Category: Peeblesshire, Unsourced Profiles

Categories: Scotland, Unsourced Profiles | Peeblesshire, Scotland

Name: Peeblesshire
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Person Profiles (39)


01 Mar 1939 Durisdeer, Dumfriesshire, Scotland - 23 Jul 2019


02 Apr 1693 West Linton, Peeblesshire, Scotland
16 Jan 1690
08 Oct 1682 West Linton, Peeblesshire, Scotland
07 Dec 1684 West Linton, Peeblesshire, Scotland
31 May 1696 West Linton, Peeblesshire, Scotland
abt 1616 Peeblesshire, Scotland - 1659


22 Feb 1685 Manor, Peeblesshire, Scotland - 13 Jul 1759
29 Apr 1694 Peebles, Peeblesshire, Scotland
17 Sep 1699 Peebles, Peeblesshire, Scotland
31 Dec 1695 Peebles, Peeblesshire, Scotland - 1704


1648 Peeblesshire, Scotland - 1667 photo



1478 Peebles, Scotland - 1527

H cont.

1541 Horsburgh, Peeblesshire, Scotland - 1579
1538 Horsburgh, Peebles, Scotland
abt 1611 Horsburgh, Peebles, Scotland
1536 Horsburgh, Peebles, Scotland - abt Aug 1573
1609 Horsburgh, Peebles, Scotland
1539 Horsburgh, Peebles, Scotland
1566 Peebles-shire, Scotland


1546 Linlithgowshire, Scotland - 1590
abt 1534 Scotland - abt 1610


1678 Lynn and Megget, Peeblesshire, Scotland
1829 Lyne and Megget, Peeblesshire, Scotland, United Kingdom - 1830
abt 1589 Peeblesshire, Scotland - abt 1652


Of Falahill, Eddleston, Peeblesshire, Scotland


abt 1575 Dawyck, Scotland - abt 1658
abt 1656 Peeblesshire, Scotland


abt 1595 Scotland - 1647


abt 1510 Scotland - 1560
abt 1721 Scotland - aft 1759
1600 Traquair, Peeblesshire, Scotland - 27 Mar 1659
abt 1539 Peebles, Peeblesshire, Scotland - abt 1614


abt 1678 Peebles, Peeblesshire, Scotland
30 Oct 1600 South Leith, Midlothian, Scotland
03 Aug 1636 Peebles, Peeblesshire, Scotland


1502 Drummelzier, Peeblesshire, Scotland - 1564 photo
06 Aug 1846 Peebles, Peeblesshire, Scotland, United Kingdom - 03 May 1847

This page was last modified 22:57, 6 October 2018. This page has been accessed 166 times.