Category: Scandinavian York

Categories: Viking Expansion, Ireland | Irish History, Kingdoms of the Vikings | Kingdom of Northumbria

Scandinavian Jorvik

Eboracum in Roman times
Eoforwic in Anglo Saxon times
Jorvik in Viking times
York in modern days


866 - Scandinavians capture York from Anglo-Saxons, led by Ivar the Boneless
877- Halfdan expelled from York
878 - Guthrum defeated in the Battle of Edington
878 - The Danelaw is established by the Treaty of Wedmore
883-895 Guthfrith (Guthred), son of Hardacnut, converts to Christianity & becomes King of York
893 Sigfrid Jarl of Dublin claimed Dublin in 893 but unclear if ever ruled Dublin
895 - Danish King Guthred buried in York Minster
895 - 899 - Siefred / Sigferth or Sigfrid Jarl of Dublin is ruler of York
899 - Knutr / Cnut (Airdeconut ) is ruler of York
899 - Æthelwald, son of Æthelred, is driven from Wessex & takes refuge in York
c.902 - Ynys Manau (Isle of Man) is ruled from York
903-905 - Siefred / Sigferth and Knutr / Cnut rule York for a second time
905-910 - Halfdan II / Healfden is ruler of York
910 - Halfdan killed in the Battle of Tettenhall
c. 917 following a series of victories for the kingdom of Wessex, York remains the only Scandinavian held centre in England.
917–921 Sitrik Ivarsson (Sihtric ua Ímair; Sigtryggr II; Sitrik Caoch; Sihtric Cáech; Sigtryg, King of York) defeated Niall Glundub; also king of Jórvík/York)
918-919 - Norse-Irish dynasty of Ivarr the Boneless now has control of York from Dublin
921–934 Gofraid ua Ímair, (Gothfrith) grandson of Ímar & king of Jórvík/York
934–941 Olaf Guthfrithson, son of Gofraid ua Ímair & king of Jórvík/York
937: Battle of Brunanburh
927 - 954 several attempts by Anglo-Saxon England to regain control of York
939 - Olaf Guthfrithson King of Dublin invaded England in 939 and occupied York (Olaf died 940)
944 - King Edmund of Wessex expelled Olaf Sihtricson and Rægnald Guthfrithson from York.
954 - King Eric Bloodaxe killed in the battle of Stainmore and the Scandinavian kingdom of York reverts to the kingdom of Wessex


Subcategories (1)

Pages (3)

Person Profiles (13)

abt 820 Scandinavia - abt 890
895 Hedermark, Norway - 954
abt 850 Ireland - abt 904
abt 850 - 896
England - 867
abt 810 - 21 Mar 867
822 Scandinavia - 877 photo
abt 820 Scandinavia (Denmark) - abt 873
827 Scandinavia - 878
923 Wessex, England - 23 Nov 955 photo
abt 870 Wessex - 13 Dec 902

This page was last modified 07:48, 13 February 2024. This page has been accessed 695 times.