Désirée (Clary) Bernadotte
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Désirée Bernardine Eugénie (Clary) Bernadotte (abt. 1777 - 1860)

Désirée Bernardine Eugénie (Désirée) "Desideria, Queen of Sweden and Norway" Bernadotte formerly Clary
Born about in St Ferreol, Marseille, Provence, Francemap
Ancestors ancestors
Wife of — married 17 Aug 1798 in Sceaux, Seine, Francemap
Descendants descendants
Died at about age 83 in Stockholms slott, Stockholm, Sverigemap
Profile last modified | Created 31 Oct 2014
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Född Bernhardine Eugénie Désirée Clary, blev Furstinna av Ponte-Corvo, Kronprinsessa av Sverige och senare Drottning av Sverige. Hon kallades för "Drottning Desideria".

Hon var gift med Jean Baptiste Bernadotte redan innan han blev kung Karl XIV Johan. Bröllopet ägde rum den 17 augusti 1798 i Sceaux, Frankrike och 1799 fick de sonen Joseph François Oscar som sedermera blev kung Oscar I.

Förutom en kort visit i Sverige 1811 så stannade hon kvar i Paris, där hon skall ha haft ett palats vid Rue d’Anjou. Först i juni 1823 skall hon ha återvänt till Stockholm. Hon kröntes till drottning 1829-12-21 i Stockholms storkyrka.

Hon skall aldrig lärt sig svenska och tillbringade sina år i Sverige både i Stockholm och på änkesätet Rosersbergs slott i Uppland.

Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon[1] skriver så här;

Hennes lif i Stockholm var tillbakadraget och ensamt, men hon tog rätt mycket del af Sveriges historia och litteratur och utöfvade i tysthet välgörenhet. Hennes sed att göra natten till dag och tvärtom samt att alltid komma för sent på teatern, o. s. v., var mera känd än hennes personliga älskvärdhet.

Det finns ingen dödsnotis i Hovförsamlingens kyrkoarkiv. Hon hörde till den katolska tron, även om hon inte verkar varit långt ifrån lika troende som sin sonhustru Josefina. Hennes dödsnotis hittas i den dödbok som fördes på latin av S:ta Eugenias Katolska församling.[2]

Bouppteckningen[3] för "Enkedrottning Eugenia Bernhardina Desideria" nämner att hon avled på Stockholms slott den 17 december 1860 och efterlämnade som arvingar sina barnbarn;
Hans Majestät Konung Carl XV, Ludvig Eugen,
Hans Kungliga Höghet Prins Oscar Fredrik, Hertig af Östergöthland,
Hans Kungliga Höghet Prins Nicolaus August, Hertig af Dalarna, samt
Hennes Kungliga Höghet Prinsessan Charlotta Eugenia Augusta Amalia Albertina,
alla myndiga.

Hon var 83 år vid sin död och skall ha jordfästs enligt katolsk ceremoniel den 10 januari 1861 och gravsattes följande dag i Riddarholmskyrkan.

Se även;


European Aristocracy
Désirée Clary was a member of the aristocracy in Europe.

Born Bernhardine Eugénie Désirée Clary, became Princess of Ponte-Corvo, Crown Princess of Sweden and later Queen of Sweden. She was called "Queen Desideria".

According to the book "The Bernadotte Descendants"[4] she was born 1777-11-09 in Marseille/St Ferreol, France.

She was daughter of François Clary, merchant, and Françoise Rose Somis.

Her sister, Julie Clary, married Joseph Bonaparte, and later became Queen of Naples and Spain.

Désirée married General Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte on 30 Thermidor year VI (August 17, 1798) in Sceaux near Paris. The wedding took place on August 17, 1798 in Sceaux, near Paris, France. Her brother-in-law Joseph Bonaparte and her mother were in attendance[5].

She was already married to Jean Baptiste Bernadotte when he became King Charles XIV Johan and in 1799 they had a son, Joseph François Oscar, who later became Swedish King Oscar I.

In addition to a short visit to Sweden in 1811, she remained in Paris, where she is said to have had a palace on Rue d’Anjou. It was not until June 1823 that she returned to Stockholm. She was crowned queen 1829-12-21 in Stockholm's great church.

She would never learn Swedish and spent her years in Sweden both in Stockholm and at the widow's estate Rosersbergs castle in Uppland.

Swedish Biographical Lexicon describe her like this;

Her life in Stockholm was secluded and lonely, but she took quite a part of Sweden's history and literature and practiced charity in silence. Her custom of making the night into day and vice versa and of always arriving late at the theater, etc., was better known than her personal kindness.

On March 8, 1844 her husband passed away in Stockholm[6]. 80 years 1 month and 13 days old. Désirée Clary is mentioned in the Death records.

She would live as a widow for until 1861 when she died at age 83.

There is no death notice for Queen Desideria in the Court's church archives. Instead, her obituary is found in the book of the dead kept in Latin by the Catholic Church of St. Eugene. She belonged to the Catholic faith, although she does not seem to have been as true practitioner as her daughter-in-law Josefina.

A Catholic ceremony was held for Queen Desidera on January 10, 1861. She was buried the following day in Riddarholmen Church.

The estate register for "Widow Queen Eugenia Bernhardina Desideria" mentions that she died at Stockholm Castle on December 17, 1860, and left as heirs her grandchildren; His Majesty King Carl XV, Ludvig Eugen, His Royal Highness Prince Oscar Fredrik, Duke of Östergöthland, His Royal Highness Prince Nicolaus August, Duke of Dalarna, as well Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotta Eugenia Augusta Amalia Albertina, all adults.


  1. Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon (1906) Author: Herman Hofberg, Frithiof Heurlin, Viktor Millqvist, Olof Rubenson. Sid 239.
  2. S:ta Eugenia katolska församlings kyrkoarkiv, Död- och begravningsböcker, latinska, SE/SSA/0108/F I/1 (1801-1868), bildid: 00067712_00169
  3. Svea Hovrätt - Kungliga bouppteckningar EIXa:3 (1861) Bild 40 (AID: v364544.b40, NAD: SE/RA/42042201)
  4. Book: Bernadotte-ättlingar/The Bernadotte Descendants. Author: Ted Rosvall. Published 2010. ISBN: 91-975671-6-7 Page 6 and 113
  5. Acte de mariage: Etat-civil an VI, Sceaux, Mariages. Archives des Hauts-de-Seine en ligne, cote E_NUM_SCE126 - An VI, vue 15. Jan 2018
  6. Hovförsamlingen F:1 (1766-1853) Image 278 (AID: v85376.b278, NAD: SE/SSA/0007)

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