Alan Salt
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Alan Salt

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 14 Oct 2017 | 56,370 contributions | 2,305 thank-yous | 2,149 connections
Mr. Alan C. Salt
Born 1950s.
Ancestors ancestors
Brother of [private brother (1940s - unknown)]
Father of [private daughter (1970s - unknown)] and [private son (1990s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Alan Salt private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 14 Oct 2017
This page has been accessed 4,778 times.


Alan Salt is a member of the Salt Name Study Project.
This profile is part of the Salt Name Study.
South Australia flag
Alan Salt was born in South Australia, Australia
Scottish flag
Alan Salt has Scottish Ancestors.
Alan Salt is a member of Clan_MacEwen.
English flag
Alan Salt has English ancestors.
Alan Salt is a member of the Australia Project.

Alan Salt was born on July 1, 1952 at North Adelaide Memorial Hospital. He was the son of Robert Kenneth Salt and Jessie Ferguson (McEwin) Salt . He is still living.


SALT.— On July 1, at Memorial, to Jess and Bob — a son (Alan Charles Stewart). Both well.


Both my children are by de-facto relationships, which Wikitree has no provision for recognising. I guess no "marriage" probably suffices.

People that have lived in my home town of Blyth, South Australia.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Alan's formal name
  • full middle name (C.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
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  • images (9)
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (2)
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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Alan:
  • 100.00% X DNA 100.00% Alan Salt: AncestryDNA, GEDmatch ND5669606 [compare] [compare x], yourDNAportal ALA6a013ceb, Ancestry member alancsalt
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Comments: 45

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Hello Alan. I hope you're well. I was just looking at adding some English sources to Thomas Chester Brabham and family, but I was having real trouble finding any!

It does look as if the Brabhams were originally the Fails (I found the family on the 1881 census: and then matching birth registrations for the Fail children), and that Thomas Fail (a corn merchant) was declared bankrupt in 1883:

Presumably that led to the family leaving for Australia.

If I add some sources and research notes, would you be able to change the last names at birth, please?

posted by Katie Fuller
I have already made changes to all the profiles concerned over the last hour or so.
posted by Alan Salt
edited by Alan Salt
Thanks Alan. The Wikitree guidelines do say that the 'last name at birth' should be the name that was used officially at the time of birth, so for the ones who were registered in England as Fails that's right, and the ones who came later and were always called Brabham then that's the right LNAB. We can always add research notes to make it clearer.
posted by Katie Fuller
Made Fail LNAB for those concerned.
posted by Alan Salt
Hi Alan,

We're contacting you for the annual Australia Project membership checkin. We really appreciate your involvement in the Project in the last year. Thank you so much for all your help to improve Australian profiles on WikiTree.

Please could you reply to this message, or send me a private message to let us know if you'd like to stay on in the Project, and if you'd like to make any changes to the teams that you belong to. The teams are listed on Australia Project Teams.

If you've moved on to other things for the moment, that's absolutely fine. We'd appreciate if you'd let us know so that we can remove you from the membership list.

Over the past year, Australia Project members have been more active on Discord. We're finding it a fun way to communicate as a project. If you're not on Discord yet, here's some information - Help:Discord. If you are already on the WikiTree Discord server, let us know, and we can send you an invite link to the dedicated Australia Project server (WikiAustralia) where all our chat channels are located. It's a great way to communicate with other members on your project team/s, or for any general questions.

We're always happy to receive any ideas or suggestions that you have to make our project even better.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

The Australia Project Leadership Team ~ Gillian, Margaret and Veronica

Hi Alan.

Thank you for your comment a year ago on William Hobart (1804-1889) that his eldest son had already been in SA before he migrated. I have found unconnected profile William Hobart (1832-1919) but don't have a solid reference to confirm this William is the son of that William. Do you have a reference to confirm it so I can connect that branch to the global tree?

The elder William Hobart was my wife's great great great grand stepfather through his second wife.


posted by Scott Davis
Yes, had another look at that. You are right that there is a lack of connecting evidence. I did some editing on it. There was evidence suggesting they may not be directly related.
posted by Alan Salt
Hi Alan

I just wanted to say "thank you" for all of the additional sources that you added to the Peebles and Ferguson profiles that I manage.................greatly appreciated mate. kind regards.........Nigel Clark

posted by Nigel Clark
Hi Alan,

It's time for the annual Australia Project membership checkin. Thank you so much for contributing to the project and Australian profiles on WikiTree during the last year. We really appreciate you!

If you would like to stay in the project, please reply to this message or send me a private message to let us know that you would like to stay on. Alternatively, if your WikiTree and research interests have moved away from Australia, please let us know and we can remove you from the membership list for the moment. You will, of course, be very welcome to rejoin the project down the track whenever you want to.

We are also keen to know if you want to make any changes to the team or teams that you want to focus on. Take a look on Australia Project Teams to see what teams there are to choose from. If you want to discuss this, or have any questions or suggestions about the Australia Project we'd love to hear your ideas.

Thanks for taking the time to get back to us!

Gillian, co-Leader, Australia Project

posted by Gillian Thomas
Staying the course Gillian. Australia first, genealogically. Down to G in "Category:Australia,_Immigrant_Needs_Voyage_Category_Added", started at Z, adding immigrant voyages and ships ..
posted by Alan Salt
Hi Alan,

Great to hear from you! That's terrific working on all those voyage categories. You're currently in the SA and Born in the Colony teams. Let me know if you'd like to be added to any other team to cover your work on the voyage categories, but it's fine if you're happy with the teams you're on.

Take care Gillian

posted by Gillian Thomas
I appreciate your welcome, Alan. Are any of your McEwins linked to ours here in Texas? I hope to work on my profile here on WikiTree, as soon as I can. Maybe you and I can help each other out then.

Yours, Elaine McEwin Leek

posted by Elaine McEwin
I don't know. i just noted that you have the same spelling variant of the name. I'm in Australia. Our branch came out here in the early 1800s.
posted by Alan Salt
Hello Alan,

The Australia Project leadership team are carrying out our annual check-in to see how you are going in the project. We'd really like to give you a huge thank you for all your work on Australian profiles over the past year! We've made great progress in 2020/21 with your assistance.

Please could you reply to this message, to let us know if you would like to stay on in the project and if you are happy with your current role and team involvement.

If you would like to do something additional or different, take a look on the Australia Project page to see what other opportunities there are.

It would also be great to get any feedback or suggestions that you have to improve the project.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Gillian, Co-leader, Australia Project

posted by Gillian Thomas
Happy enough filling in voyages, working back fron Z in the Category: Australia, Immigrant Needs Voyage Category Added list. Currently active in Po....

Anything left between there and Z I couldn't find a source for.

posted by Alan Salt
Thanks so much Alan! That's a brilliant task to work on. And thanks for getting back to me so promptly!
posted by Gillian Thomas
Hi Alan

I came to this via a search for something else. But if you want/need information about Prestwood `(sometimes called 'Priesthood') Boucher please get in touch. I visited his home village in Berkshire, England yesterday. William Horwood

posted by Julian William Horwood
Hi Alan,

I wish to thank you for adding the "Irvine Family on the Mangerton" to Alexander Irvine's profile [Irvine-2338]. I found it most interesting - it will enable me to look further into his family. It is information that I wouldn't have had otherwise. Many thanks, Margaret Cranley Cranley-15

posted by M. Cranley
Hi Alan,

Thank you for adding your DNA to WikiTree. :)

Here is a link that will tell you more about how DNA kits are used on WikiTree: Getting the Best from DNA

If you have questions about how WikiTree works, let me know. To contact me, log into WikiTree, and go to your profile. Use the Reply link below my comment to be sure that I will be notified. Alternatively, click my name to visit my profile. From there, you can leave a comment, or send a private message.

If you need help, let me know. Otherwise, best of luck with your research!

Claire ~ WikiTree Greeter

posted by Claire (Chapel) Nava
Hi Alan,

The Australia Project leadership team are carrying out a check-in to see how you are going in the project and especially to thank you for all your work on Australian profiles on WikiTree. We really value your participation.

Please could you get back to me by private message to let me know if you are happy with your current role and team involvement within the project or if you would like to do something additional or different. Currently you are on the South Australia and Born in the Colony teams. If you would like a change, you can check on the Australia Project page to see what other options there are.

It would also be great to hear any feedback and any suggestions that you have to improve the project. On a practical note, if you are a member of the google group, are you receiving messages ok? Also do you have Australia as one of the tags you are following on the G2G? Don't forget to add it in if you don't have that tag yet.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards

Margaret Haining Membership Coordinator

Hi Alan, I've added the"Canton" to the Salt family, I used the the 12th, as per (all listed) and this newspaper

Cheers, Margaret

Yes, every source but that govt one has that date.

and I see you created a wiltshire to NSW category. Thank you.

posted by Alan Salt
edited by Alan Salt
Hi, Alan

The Ambassadors project has been reorganizing and is looking for those who have a membership at a genealogical society, to help in spreading the word about WikiTree.

We're working on ways to improve how WikiTree connects and interacts with genealogical and local history societies. This is the kind of thing we want to do:

  • Liaise with societies: set up your local society with a free-space page and some WikiTree materials as part of a package.
  • Use social media to promote what societies are offering on WikiTree.
  • Encourage bloggers to blog about societies and the resources available to them on WikiTree.

Are you interested in participating in some way? Do you have some ideas to share?

Azure Rae ~ co-Leader of Ambassadors Project

posted by Azure Robinson
Hi Alan, I just found another trove that mentioned "Inter colonial" and "Extra colonial", so I'm taking a stab and thinking it might be arrivals from outside the colonies, extra as the prefix meaning outside, as in extra-curricular, extra-terrestrial, and so on. Sir Charles Forbes all done.

Cheers, Margaret

Hi Alan, I've added the "Osprey" to Maria, I used the date 22 March, the Assisted immigrants site indexes it as 2 March but the passenger list clearly shows 22. Maria is on page 9. also found a trove article confirming arrival 22 March at Geelong.

Cheers, Margaret

Not to worry. As much as I like bling, it's all hidden away now. :(
posted by Melanie Paul
Hi Alan, re the "Lady Mac" ship, she is apparently named after the wife of an English judge in India, where she was built. see the parent category,, many references in both spellings. I've used the official name for the category and added an "aka" in the category info boxes on all the voyage categories.

Regards, Margaret

posted by Margaret (Gale) Haining
edited by Margaret (Gale) Haining
Well, the opposite of my presumption. That'll learn me.
posted by Alan Salt
As a "Tree Hugger", I want to congratulate you on your Generous Genealogist award issued on June 4, 2020.

John Williams


Wikitree Appreciation Team

posted by [Living Williams]
Hi Alan, I've added the ship category to Edwin's profile. If you would like any other Australian categories added any time, you can add the request to this page

Regards, Margaret

posted by Margaret (Gale) Haining
edited by Margaret (Gale) Haining
Hi Alan, welcome to the Australia Project! We are really delighted that you have joined us and look forward to working with you. Gillian, Co-Leader, Australia Project.
posted by Gillian Thomas
Hi Alan,

Thanks for all your work on WikiTree. I noticed that you recently created a profile for a pre-1700 ancestor.

There have been some updates to the Pre-1700 Profile help page and the Pre-1700 Quiz since you took it in Nov 2018. Please review both and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. You will notice that the wording has been modified to more fully explain the sourcing needed for pre-1700 profiles.

We're looking for reliable sources to add to the various lists. Would your sources be good additions?



posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
A belated reply.

Perrin, ed., Autobiography of Phineas Pett, by Phineas Pett. Published 1918. Publications of the Navy Records Society [in London] . Library of Congress DA70 .A1 vol. 51

Volume 51 of their publications is, simply, the Autobiography of Phineas Pett, so it is only useful for the study of Phineas. I suspect other volumes might cover other naval historical figures, while others cover other naval subjects. I would assume they mostly cover the Royal Navy of Britain. I only possess the volume on Phineas Noah Pett. They've been publishing since 1893, and have produced over 160 volumes. There is a list of early volumes that have entered the public domain and been digitised here:

The profile on Phineas (Pett-147) was a bit of a test effort. I've made what I think are improvements as I've learnt. If I've made any faux pas there, or style errors or anything noticeably out of order, or there are improvements I could make, please let me know.

posted by Alan Salt
edited by Alan Salt
Thank you for getting back with me, Alan, and for the link to the Navy Records Society publication list. I will pass it on the the England Project's coordinators.

I took a look at Phineas' profile and do have a couple of suggestions. The first would be to include a link to either the Internet Archive or Project Gutenburg digital versions of the Autobiography. It helps other researchers know where they can go for more information.

The other thing is that his current biography focuses more on his career than on topics of interest to a family history reader. Have you tried the Biography Builder app that was created by one of our members? It uses the data fields and linked profiles to create a basic genealogical biography. There's a check box which will include inline citations codes for the various information.

Since no one knows how accurate Phineas was in his autobiography, it is usually best practice to look for corroborating sources. For instance, his first marriage has been indexed at FamilySearch:

The England Project has determined that the England Marriages database is reliable for pre-1700 profiles, so you could copy that citation in to Phineas' profle. If you have time and lots of English ancestors, I would recommend joining the project and going through their Orphan Trail to learn about sources for England. I recently completed the Trail and found it very helpful in my research. It's also a great grounding on what to include in a biography.

I hope this helps. I will see you in the branches,


posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Not many English ancestors, despite there being plenty of Salt families. Birth, death and marriage records not so good for commoners.

Can only clearly trace back to 1793. Further back the information is not so reliable.

Phineas Noah Pett is an ancestor of the mother of my second child. She was quite proud of the lineage.

In line with your suggestions, I have (hopefully) upgraded the bio, though I think the career important, as it is what makes him noteable.

posted by Alan Salt
Thanks for adding the genealogical paragraph, Alan. I definitely agree with keeping his career information, just that it shouldn't be the only thing in the Biography section.

I see that you found a second source for his death date. You left the original death sentence and citation in the career section, possibly intentional, possibly not, so thought I would mention it.

The link you used for sourcing his parents goes to the Errata volume of the Dictionary of National Biography instead of Vol 15. I was able to find this link to the online version of the biography which shows only an excerpt. Luckily, that excerpt includes the names of his parents.

Members of the England Project suggested checking the Burials for Chatham for records on his death and the early parish registers for both Stepney and St Margarets for his other marriages. Links for searching those records can be found in the England Project's Reliable Sources FAQ.

Regarding your Salt family, I wanted to mention that finding records for commoners is not as difficult as it once was. I learned that through my experience with England's Orphan Trail.

Let me know if you have any questions,


posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
I'm not finding link(s) to burials at Chatham, or Parish Registers for Stepney or St Margarets on the FAQ page, and not so far succeeding with Google. Am I missing something on that FAQ?
posted by Alan Salt
I had to re-read that resources page as I hadn't been on it in a couple of months. To find the specific resources, you'll need to look at the County Resources pages. For instance, Chatham is in Kent. They page can be found at

Each County has their own page. Links for them can be found at

Sorry for being less than clear

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
My immediate family tree and associated Australian branches of that tree.
posted by Alan Salt

Wish you a Happy New Year. May 2018 bring you all you need to be happy.

Congratulation for adding your contributions in December. Whatever the quantity of your contributions, they all count. As I always say "Quality is better than quantity" to make a great family tree.

Thank you for being a Wikitreer,

Guy Constantineau - Wikitree leader

Thanks Alan. :) I've been working on some of the database error lists for early Australian profiles, mainly to procrastinate about some of the families which still need adding in my own relatives. Trove is a wonderful source for formatted references - if you search in for the book you're using and click into the record (you may need to choose the edition from that screen) a Cite This button appears and that automatically generates a pretty reasonable reference in a few styles. The Newspapers bit of Trove also does nice automatic references for articles - it's hidden under the (i) in the top left corner of each article.
Hi Alan,

Thanks for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz!

Because pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants, working within the projects which coordinate them is essential. You can learn more about joining the community in How To #3 and in the Project FAQ.

Use the Pre-1700 Projects list to find one which best fits your research focus, whether time period, location, or special event. Read the goals and tasks of the project and join if it is a good fit.

Let me know if you have trouble finding projects which fit your focus. Click my name, then ask in the comment section of my page.

Debi ~ Pre-1700 Greeter

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Hi Alan –

We are happy to have you as a member of WikiTree. I hope you’re enjoying being here.

I'm a member of the Mentor project, and I just wanted to check in and see how things are going. Do you have any questions I can help you with?

Shirley – WikiMentor

You've been a member of WikiTree for about a week now, so I’m checking in to see how it's going.

Have the How-Tos been helpful or left you with questions?

You can contact me by clicking my name above, then sending a private message or posting a public comment on my profile page.

Carole ~ WikiMessenger

P.S. Sometimes WikiTree links don't work in emails. If that's happened to you, check the public comments on your profile page. The links will work from there.

posted by Carole Partridge

You are now a full member and can add your family to the big tree!

Start with our New Member How-To pages. These will save you a lot of time and answer many of your questions as you begin to add your family tree.

I have been a member of WikiTree for almost 4 years and I love it here. We have a growing and helpful community searching for our relationships to the global family tree. We are delighted that you have decided to join us and hope you will have many pleasurable ancestor hunts!

Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm always happy to help!


p.s. Sometimes links don't work in emails. If that's happened to you, check the public comments on your profile as the links will work from there.

This week's featured connections are Exercise Gurus: Alan is 27 degrees from Richard Simmons, 32 degrees from Billy Blanks, 16 degrees from John Dunlop, 27 degrees from Jack LaLanne, 24 degrees from Pehr Henric Ling, 26 degrees from Davina McCall, 25 degrees from R. Tait McKenzie, 20 degrees from Olivia Newton-John, 27 degrees from William Orban, 23 degrees from Arnold Schwarzenegger, 25 degrees from Suzanne Somers and 23 degrees from Raquel Welch on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

S  >  Salt  >  Alan Salt

Categories: Unmarried | Australia Project Members | Salt Name Study | Clan MacEwen