor Sir Nicholas Throckmorton and further yf the same be not payde accordinge to the condieson and promi so lymitted bye certegne Indentures then my will and mynde is that all the landes and other fyne appurtenameres mentyoned in the sayde Indentures and all the estate thereof together with all rights and title thereunto shall be to the onely use and behoffe of the sayde sir Nicholas Throckmorton and his heyres forever.

Frauncys Carew sealed published and delyvered as his last will and testament in the presence of John Shararde, Francis Butler, Nicholas Syllar, John Boothe. Memorandum that the Fourthe daye of August Anno Domini 1610. Sir Frauncys Carew of Bedington in the Countie of Surrye Knyght did raise and appointe that this Predule or Codecell to be annexed unto his sayde last will and testamente and did ordeyne constitute and appointe that yt shoulde remayne and be as parte and parcell of his sayde will charginge his Executor named within his will that he shall faithefullye and trulye perforeme the same. And the saide Sir Frauncis Carew did delyver as well the saide will as this codecell annexed to be his (?) onelye and last will and testamente in the presence of John Shararde, Francis Butler, Nicholas Syllar, John Boothe.

A Codecell or scedule made by me Sir Frauncis Carew of Bedington in the Countie of Surrye Knighte. Wheras (?) I doe ordeyne and make as parte and parcell of my last will and testamente according to the power and clause wch I saved and reserved unto myselfe in my sayde last will and testament annexed hereto. And I doe require and straightlye charge my executor named in my sayde will to raise the same to be trulye added and annexed to my sayde last will and to see the same in all thynges truely and carefully performed and discharged accordinge to my Faithfull Truste reposed in him.

In primis whereas by the Form a Codecell to this my presente will all so annexed I did give to Mr John Slad one deepe French bombe guylte with a cover all freezed and Fortye poundes in monye. Nowe for dyverse good considerations mee at this tyme specially movinge. I have caused the sayde guyfte and legacy to be crossed out of my sayde will and I doe hereby revoake and frustrate the same.

And I doe nowe gyve and bequeath to my lovinge friend John Saywarde aforementioned in my sayde will in regarde of manye travelles and some busynesses wch he hathe done and daylye doethe for mee the sayde French Bowle and fortye poundes in mony over and above and besydes the legacye of Fiftye poundes wch I have given hym in my sayde will. And I doe alsoe give hym one sylver bazen and ewer and one sylver beere tankarde wth a cover wch I myselfe ordinaryilye use in my now lodginge chamber.

Item further allso by my former codecell I did gyve to John Boyd some tymes my servaunt now deceased the some of Fyve poundes and to Nicholas Bromley some tymes also my servaunteand now departed one of my sayde servyce the some of Fyve poundesalso I doe now revoake the same guyftes to the sayde John Boyd and Nicholas Bromley and my will and meaninge is that the same shall remayne to my sayde Executor towardes the performance of this my last will and testamente and the sayde codecells hereto annexed.

Item I doe further give and bequeath unto Stephen Mondaye sometymes my servaunt the some of Fyve poundes

Memorandum that the nynthe daye of Maye Anno Domini one thousand sixe hundrede and eleaven the sayde Sir Frauncys Carew did raise and appointe this Schedule or Ccodecell allso to be annexed unto his sayde laste will and testamente and did ordegne constitute and appointe that yt shoulde remayne and be as parte and parcell oh his sayde will charginge his Executor wth this his will Faithfullye and trulye to perform the same.

And the sayde Sir Frauncis Carew did seale subscrybe and defyne aswell the sayde will as these scedules annexed to be his one and onelye and last will and testamente in the presence of John Shararde, Frauncys Duller, Nicholas Lyller, Frauncys Marsh.

Memorandum alsoe that the Fyveteenth daye of Maye Anno Domini 1611 the sayde Sir Frauncys Carew did give and bequeath to Nicholas Scoame sometymes his servaunt Fyve poundes in monye and to Dannyell Meade clerke for speciall servyce and pleasure done to him in this his Sickenes the some of tenne poundes in monye and to the Appothecarye Mr John Shaywarde the some or tenne poundes in monye and to his servaunt William Grimserke his Farrier (?) one baye hackinge nagge

And appointed the same by waye of codecell to be annexed to his sayde last will and testamente as parte and parcell of his sayde will requyringe his Executor to performe the same in the presence of John Shararde, Mrs Quarles, Mr Litton and his wyfe, Mrs Short, Frauncys Butler, Nicholas Lyller, Frauncys Marsh, John Bashforde, Birhardes Owen John Beste and others.

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Thank you for this transcript of Francis Carew's Will, and hope you will not object to my offering a couple of corrections -

Correction - “Item I doe give unto theldeste sonne of my syster Elizabethe Hall that shall be lyvinge at the howre of my deathe one hundred poundes, Item I doe give to John Hall the youngeste sonne of my said syster Hall twentye pounds” (Item I do give unto the eldest son of my sister Elizabeth Hall that shall be living at the hour of my death one hundred pounds, Item I do give to John Hall the youngest son of my said sister Hall twenty pounds.)

Correction – “Item I doe gyve to my nephew Arthur Darcye and to my nephew Henrie (not Lynest) Saunder

Correcton – Item I do give to my ‘lovinge neighboure’ Mr William Quarles my bigger cuppe of christall (crystal) sett with stones and to his bedfellowe my greate salt seller with christall pillers and my fowre (four) marble candlestickes

posted by Anonymous Baker