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Rotrude (Carolingian) de Aquitaine (abt. 802 - 841)

Rotrude "Abbesse de Saint-Jean-de-Laon" de Aquitaine formerly Carolingian aka de France, Franken
Born about in Aquitaine, Francemap
Ancestors ancestors
Wife of — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Wife of — married 0830 [location unknown]
[children unknown]
Died at about age 39 in Laon, Aisne, Picardie, Francemap
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About Hildegarde d'Aquitaine, Abbesse de Saint-Jean-de-Laon (802-860) (Caroling/ien daughter of Louis I & Ermengard) 2nd wife of Gerard, Count of Auvergne, who married first Rotrude, daughter of Louis the Pious (they had 3 children). Then he married her sister Hildegard (they had no children).,_Count_of_Auvergne

It cites as its source:

(Ben M. Angel comments: Unfortunately "Stoyan" doesn't cite any sources for his information. FMG maintains as yet that there is no marital connection or children.)

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Carolingian Kings (covering her birth family - her mother was Ermengard):

LOUIS [Hludowic], son of CHARLES I King of the Franks & his second wife Hildegard (Chasseneuil-du-Poitou {Vienne} Emperor Louis I & his first wife (ERMENGARD) had six children:

1. LOTHAIRE [Lothar] (795-Kloster Prüm 29 Sep 855, bur Kloster Prüm).

Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig I & his wife Ermengard[200].

He was crowned joint Emperor LOTHAIRE I, jointly with his father, in Jul 817 at Aix-la-Chapelle.

2. PEPIN ([797]-Poitiers 13 Dec 838, bur Poitiers, église collégiale de Sainte-Radégonde).

Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig I & his wife Ermengard[201].

Under the Ordinatio Imperii promulgated by his father at Worms in 817, he became PEPIN I King of Aquitaine.

3. HROTRUD [Rotrude] ([800]-).

The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hlotharium Pipinum et Hludovicum Rotrudim et Hildegardim" as children of "Hludovicus ymperator…ex Yrmingardi regina"[202]. 4. BERTA .

Settipani cites charters which name Berta as the daughter of Emperor Louis[203].

5. HILDEGARD ([802/04]-857, or maybe after [23 Aug 860]).

The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hlotharium Pipinum et Hludovicum Rotrudim et Hildegardim" as children of "Hludovicus ymperator…ex Yrmingardi regina"[204]. Hildegard is named as sister of Charles by Nithard[205].

Abbess of Notre-Dame and Saint-Jean at Laon.

She supported her brother Lothaire against her half-brother Charles and, in Oct 841, imprisoned Adalgar at Laon. After Laon was besieged, she surrendered Adalgar but was herself released by her half-brother.

The Annales Formoselenses record the death in 857 of "Hildegard, Lothawici regis filia"[206], corroborated in the Annales Alemannici[207]. ---

6. LOUIS ([806]-Frankfurt-am-Main 28 Aug 876, bur Kloster Lorsch).

Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig I and his wife Ermengardis[208].

Under the Ordinatio Imperii promulgated by his father at Worms in 817, he became King of Bavaria and Carinthia. Under the partition of territories agreed by the Treaty of Verdun 11 Aug 843, Louis was installed as LUDWIG II "le Germanique/der Deutsche" King of the East Franks.

Emperor Louis I & his second wife (JUDITH) had [three] children:

7. GISELA ([819/822]-after 1 Jul 874, bur Cysoing, Abbey of St Calixtus).

The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Karolum et Gislam" children of "Hludovicus ymperator…ex Iudith ymperatrice"[209]. Her marriage is deduced from a charter in which Gisela states that their eldest son Unruoch brought back the body of Eberhard from Italy[210].

She founded the abbey of St Calixtus at Cysoing, Flanders, where she lived as a widow.

"Gisle" granted "le fisc de Somain en Ostrevant" to "filii…Adelarde" by charter dated 14 Apr 869, which names "rex Karolus meus…germanus…senioris mei dulcis memorie Evrardi…tres infantes meos Rodulfum…et Berengarium…et…Adelarde"[211]. The Historia Ecclesiæ Cisoniensis records that “Gisla” donated property to Cysoing abbey for her burial next to “coniugis mei dulcis memoriæ Evrardi”, by charter dated 2 Apr 870 which names “filiæ meæ Ingiltrudis…filius meus Rodulfus”, and by charter dated “Kal Jul anno XXXV regnante Carolo Rege”, naming “filii mei Unroch…filiorum meorum Adalardo atque Rodulfo” and signed by “Odelrici Comitis”[212]. "Gisle" donated property to Cysoing for the anniversaries of "Ludovico imperatore patre meo et…Judith imperatrice matre mea et…rege Karolo…germano et…prole mea…Hengeltrude, Hunroc, Berengario, Adelardo, Rodulpho, Hellwich, Gilla, Judith" by charter dated to [874][213].

m ([836]) EBERHARD Marchese di Friulia, son of UNRUOCH Comte [en Ternois] & his wife Engeltrude (-in Italy 16 Dec 866, bur Cysoing, Abbey of St Calixtus).

8. CHARLES (Frankfurt-am-Main 13 Jun 823-Avrieux or Brides-les-Bains, Savoie 6 Oct 877, bur Nantua Abbey, transferred to église de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis).

The Annales S. Benigni Divisionensis record the birth of "Karolus filius Ludowici" in Frankfurt "Idus Iun 824"[214]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names Charles as son of his father by his second wife[215]. Under the division of Imperial territories by the Treaty of Verdun 11 Aug 843, he became CHARLES II “le Chauve” King of the West Franks.

9. [daughter .

The Casus Monasterii Petrishusensis records that "rex Francorum qui et imperator Romanorum" (which appears to indicate Charles II "le Chauve") gave his sister in marriage to "vir nobilissimo genere decoratus", that the couple had two sons to whom their uncle gave "in Alemannia loca…Potamum et Brigantium, Ubirlingin et Buochorn, Ahihusin et Turingen atque Heistirgou, Wintirture…et in Retia Curiensi Mesouch", and that one of the sons returned to France while the other "Oudalricus" retained all the property in Alamannia[216]. The editor of the MGH SS compilation dates this source to the mid-12th century[217]. The information has not been corroborated in any earlier primary source, although it is not known what prior documentation may have been available to the compiler of the Casus. There are several other difficulties with this marriage which suggest that the report in the Casus should be treated with caution. If the information is accurate, it is likely that the bride was a full sister of King Charles, although if this is correct her absence from contemporary documentation is surprising. If she had been Charles's half-sister, it is difficult to see how Charles would have had much influence on her marriage, which would have been arranged by one of her full brothers. In any case, it is unlikely that Emperor Louis's first wife would have had further children after [812/15] at the latest, given the birth of her eldest son in 795. If that estimated birth date is correct, then it is more likely that this daughter's marriage would have been arranged by her father Emperor Louis before his death in 840. Another problem is the potential consanguinity between the parties. Although the precise relationship between the couple's son Udalrich [III] and the earlier Udalrichinger cannot be established from available documentation, it is probable that he was closely related to Hildegard, first wife of Emperor Charles I, who was the paternal grandmother of Emperor Louis's children. Lastly, Udalrich [III] is recorded in charters dated 847 and 854, suggesting a birth date in the 820s assuming that he was adult at the time, which is inconsistent with Charles II "le Chauve" (born in 823) having arranged his parents' marriage.

m --- [Udalrichinger].]

Emperor Louis I had [two] illegitimate children by Mistress (1):

10. [ALPAIS ([793/94]-23 Jul 852 or after, bur [Reims]).

Flodoard refers to "Ludowicus Alpheidi filie sue uxori Begonis comitis"[218]. The Annales Hildesheimenses name "filiam imperatoris…Elpheid" as the wife of "Bicgo de amici regis" when recording the death of her husband[219].

Settipani discusses the debate about the paternity of Alpais, preferring the theory that Emperor Charles I was her father[220]. If Emperor Louis was her father, it is unlikely that she was born before [793/94], given his known birth date in 778. It would therefore be chronologically tight for her to have had [three] children by her husband before his death in 816. However, no indication has been found in primary sources of the age of these children when their father died.

The question of Alpais's paternity is obviously not beyond doubt, but it is felt preferable to show her as the possible daughter of Emperor Louis in view of the clear statement in Flodoard. No indication has been found of the name of Alpais's mother. If Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, it is likely that she was not her husband's only wife in view of Bego's estimated birth date.

After her husband died, she became abbess of Saint-Pierre-le-Bas at Reims in [817]. She was still there 29 May 852.

m ([806]) [as his second wife,] BEGO, son of [GERARD [I] Comte de Paris & his wife Rotrud] ([755/60]-28 Oct 816).

He governed the county of Toulouse as "marchio" for Septimania in 806.

Comte de Paris in [815], succeeding comte Stephanus.]

11. ARNOUL ([794]-after [Mar/Apr] 841).

The Chronicon Moissacense names "quartum…filium [Ludovici]…ex concubina…Arnulfum" recording that his father gave him the county of Sens[221].

Comte de Sens 817.

He was a supporter of his half-brother Emperor Lothaire in [Mar/Apr] 841[222].


[178] Nithard I.8, p. 140.

[179] Pauli Gesta Episcop. Mettensium, MGH SS II, p. 265.

[180] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 250.

[181] RFA 813, p. 95.

[182] Settipani (1993), p. 252.

[183] Settipani (1993), pp. 252-3.

[184] Annales Fuldensium Pars Secunda, auctore Euodolfo 840, MGH SS I, p. 362.

[185] Annales Necrologici Prumienses, MGH SS XIII, p. 219.

[186] Libri Anniversariorum et Necrologium Monasterii Sancti Galli, Konstanz Necrologies, p. 462.

[187] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Obituaire de Notre-Dame de Paris, p. 227.

[188] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Saint-Denis, p. 320.

[189] RFA 818, p. 104.

[190] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 4, MGH SS II, p. 591.

[191] Gesta quorundam regum Francorum 818, MGH SS I, p. 356.

[192] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 31, MGH SS II, p. 623.

[193] Annales Xantenses 819, MGH SS II, p. 224.

[194] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 26, MGH SS II, p. 596.

[195] Einhardi Annales 819, MGH SS I, p. 206.

[196] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 36, MGH SS II, p. 597.

[197] Settipani (1993), pp. 254-5.

[198] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Saint-Denis, p. 315.

[199] Annales Xantenses 843, MGH SS II, p. 227.

[200] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 4, MGH SS II, p. 591.

[201] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 4, MGH SS II, p. 591.

[202] Genealogiæ Comitum Flandriæ, Witgeri Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis MGH SS IX, p. 303.

[203] Settipani (1993), p. 255 footnote 446, citing MGH Dipl Carol, no. 48, p. 143, 101, 241, 197, p. 353, spur. 34, p. 441.

[204] Genealogiæ Comitum Flandriæ, Witgeri Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis MGH SS IX, p. 303.

[205] Nithard III.4, p. 160.

[206] Annales Formoselenses 857, MGH SS V, p. 35.

[207] Annales Alemannici 857, MGH SS I, p. 50 "Hludovici regis filia Hiltikart", footnote 1 referring to "Necrolog S Galli" recording "X Kal Dec".

[208] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 4, MGH SS II, p. 591.

[209] Genealogiæ Comitum Flandriæ, Witgeri Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis MGH SS IX, p. 303.

[210] Coussemaker, I. de (ed.) (1886) Cartulaire de l´abbaye de Cysoing et de ses dépendances (Lille) ("Cysoing"), V, p. 10.

[211] Cysoing III, p. 7.

[212] Historia Ecclesiæ Cisoniensis, Spicilegium II, pp. 878 and 879, and Cysoing IV and V, pp. 8 and 10.

[213] Cysoing VI, p. 11.

[214] Annales S. Benigni Divionensis 824, MGH SS V, p. 39.

[215] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 35, MGH SS II, p. 597.

[216] Casus Monasterii Petrishusensis I.2, MGH SS XX, p. 628.

[217] MGH SS XX, pp. 622-25.

[218] Flodoardus Remensis Historia Remensis Ecclesiæ IV, XLVI, MGH SS XXXVI, p. 448.

[219] Annales Hildesheimenses 815, MGH SS III, p. 42.

[220] Settipani (1993), pp. 200-02.

[221] Chronicon Moissacense 817, MGH SS I, p. 312.

[222] Settipani (1993), p. 255.

History of Laon from the French Wikipedia page on Laon:

L’occupation permanente de la ville haute ne débute que vers le milieu du ier siècle av. J.-C. Nous n’avons, de Laon durant l’Antiquité, qu’une vision très sommaire. Le statut de la ville nous est totalement inconnu pour toute la période antique. Dans la ville basse, plusieurs sites gallo-romains sont attestés.

L’époque gallo-romaine est partout présente dans la ville haute, aussi bien pour le Haut Empire que pour le Bas Empire. Au moins pour l’Antiquité tardive, il est certain que le castrum a été fortifié, très probablement avec une muraille en maçonnerie. L’occupation du Bas Empire semble plus dense dans la Cité, à l’intérieur du castrum, que dans le Bourg.

Les premières traces de christianisme remontent au ve siècle, comme en atteste une pierre funéraire paléochrétienne découverte en 1998.

Moyen Âge

Entre 497 et 513, saint Remi9, natif de la région laonnoise, élève Laon à la dignité de cité par la création d'un évêché démembré de celui de Reims. Au xe siècle, au pouvoir épiscopal s’ajoute le pouvoir royal, Laon étant un lieu de résidence fréquent des derniers rois carolingiens.

Au vie siècle, la Cité se confond encore probablement avec le castrum du Bas Empire. En 580, le duc Loup de Champagne, a mis sa femme en sûreté à l'intérieur des murs de la ville de Laon (Grégoire de Tours, Historia Francorum, livre VI).

Le tracé des remparts de la Cité, reconstruits ou agrandis à l’époque carolingienne, est totalement inconnu. En dehors des murs de la Cité, à l’ouest, le peuplement se développe dans le secteur de l’église Saint-Julien. Un ou plusieurs noyaux de peuplement semblent également se développer sur le bras sud-ouest de la butte. En ville basse, le faubourg de Vaux existe probablement avant même le haut Moyen Âge et les faubourgs de Saint-Marcel, de Semilly et de Leuilly apparaissent peut-être à cette époque. Le faubourg d’Ardon semble assez tardif et encore quasi inexistant au xe siècle (le faubourg de La Neuville n'est fondé qu'à la fin du xiie siècle).

La Cité renferme la cathédrale, reconstruite dans le premier tiers du ixe siècle, la résidence de l’évêque et le cloître des chanoines au nord, et, au sud, le palais royal et l’abbaye saint Jean, un monastère double[10], fondé hors les murs par sainte Salaberge en 648 [11], ou 641 selon l'historien Dominique Barthélemy [12] et dédié à saint Jean-Baptiste [13],[14].

In English:

Permanent occupation of the upper city began in the middle of the 1st century BC. There exists only a brief summary about Laon in antiquity. The status of the city is totally unknown to us through the ancient period. In the lower town, several Gallo-Roman sites have been certified.

Gallo-Roman sites are everywhere in the upper city, both from the middle and late Roman period. At least for the late ancient period, it is certain that a fortified castrum existed, most likely with walls built of masonry. Late Roman sites seem denser in the city, inside the castrum, and in the village.

The first traces of Christianity date back to the 5th century, as evidenced by an early Christian gravestone discovered in 1998.

Middle Ages

Between 497 and 513, St. Remi [9], native of the Laon region, elevated Laon to the dignity of a city with the creation of a diocese separate from that in Rheims. To the 10th century, episcopal power and royal power rested in Laon as a place of residence for the last Carolingian kings.

In the 6th century, the city still was likely confused with the castrum from the late Roman Empire. In 580, the Duke Loup de Champagne and his wife took refuge within the walls of the city of Laon (Gregory of Tours, Historia Francorum, Book VI).

The layout of the city ramparts, rebuilt or expanded during the Carolingian period, are now totally unknown. Outside the walls of the city to the west, the settlement grew in the area of St-Julien. One or more population centers also seemed to have thrived to the southwest of the butte. The suburb of Vaux was probably existent even before the Middle Ages, and the suburbs of St-Marcel, Semilly, and Leuilly may have appeared at that time. The suburb of Ardon seems to have been created quite late and was still almost non-existent in the 10th century (the suburb of La Neuville was founded at the end of the 12th century).

The city contains a cathedral rebuilt in the first third of the 9th century, with a residence for the bishop and canons of the cloister to the north and south, the royal palace and the Abbey of St-Jean, a double monastery [10], located off the walls by Saint Salaberge in 648 [1] or 641, according to historian Dominique Barthelemy [12], and dedicated to St. John the Baptist. [13],[14].


9. ↑ Suzanne Martinet, Laon promontoire sacré des druides au ixe siècle, p. 40; janvier 1994

10. ↑ Les amis de saint Colomban, Saint Bodon ou saint Leudin (Leudinus-Bodo), viie siècle

11. ↑ Ville de Laon, service archéologique, Laon des origines à la Révolution

12. ↑ Dominique Barthélemy, Rénovation d'une seigneurie : les chartes de Crécy-sur-Serre en Laonnois (1190) , École des chartes, 1985, vol. 143, note 2 de bas de page 240

13. ↑ Louis de Beaumont, Sainte Salaberge sur le site exultet

14. ↑ Les amis de saint Colomban, Sainte Astrude

From the French Wikipedia page on the Abbaye St-Jean de Laon:

L'abbaye Saint-Jean de Laon est fondée à Laon en 641 par sainte Salaberge1.

Salaberge est une disciple de saint Eustase, deuxième abbé de Luxeuil. Veuve, elle se retire à Laon, où elle fonde hors les murs, au sud de la ville2, un monastère de femmes qu’elle dote elle-même et qu’elle dédie à saint Jean-Baptiste3,4. Il regroupe bientôt 300 moniales. Salaberge en fait ensuite un monastère double5 dont elle est la première abbesse.

La deuxième abbesse est sainte Astrude, fille de sainte Salaberge et de saint Blandin4.

Beaux-Arts [modifier]

Un tableau, que la tradition locale attribue au père de Nicolas Poussin, représente l’arrivée de sainte Salaberge à Laon. Il est conservé dans la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Laon6.

Notes et références [modifier]

1. ↑ Dominique Barthélemy, Rénovation d'une seigneurie : les chartes de Crécy-sur-Serre en Laonnois (1190), Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes, 1985, vol. 143, p. 240.

2. ↑ Ville de Laon, service archéologique, « Laon des origines à la Révolution »

3. ↑ Louis de Beaumont, « Salaberge (Sainte) », exultet

4. ↑ « Sainte Astrude », Les amis de saint Colomban

5. ↑ « Saint Bodon ou Saint Leudin (Leudinus-Bodo), viie siècle » Les amis de saint Colomban

↑ Xavier de Massary, « L'Arrivée de sainte Salaberge à Laon », Laon (02), Patrimoine de France (Outdated link)

Articles connexes

Liste des abbayes et monastères

From the French Wikipedia page on the Cathedrale de Notre-Dame de Laon:


Les édifices précédents

La cathédrale actuelle fut construite à l'emplacement d'un sanctuaire précédent édifié sous l'épiscopat de l'évêque Gerfrid, (774- †799). Ce premier monument, la cathédrale carolingienne, dédié en l'honneur du saint Sauveur et de sainte Marie, fut consacré le 6 septembre 800 en présence de Charlemagne2.

Une nouvelle église est reconstruite sous l'égide d'Élinand, promu évêque de Laon le 14 juin 1052. Le 25 décembre 1071, ce nouvel édifice fut inauguré lors du deuxième couronnement3 du futur roi Philippe Ier.

Cette cathédrale romane fut incendiée lors de l'insurrection communale survenue le jeudi 25 avril après Pâques de l'année 1112. Elle ne fut pas détruite et la dédicace de l'église réparée eut lieu en 1114 sous l'évêque Barthélemy de Jur.

Les étapes de l'édification de la cathédrale actuelle

La construction de l'édifice actuel fut initiée par l'évêque Gautier (Gauthier) de Mortagne. Elle débuta en 1155 et continua jusqu'en 1235.

In English:


Earlier Buildings

The present cathedral was built at the site of an earlier sanctuary built during the episcopate of Bishop Berfrid (774-799). The first construction, the Carolingian cathedral, dedicated in honor of St. Saviour and St. Mary, was consecrated on 6 September 800 in the presence of Charlemagne [2].

A new church was built on the site under the auspices of Elinand, who was promoted to Bishop of Laon 14 June 1052. On 25 December 1071, this new building was inaugurated at the second coronation [3] of the first King Philippe I.

This Romanesque cathedral burned during the communal uprising that took place on the Thursday after Easter, 25 April 1112. It was not destroyed in the fire, and repairs took place in 1114 under Bishop Bartholomew de Jur.

The construction of the present cathedral

The construction of the present building began under Bishop Walter (Gauthier) de Mortagne. It began in 1155, and continued until 1235.


2. ↑ Danielle Buschinger et André Crépin Amour, mariage et transgressions au Moyen Age, actes du colloque des 24, 25, 26 et 27 mars 1983 organisé par le Centre d'études médiévales, Université de Picardie, Kümmerle, 1984, p. 10

3. ↑ Élinand, évêque de Laon -------------------- Bron:

Vrouw: Hildegardis van Provence Ω 1 Geboren: ABT 800 1 Gestorven: ABT 850 1 Vader: ? Moeder: ? Aantekening: Meer


Volkomen hypothetisch: eventueel dochter van een Lodewijk van Provence-Geneve. (legendarische afstamming Van Arkel (Van der Sluijs))


Hildegarde van Provence en Geneva

(0804 - 0850)

Born: Between 0802 and 0804 Died: About 0850 Occupation (in Dutch): abdis van de Notre Dame en van de Saint-Jean de Laon Father: Louis Provence en Geneva Married (1): Boudewijn van Kleef en Teisterbant Children: 1. Robrecht van Kleef en Teisterbant ( - 0802)

II. Rotruda de Aquitania (abuela) nació el año de 803. Murió el 2-X-860. Casó, en 819, con Gerardo I de Auvernia (ver nota 4). Carlos "el Calvo", hermanastro de Rotruda, dió en feudo parte del territorio de Aquitania, a Gerardo de Auvernia, de tal modo que los condes de Auvernia y duques de Poitiers, recibieron el llamado segundo ducado de Aquitania (el primero era la Guyena, que quedó anexionado a la corona desde el año 967). Gerardo y Rotruda tuvieron por hijo a

(4) Gerardo I de Auvernia fue hijo de Geroldo III de Vitzgau y nieto de Imma de Alemania, que era biznieta de Teodorico III de Neustria y Santa Clotilde de Metz: ver Reyes Francos.

Rough google translation of above from the Spanish into English: II. Rotrude of Aquitaine (grandmother) was born the year of 803. He died on 2-X-860. Married, in 819, with Gerard I of Auvergne (see note 4). Carlos "the Bald" Rotrude-brother, gave a fief of the territory of Aquitaine, Gerard of Auvergne, so that the counts of Auvergne and Duke of Poitiers, were the so-called second Duchy of Aquitaine (the first was the Guyenne , which was annexed to the crown since the year 967). Gerardo and had as child Rotrude

(4) Gerard I of Auvergne was the son of Gerold III and grandson of Imma Vitzgau of Germany, who was granddaughter of Theodoric III of Neustria and Santa Clotilde de Metz: see Kings of the Franks.


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