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Robert Mann Sr (abt. 1650 - bef. 1713)

Robert Mann Sr
Born about in Surrey, Englandmap [uncertain]
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Husband of — married about 1675 [location unknown]
Descendants descendants
Died before before about age 63 in Henrico County, Virginiamap
Problems/Questions Profile managers: W Mann private message [send private message] and Karen Carty private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 13 Jan 2014
This page has been accessed 2,429 times.
This profile is part of the Mann Name Study.

Source for much of the following: Mann Family Research Foundation, thanks to John Aylor:



Robert Mann, Sr was likely born between 1645 and 1655 in or near Surrey, England (though not proven yet, and it is possible that he was born in the Colonies). This range of years is taken from research conducted on behalf of the Mann Family Research Foundation and by other volunteer researchers, based on court documents in southern Virginia.

As of December 2023, ongoing research is seeking to identify family connections in England, with Y-DNA indicating a possible connection either to SURREY or HAMPSHIRE, England. Robert Mann died some time between April 10, 1712, when his will was written, and July 6, 1713, when Isabel presented his will to the court for the estate process. In many Henrico County records, the name was spelled "Man". Isabel's name was also spelled differently at times.

NONE of the parents that have been shown on this website, on Ancestry, or on Familysearch have ANY verifiable evidence for being the parents of this Robert Mann. Some of these speculated "parents" are impossible and others lack any logical justification. Also, there was an older Robert Mann in VA prior to this Robert Mann, but, as of 2023, there is no evidence of any family connection.

Note: As of 2023, ALL males in America from this family, who share Mann Y-DNA, descend from this Robert Mann. It is an uncommon Y-DNA haplogroup among males with the Mann surname. So, if you are a male with direct Mann paternal DNA, you can submit a sample for the Y-DNA test on the FTDNA website and confirm your family connection.


Robert died between April 1712, when his will was written, and 6 July 1713 in Henrico County, Virginia, when his widow Isabel presented the will to the court at Varina. The death date of his widow Isabel is unknown, but obviously occurred after 6 July 1713. Her name has not been found in any document, thus far, after this date in 1713.

A common tradition was to list the children in age order, starting with the oldest, which appears to be the case in Robert's will, based on what is known about the children. Only daughter Jane has no paper trail after this will, written in April 1712:

His will indicates that son Robert Jr was an adult, as he was given "the land he lives on and 12 pence". His wife Isabel received the "plantation she lives on, down as low as Hounds ditch for life". After her death this property was to go to son Thomas. In some family traditions, the youngest son inherited the "home place", but there is no evidence that Thomas was younger. Also, the order of being listed in a parent's will more often was an indicator of their age. Sometimes, the sons were listed in order, then the daughters grouped together in order, in the will.

The children Thomas (in addition to a future promise of land), John, Francis, Mary, and Jane all received 12 pence apiece...Robert's wife Isabel received the rest of the estate, and was named executor.

Document Research and Commentary

The first part of this section provides a general timeline of activities regarding Robert Mann. The last part provides more specific details and sources for some of these activities.

As of 2023, the first confirmed reference to this Robert Mann in Virginia was the 1677 will of William Griffin, which lists Robert Mann as executor, and also makes reference to Isabel Mann. Recorded Henrico County, VA, Court, (date not readable) 1677. See the Sources section at the end of this profile for the will abstract.

The second known reference to this Robert Mann in Virginia is his appearance on a 1679 tithable list for Henrico, VA. (see below for partial text)

The third documented reference to this Robert Mann of Henrico, VA is this land patent from 1683: Patent: Thomas, Lord Culpeper, Lt. Gov. of VA, to Eve Bellonge and Robert Man Dated 16 Apr. 1683 Patent to Evan Baker alias Eve Belonge and Robert Mann. 89 acres and eight poles of land, in Henrico County, Bristol Parish, on the south side of the James River and on the north side of Swift Creek. Said land being due for transportation of two persons (to the Colonies). (Virginia Patent Book 7, pg 278). (later, full ownership was transferred to Robert Mann).

June 25, 1684 - Robert Mann was part of a 12-man jury in Henrico, investigating the death of John Russell in Swift Creek "at ye wading place near to Swift Creek Mill". The conclusion was that he drowned by "misfortune". (Robert Mann owned land on Swift Creek very near the mill). Other jurors included George Hunt, John West, John Wilson Sr, John Wilson Jr, and James Franklin, among others. "Robert Man" used "RM" as his signature. Book 1, page 277, Henrico Court Records.

Deed Abstract: James Franklin of Bristol Parish, Henrico County to Thomas Totty and Robert Man of same. Recorded Henrico County, VA, Court, 2 Aug. 1686. for valuable consideration, 119 acres on the north side of Swift Creek, lately patented by William Greenfield and by him transferred to me; the upper ½ to Totty, and lower ½ to Man. Dated 17 Nov 1685. Wit: Thomas Fitzherbert, James Hill, Nicholas Dison. Signed James (his mark) Frankling. Margaret, the wife of James, relinquished her dower right. (Henrico County Will, Deeds, Etc. 1677-1692, 378, abstracted in Benjamin B. Weisiger, III, Henrico County, Virginia Deeds 1677-1705 (Richmond, 1986) 34)

Note: Robert Mann received the lower half of 119 acres, which adjoined the 89 acres that he already owned. William Greenfield's patent is recorded in Virginia Patent Book 7, p. 389.

In 1698, in Henrico records, Robert and Isabel Mann gifted a tract of land to a daughter. Unfortunately, the scanned image of the document is partial. The only first name that is visible is MARY, so it could have been daughter Mary Mann. Supposedly, she married Seth Perkinson at some time, possibly around the time of this gift. BUT, the source of this Mann/Perkinson relationship has not been provided by readily available sources. Even the research developed by the "official" Mann family researchers has not included the sources.

Deed Abstract: Robert Man to George Hunt Recorded Henrico County, VA, Court, 31 July 1702. Dated 31 Jul. 1702. For valuable consideration, 50 acres of land on the north side of Swift Creek, part of my land purchased by James Franklin, next to Maj. Field. Izabella, my wife, will relinquish her dower right. Wit: Ed Harper. Signed: Robert (his mark R) Man. Isabella, the wife of Robert, relinquished her dower right.

  • Robert Mann appeared on the Quit Rent Roll of April 1705:

Robt Mann, Henrico VA; 100 acres. (1 shilling was due to England for every 50 acres owned. The 1704 list is the only one discovered as of 2021, The Henrico Co list was compiled as of April 1705 for the prior year.)

  • Deed Abstract Information*

[1] Patent: Thomas, Lord Culpeper, Lt. Gov. of VA, to Eve Bellonge and Robert Man Dated 16 Apr. 1683. Patent to Evan Baker als Belonge and Robert Mann... 89 ac. noe rood, but eight poles of land, in Henrico Co., Bristoll Parish, on South side of James River and on north side of Swiff [Swift] Creek (viz) Begin at a corner white oak belonging to Mr. Henery Randolph and runneth thence north by East one hundred and thirty poles to a corner Pohickory, thence East north East twenty six poles to a Corner white oake, thence south East by South twenty fower poles to a Corner, thence East south East thirty six poles thence South East by East sixty seven poles to a corner dead Pine, thence south east by east one hundred and twelve poles to a Corner Gum, thence south by west sixteen poles to ye line of Mr. Hen: Randolph, thence along ye sd Randolphs line west by north two hundred twenty fower poles to ye place wee began, including ye aforesaid eighty nine acres & eight poles, ye said land being due for transportation of two persons. 89 acres; 1683 Patent for 89 Acres

Deed Abstract: Thomas, Lord Culpeper, Lt. Gov. of VA, to Eve Bellonge and Robert Man and assignment from Bellange to Robert Man.

[2] Recorded Henrico County, VA, Court, 1 Aug. 1684. Dated 16 Apr. 1683. 89 acres in Bristol Parish on south side of James River and north side of Swift Creek, next to Henry Randolph. Signed: Tho. Culpeper. Eve Bellange assigns to Robert Man his whole interest in land taken up betwixt us. 1 Feb. 1683. Signed: Eve Bellange. Mary Bellange, wife of Eve Bellange, relinquishes her dower right in above land. 1 Feb. 1683. Signed: Mary (mark) Bellange.

[3] 1685 Nov. 17th Deed James FRANKLING of Bristol Parish, Henrico Co., for valuable consideration, to Thomas TOTTY and Robert MAN of same, 119 acres on north side of Swift Creek, lately patented by William GREENFIELD and by him transferred to me, the upper ½ to TOTTY, and lower ½ to MANN. 17 Nov 1685. Wit: Tho FITZBERBERT, James (IH) HILL, Nich. DISON Signed James (his mark) FRANKLING Recorded 2 Aug. 1686 Margaret, wife of James, relinquished her dower right

Notes: Thomas TOTTY and Robert MAN(N) buying land from James Frankling on same deed with each sharing ½ the land on Swift Creek.

[4] Deed Abstract: James Frankling of Bristol Parish, Henrico County to Thomas Totty and Robert Man of same Recorded Henrico County, VA, Court, 2 Aug. 1686. for valuable consideration, 119 acres on north side of Swift Creek, lately patented by William Greenfield and by him transferred to me; the upper ½ to Totty, and lower ½ to Man. Dated 17 Nov. 1685. Wit: Tho. Fitzherbert, James (IH) Hill, Nich. Dison. Signed James (mark) Frankling. Margaret, wife of James, relinquished her dower right.

Note: Robert Mann received the lower half of 119 acres, which adjoined his 89 acres. William Greenfield's patent is recorded in VA Patent Book 7, p. 389. 119 acres Deed Abstract: Robert Man to George Hunt

[5] Recorded Henrico County, VA, Court, 31 July 1702. Dated 31 Jul. 1702. For valuable consideration, 50 acres of land on north side of Swift Creek, part of my land purchased of James Franklin, next to Maj. Field. Izabella, my wife, will relinquish her dower right. Wit: Ed Harper. Signed: Robert (R) Man. Isabella, wife of Robert, relinquished her dower right.

[6] Abstract of Will of Robert Man, Sr. Recorded Henrico County, VA, Court, 6 Jul. 1713. Dated 10 Apr. 1712.

To son Robert, land he lives on and 12 pence. To wife Isabel, plantation she lives on, down as low as Hounds ditch for life, and after her death to son Thomas. To children Thomas, John, Francis, Mary, and Jane, 12 pence apiece. All the rest to wife, and she to be executor. Wit: William Dodson, Henry Vaden, Thomas Bott.

Research Notes #2

It looks like there was an older Robert Mann in the Colonies. The dates on these records don't align with Robert Mann Sr.'s age at the time. He would have been too young.

Will Abstract: Will of William Griffin. Recorded Henrico County, VA, Court, (date obliterated) 1677. Eldest son William to go to Robert Man until age 18. Son Thomas to go to John Greene until age 18, and Greene to have the keeping of two cows until Thomas is 18. To son William, my gunn. To daughter Elizabeth, one cow and pewter. To son Thomas, one chest, all tools of the house, iron potts. To daughter Margaret, my bed and one pewter dish. Youngest daughter Elizabeth is to go to Isabell Mann until age 18. Executor: Robert Mann (witness names oblitereated.) (Henrico County Wills and Deeds 1677-1692, p. 26, abst. in Benjamin B. Weisiger III, Henrico County, Virginia, Deeds 1677 - 1705 (Richmond, 1986) 1)

Portion of 1679 List of Tithables Hening. Statutes at Large of Virginia, Vol. II, p. 433. Page 131. Att a Court holden att Varina for the County of Henrico the second day of June Anno Dom 1679 . . . An account of ye several fortye Tythables ordered by this Wor'll Court to fitt out men horse armes &c. according to act, viz: Mr Richd Lygon is ordered to give notice to these. Robert Mann 1 Mr Hancocke 1 James Eakin 2 Wm Puckett 2


  1. VA Patent Book 7, 278
  2. Henrico County Wills and Deeds 1677-1692, p. 276, abst. in Benjamin B. Weisiger III, Henrico County, Virginia, Deeds 1677 - 1705 (Richmond, 1986) 26
  3. Henrico County VA Deeds 1677-1705, Compiled by Benjamin B. Weisiger III ©1986, p. 34] page 378
  4. Henrico Co. Will, Deeds, Etc. 1677 - 1692, 378, abst. in Benjamin B. Weisiger, III, Henrico County, Virginia Deeds 1677 - 1705 (Richmond, 1986) 34
  5. Henrico Co. Wills, Deeds, Etc. 1697-1704, 292, abstracted in Benjamin B. Weisiger, III, Henrico County, Virginia Deeds 1677-1705 (Richmond, 1986) 122
  6. Henrico County Wills and Deeds 1710-1714, p. 220, abstract in Benjamin B. Weisiger III, Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia, Part One 1654-1737 (Richmond,1976) 91


  • This reference is most likely NOT the same Robert Mann, as Robert Mann of VA was an adult as of 1677: [7]Surrey, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials: Name Robert Man' : Baptism Date 20 May 1664; Parish Cobham, St Andrew; Father's Name Robert Man; Reference Number COB/1/1
  • The FindAGrave memorial for Robert Mann: Find A Grave: Memorial #9002207 as of 2018-06-09. (The info on FindAGrave is not based on an actual gravesite - it is NOT a reliable source in this case, and many other cases). Some incorrect information was updated in 2023.

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Comments: 8

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I have absolutely no problem merging the two Robert Mann profiles. Is there anything in the notes that should be moved. How does that get handled since both profiles have an abundance of them.?
posted by Karen Carty
Hi Karen,

When I merged profiles recently with limited notes, everything worked out OK, though I had to delete a few duplicate comments. I'm willing to give it a try, but I will also copy and save the set of notes from one profile. Even if the links do get deleted somehow, at least the info and sources will still be there. I only see one note that does not apply to our ancestor Robert. I have saved both sets of notes in a file.


posted by W Mann
Mann-11024 and Mann-2810 appear to represent the same person because: Same name, same wife, same places, similar dates
posted by Neal Parker
Edwin--I show Robert Mann having born in Surrey, England--with not much more info. I've pretty much given up on Wikitree as people just come along and change things..."just because" proof, no source cited, zero documentation. Would you like to take over Robert Mann? I'm not doing justice to his entry. I'm not sure how to make that change--if you would be willing to take him. You certainly have more information on him/his Mann line than I do! Yay! He and Isabel Griffin are my 7g-grands. ( I have just that Isabel d 1713 Henrico Co, VA---unsourced "fact" from a distant cousin. I don't post that, though, but it may be a clue.) ~~Resa Nichols Hennings
i shall help if i can. one thing i note is that William Griffin who married Margaret Hatch did so in 1621 in West Pennard, Somerset. that is only a few miles from Pitney, Somerset. Dont give up on Wikitree. We can make it as good as possible. the most important thing is sources. i can only view free online sites such as FamilySearch. the family history center here in Stockholm is closed. so i cannot view early Virginia records. famiy trees on Ancestry, FindMyPast etc, and hearsay, personal memory cannot always be trusted. my famiy trees,which i made with PAF, for example had no sources whatsoever. what i am trying to9 do is find as source one free, reliable source. for England and Wales there are several, for US states the situation is more complicated as it varies from state to state. but i do not want to discourage anyone or make them feel that i do not appreciate their efforts. therefore i do not remove but add any source i find. i put a lot i find as research notes when i am uncertain. that way it can be taken into consideration and used if appropriate. a great deal of my information comes via the ydna tests i took with FamiyTreeDNA where i have matches with Mann families whose earliest known ancestor is Robert Mann who died in 1712/3 in Henrico County. his descendfants moved around a lot and there are lots of them and even more Mann families whose ancestor was not from Virginia. so i cant start from Robert Mann's present descendants and work back. one reliable source for each is what i aim at. the ydna tests show my family related distantly to a Ruffell famiy and to the Mann families related to Robert buried in Henrico County. the Ruffell family is more closely related to him tham my family is. if i were better organized i would start with Robert Mann buried 1712/3 in Henrico County, see if i can find one reliable source and then go on to his children. when i find marriages i shall include them but not make profiles for spouses because i would not be able to cope. i have also been buising adding countries to Wikitree as well as replacing the gedcom i uploaded which is now obsolete, as source for my family.

would that be okay with you? one reliable source added if we can find one and where no sources given and on our not finding any reliable source trees, personal memory etc as research notes. i think the profile can be made private so that no changes can be made without your permission.we can look into that possibility to safeguard your work.

posted by Edwin Reffell
edited by Edwin Reffell
Hello Rosa, Thanks. The information I have is from another person. Today I got an email with more information from another descendant of this Robert and Isabel. I can take over this profile and collaborate with them if you like but i also want to mention you in acknowledgement. I shall do my best to make sure it is sourced properly and would be happy if you would check what we do and give your opinions. If i am not the manager of a profile i do not change anything without asking for the profile manager's opinion/concern but i do add sources to support what the profile manager has and as research notes add information that could be alternative information.
posted by Edwin Reffell
what about the Robert Man who married Mary Griffine in 1635 in Pitney, Somerset?

is there evidence that Robert Mann was born in Surrey, Engand and not Surrey County, Virginia Colony? "During the Virginia Colony, Surry County was formed in 1652 from a portion of James City County (one of the original 8 counties formed in 1634) south of the James River. It was named for the English county of Surrey. Surry County initially consisted of two parishes of the Church of England: Lawne's Creek and Southwark.

Nearby, in 1665, Arthur Allen built a Jacobean brick house. A decade later it became known as Bacon's Castle because it was occupied as a fort or "castle" during Bacon's Rebellion against the Royal Governor, Sir William Berkeley. (Nathaniel Bacon never lived at Bacon's Castle, but rather at Curles Neck Plantation in Henrico County, about 30 miles upriver on the James River's northern bank).

The first town, Cobham, was established in 1691 at the mouth of Gray's Creek, where it flows into the James River. " (wikipedia)

"In 1634, Henrico Shire was one of the eight original Shires of Virginia established in the Virginia Colony." (wikipedia)

"Griffin is a surname of primarily Irish origin. The surname "Griffin" in Wales, generally speaking, is a variant of the surname "Griffith", or other similar Welsh names." (wikipedia)

posted by Edwin Reffell
edited by Edwin Reffell
here is some information i found on the ancestor of the Mann families whose US origin is Virginia . according to a Mann family researcher who has given me a lot of information most of it is correct but they forgot Robert Mann's son John..

ydna matches me and the other Reffell in the world who has taken a ydna test to descendants of the Robert Mann who died 1713 in Henrico County, Virginia. The earliest known ancestor of us 2 UK Reffell people is Joseph Reffell who married Sarah Hamiliton in 1734 in Nutfield,Sussex, England and was buried 1766 in Dorking, Surrey, England. He was probably baptized 1695 in Dorking with parents Roger "Ruffield" and Sarah nee "Peter".

"Much of the data comes from Elise Jourdan and her wonderful research.

Robert married Isabel about 1675 probably in County Surry, . Her maiden name is unknown. However William Griffin, wrote a will recorded pg 26, Henrico Ct, VA Wills Part 1: 1677-1698. "his eldest son William Griffin was to go to Robert Man until age 18....youngest daughter Elizabeth is to go to Isabell Mann until age 18". It is possible that William and Elizabeth were Isabell's siblings. However there were two more children of William Griffin noted in the will: Son Thomas to go to John Greene until he was 18 years of age and Margaret Griffin who received his bed and a pewter dish. Robert Mann was executor of William Griffin's will. His wife must have predeceased him.

If they started in Surry County they soon left for Robert and Isabell Mann were part of the Varina parish of Henrico County. He was listed as a thithable in 1679.

Their children are listed below: 1. Robert Mann Jr. 2. Thomas Mann 3. Francis Mann 4. Mary Mann 5. Jane Mann

Robert Mann and Evan Baker, als Belonge received a Patent of 89 acres dated April 16, 1683. It was on south side of James River and north side of Swift Creek.for transportation of two persons (unnamed) from VA Patent Book 7, page 278. A year later Eve Bellange "assigns his whole interest" to Robert Mann, dated Aug. 1 1684. from Henrico county Wills and Deeds 1677-1692, page 276, abstracted by Benjamin B. Weisiger III.

On Aug. 2, 1686 119 acres on north side of Swift Creek, was transferred from William Greenfield (how had the Patent) to Thomas Totty and Robert Man. the upper half to Totty so Robert Mann recieved the lower half. Henrico County Court records There is a drawing on Documents Relating To Robert Mann, Sr. of Henrico Co., Virginia - on rootsweb that show the 119 acres (being long and narrow running north to south) adjacent to and on the western side of the first 89 acres. So he would now own 148/9 acres.

The Henrico County Deeds 1677-1705 notes that on page 291 Robert Mann sold to George Hunt 50 acres which were "part of" land he had purchased of James Franklin. The land was on the north side of Swift Creek which is south of Richmond, into current Chesterfield County. Best of all Izabella, wife of Robert Mann, relinquished her dower right. Recorded July 31, 1702.

Robert Mann sr. died summer of 1713. His will is in Henrico Co Wills and Admins (1662-1800), page 220. The will was written on April 20 1712 and recorded July 6, 1713. He names his wife Isabell. She was to have the plantation she lives on down to Hounds Ditch for life, then it was go to son Thomas. Robert Mann Jr. received the land he lives on and 12 p. The other children each received 12p each. Isabell the remainder. Witnesses were William Dobson, Henry Vaden, Thomas Bott

We do not know when Isabell died."

Best regards, Edwin Reffell

posted by Edwin Reffell

This week's featured connections are American Founders: Robert is 15 degrees from John Hancock, 15 degrees from Francis Dana, 16 degrees from Bernardo de Gálvez, 10 degrees from William Foushee, 13 degrees from Alexander Hamilton, 17 degrees from John Francis Hamtramck, 11 degrees from John Marshall, 11 degrees from George Mason, 14 degrees from Gershom Mendes Seixas, 13 degrees from Robert Morris, 15 degrees from Sybil Ogden and 12 degrees from George Washington on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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