Kimberly (Curtis) McComb
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Kimberly (Curtis) McComb

Kimberly M. McComb formerly Curtis aka Eddins
Born 1970s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of [private father (1940s - unknown)] and
[sibling(s) unknown]
Died 2020s.
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Alison Jordan private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 30 Oct 2017
This page has been accessed 3,791 times.
This person was an active member. Their account is now closed. Personal information on this profile has been removed. Please do not add or edit anything here. See Help:Closing an Account.
My Lists & Research

52 Ancestors

Kimberly (Curtis) McComb was a wonderful member of our WikiTree community who has passed away. Kimberly (Curtis) McComb made many contributions and will be missed.
52 Ancestors - 2018
Kimberly (Curtis) McComb participated with Dust Busters during the 2018 Clean-a-Thon, correcting 746 suggestions.
Project Logo
Kimberly was a valued member of the Greeters Project.
Kimberly (Curtis) McComb is a part of Alabama Roots history.
Join: Alabama Roots Project
Discuss: Alabama Roots




May 2018 Clean-A-Thon
June 2018 Sourcerers Challenge
June 2018 Biography Builders
October 2019 Source-A-Thon


English flag
Kimberly (Curtis) McComb has English ancestors.
Descendant of PGM migrant Elizabeth Trulle Pierce.
Descendant of PGM migrant John Pierce.
This profile is part of the McCombs Name Study.
This profile is part of the Eddins Name Study.

This profile is my active profile and represents my adoptive family. The profile Kimberly McComb is an inactive profile to trace my biological family.

wonderful wikitreer
Kimberly (Curtis) McComb is a Wonderful WikiTreer.

Kimberly (Curtis) McComb was adopted 24 March 1977
Location: Montgomery, Alabama
Adoptive Parents Biological Parents
Father: Harris McComb Father: Gerald Eddins
Mother: Debbie Sessions McComb Mother: Sandy Curtis Walker

Kimberly was born on January 1, 1977 at Lyster Army Hospital on Fort Rucker military base, Dale county, Alabama. She was immediately put up for adoption through the State of Alabama Montgomery office. Her biological mother is Sandra Curtis Walker and her biological father is Gerald Eddins [1]

Kimberly was adopted on March 24, 1977 by Beck Harris McComb and Deborah Ann Sessions McComb through the State of Alabama Department of Human Resources in Montgomery, Alabama. [1]

Adoption Research

In August of 2000 the state of Alabama opened adoption records for adult adoptees. [2] On the day that the records were opened I mailed in my form requesting my original birth certificate. Within 3-4 weeks I received a copy of my original birth certificate with my biological mother’s name and the name and location of the hospital where I was born. Using the location of my birth I determined which high school in Dale county, Alabama she would have attended. Using the age she was when I was born assisted me in determine a range of years that she would have attended high school. Using this information, I went to the Carroll High School web page and searched for alumni lists that contained names and email addresses. I then email several alumni asking them if they knew Sandra Curtis and how to contact her because I had sensitive personal business to discuss with her. After about a week I finally received a reply from someone that knew her. The only holdup was that he wouldn’t tell me anything, he was only willing to pass my information on to her, so I agreed to that. [1] I can’t remember how long it was after giving him my information that it was I heard from her for the first time, but I can remember exactly what I was doing when I heard from her. I was sitting at my desk at home, talking to my mom on the phone and her exact words were “be careful you’re going to end up in her lap without being prepared for it.” Right about that time I received an instant message from my biological mother and told my mom “I think I just ended up in her lap.” [1]

Early Life & Education

1977 - 1980
After I was released from the hospital I went directly into the Alabama foster care system. I was in foster care until 24 Mar 1977 when my parents picked me up from the state Department of Human Resources in Montgomery, Alabama. My mom, Debbie McComb , was working at a friend’s law firm as a secretary when she received the call from DHR that they had a baby for her and my dad, Harris McComb . She got so excited she left his office unlocked and interrupted the court to tell him she had to leave and why. When they got to Montgomery, Alabama the social worker was trying to give them some basic non-identifying and health information about me but mom said all she could think about was hearing me in the next room.

1980 - 1982

1982 - 1989
Attended Cedar Springs Elementary in Jacksonville, Calhoun, Alabama, USA. [1]

Attended Pleasant Valley School and Pleasant Valley High School in Jacksonville, Calhoun, Alabama, USA. Kimberly graduated in May of 1995 with an Advanced with Honors diploma. [1]

1995 - 1999
Attended college at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Mobile, Alabama, USA. Kimberly graduated in May 1999 with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Human Resource Management and General Marketing and a minor in Sociology. [1]

2000 - 2003
Attended college at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Calhoun, Alabama, USA. Kimberly graduated in December of 2003 with a Bachelor of Social Work. [1]

2003 - 2007
Employed by the State of Alabama Department of Human Resources. [1]

2007 - 2011



Death & Legacy

To aid WikiTree in the administration of my account should I be incapacitated, or in the event of my death, I hereby give permission for all private profiles I'm managing to be transferred to the following WikiTreers, whether or not they are currently on the Trusted Lists:

Alison Jordan

I've listed below which surnames and who Alison can transfer them to

Sessons, Weaver, Olson are part of my maternal family
McComb and Parnell are my paternal line
Curtis and Parchman are my biological maternal line.
I will make sure Alison has a list of living family members.

The Eddins and Brown surnames are my biological paternal line and can be transfered to my uncle R. Eddins


1 Jan 1977

Born at Lystor Army Hospital in Fort Rucker, Dale county, Alabama to Sandra Curtis [1]

1 Jan 1977 – 24 Mar 1977

Placed in foster care awaiting adoption. [1]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Personal recollection of Kimberly McComb
  2. ”Adoption Information.” Adoption Information | Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH). Accessed December 9, 2017.

Ancestor Research

My Ancestors Research Statistics (Adoptive)
Gen. No. Direct Relation No. of Possible Ancestors No. on Wikitree Total no. of Bios Written Total % of Bios Completed
3Great Grandparent8700%
42nd Great Grandparent16-11300%
53rd Great Grandparent32-21300%
64th Great Grandparent64-4000%
75th Great Grandparent128-8000%
86th Great Grandparent256-16000%
97th Great Grandparent512-32000%
108th Great Grandparent1024-64000%

My Ancestors Research Statistics (Biological)
Gen. No. Direct Relation No. of Possible Ancestors No. on Wikitree Total no. of Bios Written Total % of Bios Completed
3Great Grandparent8500%
42nd Great Grandparent16-1500%
53rd Great Grandparent32-2500%
64th Great Grandparent64-4400%
75th Great Grandparent128-8000%
86th Great Grandparent256-16000%
97th Great Grandparent512-32000%
108th Great Grandparent1024-64000%

(Thank you, Carol Keeling and Campbell Braddock for the table idea!) And a big thank you to Eowyn Langholf for sharing this with me!

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Kimberly's formal name
  • full middle name (M.)
  • nicknames
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • exact deathdate
  • death location
  • images (7)
For access to Kimberly McComb's full information you must be on the Trusted List. Please login.

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Comments: 75

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Hello! I would like to join the MComb name study. What do I need to do?


posted by Nancy Barkwell
Kim passed away December 13, 2020, I am trying to figure out how to adjust her death date.
Hello Alison,

We'll need to close her account first. Should you be on the trusted list when we do that so you can make future updates?

With kind regard, The WikiTree Team

posted by Admin WikiTree
Yes she had listed me in her bio as her Trusted contact - see her Bio

Death & Legacy To aid WikiTree in the administration of my account should I be incapacitated, or in the event of my death, I hereby give permission for all private profiles I'm managing to be transferred to the following WikiTreers, whether or not they are currently on the Trusted Lists:

Alison Jordan I've listed below which surnames and who Alison can transfer them to

Sessons, Weaver, Olson are part of my maternal family McComb and Parnell are my paternal line Curtis and Parchman are my biological maternal line. I will make sure Alison has a list of living family members.

Dear Kimberly,

As Leader of WikiTree's Puritan Great Migration Project, I'm conducting our yearly check-in with project members.

I've seen you've not been active recently. Typically we require folks to be actively involved to remain part of the PGM project, but it's been a tough year for all of us, and I hope you and yours are doing okay.

Please let me hear from you by November 16 if you'd like to stay involved in the PGM project. If I don't hear from you by that date, I'll assume that other priorities are taking your attention and we'll remove you from the project and its associated google group.

You are always welcome to rejoin the PGM project by answering our g2g "join" post.

Sincerely, Cheryl Skordahl PGM Project Leader

Kim passed away on December 13, 2020, I was trying to adjust death date but was given a error notice.
Alison, thank you for notifying PGM that Kim McComb passed away, we extend our sincere condolences and prayers to her family and friends.

Since her profile is private, I'll share her death with the WikiTree Team, and they will need to edit it.

Sincerely, Cheryl Skordahl, PGM Co-Leader

Hi Kimberly, I sent you a message a couple of weeks ago and hadn't heard back. Sometimes they go to spam. If you don't see the message, please let me know and I'll resend. Thanks! Emma~~Adoption Angels

The Global Cemeteries Project is currently undergoing our member check-in and wanted to verify that you are still active and interested in being a member of the project. Are you currently assigned to or working with one of our Cemetery Teams? If not, is there a particular Team or area you are interested in participating with? I would be delighted to help you get setup in one or more of our collaborative teams!

We use Google Groups for internal project collaboration, so if you are not yet setup for access feel free to submit a join request and we will get that approved as quick as possible. We also ask that members check their follwed tags to make sure you are following the correct project tag (CEMETERIES) so you don't miss any disucssions in G2G.

Last, but not least, we would like to thank you for all of your contributions to WikiTree and let you konw that any ideas or suggestions for improvement you may have for the Global Cemeteries Project would greatly appreciated!

I look forward to hearing form you soon!

Steve ~Global Cemeteries Project Leader

posted by Steven Harris
Thank you for checking on my progress on WikiTree. Honestly, I couldn't be happier or more excited when my son introduced me to the site. I felt at home since day one. The site is easy to navigate and most processes are intuitive. Learning the terminology and site navigation is a little slow but then I feel it will come with time. One footstep at a time, one day at a time. The best part is that my son and I are working together on different legs of our tree. He hadn't expressed an interest in genealogy before and is now actively involved. I'm hoping he continues to carry the torch when I'm gone.

Thanks again! Darlene

thank you Kimberly for reaching out to me it helps knowing people are interested in your quest

mr. bowers

posted by Dick Bowers
So glad you were able to join the Roses for this year's SAT! It was great fun as always. Thank you for your contributions to the Tree. There are lots of challenges ahead and hope you'll be able to team up with the Roses again.

Emma <3

HI Kimberly, thanks for checking in with me. I am loving this site and all the helpful hints. I do have a question - as part of the research into my own extended family I have come across a family in that other family search free site that goes way back to 1400s. It doesn't appear that the details have been brought over to this site. Is this something I should pursue or should I leave it alone.
posted by Jennifer Barry
Hi Kimberly, thank you for checking on me. I’m still a bit confused when it comes to adding source info. I understand that adding ancestry sources isn’t the best way to go as others would have to have a paid account to view said records. I have downloaded copies of census records, marriage records, etc. but they are images, and it seems odd to add a ton of those type of images.
posted by Pam (Ames) Adams
Hello, Kimberly,

We are sorry to lose you as a member of the Military and War Project, but we understand that life gets busy and interests shift. Please know that you will always be welcome to rejoin the project in the future if you wish.

Thank you so much for your participation; we genuinely appreciate it.

Deb ~ Volunteer Coordinator

posted by Deb (Lewis) Durham
Hello, Kimberly,

It has been a couple of weeks since we contacted you about your participation in the Military and War Project and we are following up to make sure you wish to remain a member.

We understand that interests shift as we grow our shared tree and that some members may have moved on to projects more pertinent to the branches they are currently building. If this is the case for you, please let us know.

If we do not hear back from you within the week, we will assume you have moved on to other things for the moment and remove you from the project. Please know that you will always be welcome to rejoin should your interests shift back in this direction.

Thank you so much for your participation; we genuinely appreciate it.

Deb ~ Volunteer Coordinator

posted by Deb (Lewis) Durham
Hello, Kimberly,

On behalf of the Military and War Project Leaders, we are doing a six-month check-in with members.

First, we want to thank you for your past participation in the Military and War Project. We appreciate your desire to honor your ancestors for their service to their countries, or even for your service, wherever in the world. We hope that your membership has enhanced your WikiTree experience.

Please let me know, by commenting on my profile or sending a private message, if you are still active in the project, and if so, in which ways you have contributed to the main project or a sub-project within the last two months.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Deb ~ Volunteer Coordinator

posted by Deb (Lewis) Durham
Nice to meet you and I am not sure where my family originated. That's what I'm trying to learn. Thank you for your interest tho. I have found some McCombs in Florida on FB but no relation that I know of
posted by Kamala McCombs
Hi Kimberly

I sent you a message a couple of weeks ago about the new-look Global Cemeteries Project but have not yet heard back from you. If you would like to continue in the project, please can you PM me your team(s) selections and your e-mail address for the Google group.

If I don’t hear back from you by this time next week I’ll assume you no longer wish to be in the project at this time.

Many thanks, Darren Kellett Project Coordinator for Membership

posted by Darren Kellett

Rejected matches › Kimberly Marie McComb (1977-2020)

This week's featured connections are French Notables: Kimberly is 18 degrees from Napoléon I Bonaparte, 23 degrees from Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, 26 degrees from Sarah Bernhardt, 36 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian, 25 degrees from Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, 21 degrees from Pierre Curie, 27 degrees from Simone de Beauvoir, 19 degrees from Philippe Denis de Keredern de Trobriand, 20 degrees from Camille de Polignac, 20 degrees from Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, 22 degrees from Claude Monet and 27 degrees from Aurore Dupin de Francueil on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.