Category: Camp Sumter, Andersonville, Georgia

Categories: Andersonville National Historic Site, Macon County, Georgia | Confederate American Civil War Camps for Union POWs | Andersonville, Georgia

This category is managed by the US Civil War Project in association with the Categorization Project. For assistance with this or related categories ask in G2G making sure to tag your question with both categorization and US_Civil_War.

This category is for the Camp as part of the Confederate States of America during the United States Civil War.

Profiles listed here should be Confederate Forces that were assigned to the Camp.

Union Prisoners of War that were held here are listed in Andersonville Prisoners of War


150th Anniversary Reenactment: For more information click HERE.

Information about documenting prisoners is available at

Subcategories (2)

Pages (2)

Person Profiles (4)

06 Mar 1818 Putnam Co. Georgia - 02 Feb 1897
29 Sep 1846 Henry County, Georgia, United States - 15 Feb 1934
abt 1848 Randolph, Georgia, United States - 29 Jul 1920
1817 Oglethorpe County,Georgia United States - 01 Sep 1864

This page was last modified 02:11, 22 February 2023. This page has been accessed 2,357 times.