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Richard Crane

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 29 May 2013 | 9,128 contributions | 110 thank-yous | 678 connections
Richard A. Crane
Born 1950s.
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Profile last modified | Created 28 May 2013
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Comments: 24

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Hi Richard,

Thank you for contributing towards the goals of the England Project! Over the past year, a staggering amount has been done to improve English profiles on WikiTree and we couldn't have done it without you and our other project members.

The England Project leadership like to check in with all our project members at least once a year.

Are you happy to stay in your current project team/s? Or is there another team you would like to join or become more active in?

Please reply to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you. Please also let us know if you have other feedback about the direction of the project.

Many thanks!

Dave, on behalf of the England Project leadership

posted by Dave Welburn
Hi Richard,

Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2023! Together we are making English WikiTree profiles the best they can be!

I'd like to share our end-of-year 2023 Newsletter. You can read it here: England Project Newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading about what we have achieved in 2023!

On behalf of all the England Project Leaders, we wish you a peaceful, productive and enjoyable 2024!

Best wishes,

Ian, England Project Leader

posted by I. Speed
Dear Richard,

On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!

The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members periodically to make sure everything is going well. This is our formal annual check-in with you.

Are you happy to with your current project team choices? Would you like to join any other teams?

Also, we would really like to hear which team is currently your highest priority. If you are a member of more than one team, could you please rank them from highest priority to lowest? Thank you! If you don’t see yourself as being part of a team, please let us know.

We also welcome any feedback on things you would like to see the project do more of in the future.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message.

On behalf of all the Leaders, thank you again for all you do and we look forward to you continuing to be a part of our collaborative and fun Project!

Kind regards,

Elizabeth, England Project Leader

Dear Richard,

On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!

I'd also like to share our annual Newsletter with you. You can read it here: England Project Newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading a bit about what has gone on in 2022 and what our Project has achieved.

The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members every 6 months just to make sure everything is going well. There's no need to reply to this message unless you have something you'd like to let us know about (e.g. if you would like to change your team choices or provide other feedback). We will be in touch with you again in the middle of next year when we do our annual check-in with project members.

On behalf of all the Leaders, I wish you a peaceful and productive 2023.

Best wishes,

Maddy, England Project Leader

posted by Maddy Hardman
Hi Richard,

On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the project's goals over the past year. Every English profile we improve helps!

The England Project Leaders are currently doing our six-monthly check-in with all project members.

Are you happy to with your current project team choices? Are there other teams you would like to join or become more active in?

We also welcome any feedback on things you would like to see the project do more of in the future.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message.

Many thanks!

Amelia, England Project Leader

posted by Amelia Utting
I am happy to continue with things as they are.


posted by Richard Crane
Hi Richard,

I would to thank you for all your contributions towards the goals of the England Project during the past six months. We have achieved a huge amount during this period and we couldn't have done it without you and our other project members.

As the England Project Leaders, we are completing our six monthly check-in with all project members. Are you happy to stay in your current project teams? Which teams are you most active in? Are there other teams you would like to join or become more active in?

Also, do you have any feedback on what the project is doing well and anything we could do better in the future? Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks!

Mike Christmas, England Project Leader

posted by Michael Christmas
Hi Richard,

It's that time of the year again: check-in time! As England Project Leaders, we like to check in with you every six months or so to see how things are progressing. Back in May, we didn't ask for a response due to the rapid emergence of Covid-19 because we understood that people's lives were changing rapidly. While we are still living in a Covid world, we do need to hear back from you this time around.

First of all, how are you doing? What are you currently working on? Are you happy with the team(s) you're in, or would you like to change things up?

Secondly, we're looking for some feedback on the Google Group and our Discord server. Do you use either or both of these? If you don't use either, why not? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve participation and collaboration, either generally or for you personally?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Joan, Amy & Lizzie.

Hi Richard, I just sent a message to the Norfolk Team but yours bounced. Do you have a new email address?

Hope things are OK, Cheers, Chris

posted by [Living Hampson]
Hi again, I cleverly managed to delete your reply before I updated my Norfolk email list. Can you please resend?
posted by [Living Hampson]
[email address removed]
posted by Richard Crane
Hi Richard,

Your England Leaders are completing the six monthly check in with all team members. I wanted to thank you for your work on English Profiles. These are unprecedented and difficult times, and we understand as Project Leaders that your situation may have changed somewhat in the last few months. What we are all able to/ wish to contribute on Wikitree has changed. Please let me know if you are happy with your current role and team choice or if you wish to do something additional or different. Thank you again on behalf of all the project leaders for everything you do!

Kindest Regards, Amy Utting

posted by Amelia Utting
Hi Richard

I am just checking in with you as a member of the Yorkshire Team. We are entering the last 8 days of the England regional go Green Challenge reducing the suggestions, unsourced and unconnected numbers. On the 13th the Northern Region were in the lead for the challenge with drop of 16,728!

As your regional cheer leader - I am encouraging everyone to go go go

Good luck Janet :)

Hi Richard,

On behalf of the England Leaders, I wanted to say a huge thank you for all your contributions towards the project in the past six months as a Team Member for Norfolk and Yorkshire. We've achieved a great deal during this time and we couldn't have done it without you.

Are you happy to stay in your current teams and the project as a whole? Are there any other teams you'd like to join? What are we doing well, and what would you like to see us doing differently moving forwards?

Please respond to this message via e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks,

Susie, England Project Leader :-)

posted by Susie MacLeod
Hi Richard

On behalf of the England Project Leaders we're carrying out a check-in to see how all the members are doing and taking the opportunity to thank you for all your hard work over the past six months. We have been so impressed with the way everyone has rallied together and gone the extra mile to make this one of the most dedicated, productive and friendly communities on WikiTree. What are you enjoying most about being in the project? What would you like to see improved or changed? Would you like to continue in the project moving forwards?

We're looking forward to hearing back from you,

Susie, Gillian, Wendy and Amy

posted by Wendy (Ling) Sullivan
Hi Richard,

It's been a year since the England Project was re-ignited. Thank you for being part of this exciting journey!

We really appreciate all your contributions and hard work :)

We would love some feedback from you please. :)

Are you happy contributing with the team you are on, or would you like a change, or even add to another team?

If you are not already on a team, which one would you like to be on?

If you are not sure what is available, just ask, we are here to help :)

Are you still happy contributing to the England Project?

Please PM me through my profile and let me know how you are doing :)

Thank you :)

Wendy Leader England Project.

posted by Wendy (Ling) Sullivan
Hello Richard, and a belated welcome to the Norfolk Team. It looks like you were/are on the Orphan Trail, so thank you for taking on that challenge. Do you have any particular aspect of the Norfolk Team you would like to get involved in? We do have lots of unconnected and unsourced profiles to get through ;)

Cheers, Chris

posted by [Living Hampson]
Congratulations and a warm welcome on joining the England Project! We are delighted to have you as part of the team. Sorry for the delay in awarding your badge. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and don’t forget to add England to your tags so you can follow any discussions relevant to England.
posted by Gillian Thomas

Wish you a Happy New Year. May 2018 bring you all you need to be happy.

Congratulation for adding your contributions in December. Whatever the quantity of your contributions, they all count. As we always say "Quality is better than quantity" to make a great family tree.

Thank you for being a Wikitreer,

Guy Constantineau - Wikitree leader

Hello, just a word (late) to congratulate you on the contributions you made during the month of November. Whatever the quantity, they are all important.

Your work is appreciated.


Guy Constantineau

Hello Richard,

I'd like to invite you to join in the "Weekend Chat" on G2G Today!

Share personal successes, stories about ancestors, tips, projects you are working on, or anything else you wish.

New members stop in and say Hello, introduce yourself, share your story, or ask for help.

Pilots, Mentors, and Leaders of all kinds please add something... your advice is always greatly appreciated.

Hope to see you there!

posted by Keith Hathaway
Welcome aboard to Wikitree .

If you need any help getting started, check out the "Help" section. Thank you for joining our collaborative tree. Maggie N

posted by Maggie N.
I agree with the mission of wikitree and wish to contribute my family details.
posted by Richard Crane

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